6.3 KiB
+++ title = "tale-zola" description = "Tala-Zola is a minimal Zola theme helping you to build a nice and seo-ready blog." template = "theme.html" date = 2021-12-02T23:22:24+01:00
[extra] created = 2021-12-02T23:22:24+01:00 updated = 2021-12-02T23:22:24+01:00 repository = "https://github.com/aaranxu/tale-zola.git" homepage = "https://github.com/aaranxu/tale-zola" minimum_version = "0.13.0" license = "MIT" demo = "https://tale-zola.netlify.app/"
[extra.author] name = "Aaran Xu" homepage = "https://github.com/aaranxu" +++
Tale-Zola Theme
Tala-Zola is a minimal Zola theme helping you to build a light and seo-ready blog, and you can customise any information of the blog without having to modify the codes of the template. Tala-Zola is a port of the Jekyll theme Tale.
Before using the theme, you need to install the Zola ≥ 0.13.0.
Quick Start
git clone git@github.com:aaranxu/tale-zola.git
cd tale-zola
zola serve
# open in the browser
Just earlier we showed you how to run the theme directly. Now we start to install the theme in an existing site step by step.
Step 1: Create a new zola site
zola init blog
Step 2: Install Tale-Zola
Download this theme to your themes directory:
cd blog/themes
git clone git@github.com:aaranxu/tale-zola.git
Or install as a submodule:
cd blog
git init # if your project is a git repository already, ignore this command
git submodule add git@github.com:aaranxu/tale-zola.git themes/tale-zola
Step 3: Configuration
Enable the theme in your config.toml
in the site derectory:
theme = "tale-zola"
Or copy the config.toml.example
from the theme directory to your project's
root directory:
cp themes/tale-zola/config.toml.example config.toml
Step 4: Add new content
Add an _index.md
file to your content
directory with some lines as bellows.
sort_by = "date"
paginate_by = 5
Add a blog article file with a filename first-post.md
(or other filenames) and
input some content in it.
title = "First Post"
date = 2021-05-01T18:18:18+00:00
tags = ["Post"]
author = "Your Name"
This is my first post.
Or you can just copy the content from the theme directory to your project:
cp -r themes/tale-zola/content .
Step 5: Run the project
Just run zola serve
in the root path of the project:
zola serve
Tale-Zola will start the Zola development web server accessible by default at
. Saved changes will live reload in the browser.
You can customize your configurations, templates and content for yourself. Look
at the config.toml
, theme.toml
and templates files in this repo for an idea.
In most cases you only need to modify the content in the config.toml
file to
custom your blog, including different expressions in your speaking language.
Necessary Configurations
Add some information for your blog.
title = "You Blog Title"
description = "The description of your blog."
Set the tags for the site.
taxonomies = [
{name = "tags"},
Add menus and footer information for your blog.
# Menu items
name = "Posts"
url = "/"
name = "Tags"
url = "tags"
name = "About"
url = "about"
start_year = "2020" # start year of the site
end_year = "2021" # end year of the site
info = "The information on the footer."
Option Configurations
Add your name as the author name for the blog globally.
author = "Your Name"
Use Google Analytics. Add your own Google Analytics ID.
google_analytics = "UA—XXXXXXXX-X"
Whether to use Disqus globally and set to your disqus id name.
And you can enable the disqus on per post page with extra.disqus
disqus = false
disqus_id = ""
Code syntax highlighting. See also syntax hightlighting.
highlight_code = true
highlight_theme = "base16-ocean-light"
Use KaTeX to support the math notation
katex = true
Note: You can also add the
option on per mardown file of the page or section.
Set date format in the site
timeformat = "%B %e, %Y" # e.g. June 14, 2021, and this is the default format
SEO settings, like Open Graph + Twitter Cards
# this image will be used as fallback if a page has no image of its own
image = "tale.png"
image_height = 50
image_width = 50
og_locale = "en_US"
site = "twitter_accout"
creator = "twitter_accout"
admins = "facebook_accout"
publisher = "facebook_accout"
Change the words in your speaking language.
home = "Home" # The homepage's name
pinned = "Pinned" # On the header of the post list
written_by = "Written by" # Like: Written by Aaran Xu
on = "on" # Like: on May 3, 2021
top = "Top" # Go to the top of the page in the post
tags = "Tags" # In the page of Tags
# disqus comments block
disqus_discussion = "Discussion and feedback"
# The contents of the 404 page
p404 = "404: Page not found"
p404_info = "Oops! We can't seem to find the page you are looking for."
p404_back_home_start = "Let's"
p404_back_home_with_link = "head back home"
p404_back_home_end = "."
Custom CSS styles
Just add your own styles to sass/_custom.scss
Reporting Issues
We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the Tale-Zola. Please search existing issues. It’s possible someone has already reported the same problem.
If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, open a new issue.
We'd love your help! Please see CONTRIBUTING.md to learn about the kinds of contributions we're looking for.
Tale-Zola is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.