Vincent Prouillet cec01e6f48
Update themes gallery (#2425)
Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <action@github.com>
2024-02-04 22:39:07 +01:00

101 lines
3.8 KiB

title = "polymathic"
description = "A portfolio theme for person of many talents"
template = "theme.html"
date = 2024-01-25T10:41:35+02:00
created = 2024-01-25T10:41:35+02:00
updated = 2024-01-25T10:41:35+02:00
repository = "https://github.com/anvlkv/polymathic"
homepage = "https://github.com/anvlkv/polymathic"
minimum_version = "0.17.2"
license = "MIT"
demo = "https://main--polymathic-demo.netlify.app/"
name = "Aleksandr Novolokov"
homepage = "https://a.nvlkv.xyz"
# polymathic
<a href="https://www.producthunt.com/posts/polymathic?utm_source=badge-featured&utm_medium=badge&utm_souce=badge-polymathic" target="_blank"><img src="https://api.producthunt.com/widgets/embed-image/v1/featured.svg?post_id=422530&theme=light" alt="polymathic - Zola&#0032;portfolio&#0032;theme&#0032;for&#0032;those&#0032;with&#0032;many&#0032;talents | Product Hunt" style="width: 250px; height: 54px;" width="250" height="54" /></a>
polymathic is a [Zola](https://www.getzola.org/) portfolio theme.
I made it for my own portfolio. The theme is called `polymathic`, inspired by individuals with a wide range of talents. The theme focuses on rich and consistent navigation experience, exposing the variety of topics to chose from, yet allowing the user to focus on a single thread of your story once they've made a choice.
Docs and theme demo are available here [main--polymathic-demo.netlify.app](https://main--polymathic-demo.netlify.app/)
This theme uses [Bulma](https://bulma.io/) scss framework, making the theme styles highly customizable and enabling mobile first theme design.
This theme uses [Animate.css](https://animate.style) for animations.
This theme adds minimal [Open Graph](https://ogp.me/) tags to every page `head`.
You can quickly deploy the theme to [netlify](https://docs.netlify.com/site-deploys/create-deploys/), theme comes with a config file.
## Features
See all features [demonstrated in the docs](https://main--polymathic-demo.netlify.app/features).
### Media support
The theme is friendly to wide range of screen sizes from `mobile` to `fullhd`. Theme comes with minimal styles for `print` media.
#### Dark mode
Theme includes preference based dark mode as separate stylesheet. No switch.
#### Accessibility
This theme automatically finds accessible colors when using customizations, with minimal config.
This theme supports no script environments.
This theme respects user preference for reduced motion.
### Navigation
This theme builds navigation for your site. The outcome is highly customizable via your `config.toml` and front-matter of your sections.
### Templates
The theme comes with templates for `index.html`, `page.html`, `section.html`, `taxonomy_list.html`, `taxonomy_single.html`, `404.html`. You can use them in your Zola project as is or by extending them, templates are divided in `block`s and `partials/*.html` for convenience of extending the theme.
### Brand and style
The theme is highly customizable via `config.toml` and sass variables. Your customization can start from just the primary color or extend all the way to bulma variables.
### Shortcodes
The theme comes with several shortcodes for building forms, galleries, navigation cards and banners.
## Install
Once you already have zola installed and ran `zola init`, then run from your project directory
$ git init
$ git submodule add https://github.com/anvlkv/polymathic themes/polymathic
You will also need [npm](https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm) installed, then run
$ npm --prefix themes/polymathic install
For those using netlify deployments config is available here
$ cp themes/polymathic/netlify.toml netlify.toml
In your `config.toml` Set zola theme to polymathic
theme = "polymathic"
## Contributing
Issues or contributions are welcome. Also, curious what you make with it.