4.6 KiB
+++ title = "anatole-zola" description = "A port of farbox-theme-Anatole for zola" template = "theme.html" date = 2021-09-07T11:12:53+03:00
[extra] created = 2021-09-07T11:12:53+03:00 updated = 2021-09-07T11:12:53+03:00 repository = "https://github.com/longfangsong/anatole-zola.git" homepage = "https://github.com/longfangsong/anatole-zola" minimum_version = "0.4.0" license = "MIT" demo = "https://longfangsong.github.io"
[extra.author] name = "longfangsong" homepage = "https://github.com/longfangsong" +++
Anatole Theme for Zola
Port Anatole theme for farbox to Zola.
You can view my blog for an example configuation, with customizations.
First download this theme to your themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone https://github.com/longfangsong/anatole-zola.git
and then enable it in your config.toml
theme = "anatole-zola"
And copy the content/about
, content/archive
, content/_index.md
in the theme folder to your own content folder. And edit the _index.md
in about
folder to edit the content of your about
Add title
, description
and base_url
title = "Anatole"
description = "A other zola theme"
base_url = "https://example.com"
Currently, we have English and Chinese translation, set the default_language
if necessary:
# 如果你想要中文
default_language = "zh"
It's sad that transations in themes are not working, you can copy these to your config.toml
about = "About"
home = "Home"
tags = "Tags"
archive = "Archive"
links = "Links"
next_page = "Next Page"
last_page = "Last Page"
home = "首页"
about = "关于"
tags = "标签"
archive = "归档"
links = "友链"
next_page = "下一页"
last_page = "上一页"
Feel free to create a pull request if you want to translate the promotes into other languages!
Tags and links sections are optional.
If you want to enable the tags page, add
taxonomies = [ {name = "tags"}, ] [extra.show] tags = true
To your
If you want to enable the links page, add
[extra.show] links = true
and copy
to your owncontent
library. And edit the_index.md
in it to edit its content. -
If you want to add the author's name on each page, add:
[extra] author = "John Doe"
Sidebar menu
We support a bunch of social links, they are:
github = ""
twitter = ""
facebook = ""
instagram = ""
dribbble = ""
weibo = ""
linkedin = ""
flickr = ""
Fill in your username if you want! And the logo won't appear if you leave it empty.
Comment system
We currently support valine:
appid = "Your appid goes here"
appkey = "Your appkey goes here"
notify = false # true/false: mail notify https://github.com/xCss/Valine/wiki/Valine-%E8%AF%84%E8%AE%BA%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F%E4%B8%AD%E7%9A%84%E9%82%AE%E4%BB%B6%E6%8F%90%E9%86%92%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE
verify = false # true/false: verify code
avatar = "mm" # avatar style https://github.com/xCss/Valine/wiki/avatar-setting-for-valine
placeholder = "Say something here"
disqus, note disqus does not work in Mainland China:
name = "longfangsong"
And utterances:
repo = "Your repo for comments"
issue_term = "pathname"
theme = "github-light"
There are several points I left in the origin templates for you to customize your site.
More style
You can create a blog.scss
or something similiar in the your sass
folder, add a templates.html
with following content:
{%/* extends "anatole-zola/templates/basic.html" */%}
{%/* block extra_head */%}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{/* get_url(path="blog.css") */}}">
{%/* endblock */%}
More social links
You can add more social links by adding a templates.html
with some content added to more_social_link
{%/* extends "anatole-zola/templates/basic.html" */%}
{%/* block more_social_link */%}
<div id="pirate" data-wordart-src="//cdn.wordart.com/json/685czi4rqil5" style="width: 100%;" data-wordart-show-attribution></div>
{%/* endblock */%}
If you want to use some awsome logos, font awsome icons are already available.