gornekich d92b0a82cc
NFC refactoring (#3050)
"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." we started NFC subsystem refactoring.


- @gornekich - NFC refactoring project lead, architect, senior developer
- @gsurkov - architect, senior developer
- @RebornedBrain - senior developer

Supporting roles:

- @skotopes, @DrZlo13, @hedger - general architecture advisors, code review
- @Astrrra, @doomwastaken, @Hellitron, @ImagineVagon333 - quality assurance

Special thanks:

@bettse, @pcunning, @nxv, @noproto, @AloneLiberty and everyone else who has been helping us all this time and contributing valuable knowledges, ideas and source code.
2023-10-24 12:08:09 +09:00

38 lines
2.4 KiB

# Structure
- `FreeRTOS-Kernel` - FreeRTOS kernel source code
- `FreeRTOS-glue` - Extra glue to hold together FreeRTOS kernel and flipper firmware
- `app-scened-template` - C++ app library
- `callback-connector` - Callback connector library
- `cmsis_core` - CMSIS Core package, contain cortex-m core headers
- `cxxheaderparser` - C++ headers parser, used by SDK bundler
- `digital_signal` - Digital signal library: used by NFC for software implemented protocols
- `drivers` - Various flipper drivers
- `fatfs` - FatFS file system driver
- `flipper_application` - Flipper application library, used for FAPs
- `flipper_format` - Flipper File Format library
- `fnv1a-hash` - FNV-1a hash library
- `heatshrink` - Heatshrink compression library
- `ibutton` - ibutton library, used by iButton application
- `infrared` - Infrared library, used by Infrared application
- `lfrfid` - LF-RFID library, used by LF RFID application
- `libusb_stm32` - LibUSB for STM32 series MCU
- `littlefs` - LittleFS file system driver, used by internal storage
- `mbedtls` - MbedTLS cryptography library
- `micro-ecc` - MicroECC cryptography library
- `microtar` - MicroTAR library
- `mlib` - M-Lib C containers library
- `nanopb` - NanoPB library, protobuf implementation for MCU
- `nfc` - NFC library, used by NFC application
- `one_wire` - OneWire library, used by iButton application
- `print` - Tiny printf implementation
- `digital_signal` - Digital Signal library used by NFC for software implemented protocols
- `pulse_reader` - Pulse Reader library used by NFC for software implemented protocols
- `qrcode` - QR-Code library
- `stm32wb_cmsis` - STM32WB series CMSIS headers, extends CMSIS Core
- `stm32wb_copro` - STM32WB Copro library: contains WPAN and radio co-processor firmware
- `stm32wb_hal` - STM32WB HAL library, extends STM32WB CMSIS and provides HAL
- `subghz` - Subghz library, used by SubGhz application
- `toolbox` - Toolbox library, contains various things that is used by flipper firmware
- `u8g2` - u8g2 graphics library, used by GUI subsystem
- `update_util` - update utilities library, used by updater