- Board-dependend code for RPXLITE and RPXCLASSIC-based boards
placed to the drivers/rpx_pmcia.c file to avoid duplication.
Same for TQM8xx-based boards (drivers/tqm8xx_pmcia.c).
- drivers/i82365.c has been split into two parts located at
board/atc/ti113x.c and board/cpc45/pd67290.c (ATC and CPC45 are
the only boards using CONFIG_82365).
- Changes were tested for clean build and *very* *few* boards.
Using external watchdog for KUP4 boards in mpc8xx/cpu.c;
load_sernum_ethaddr() for KUP4 boards in lib_ppc/board.c;
various changes to KUP4 board specific files