- add a return value for the fpga command
- add ide_preinit() function called in ide_init if CONFIG_IDE_PREINIT
is defined. If ide_preinit fails, ide_init is aborted.
- fix an endianess problem in fat.h
- Add support for Altera FPGA ACEX1K
* Patches by Thomas Lange, 09 Oct 2003:
- Endian swap ATA identity for all big endian CPUs, not just PPC
- MIPS only: New option CONFIG_MEMSIZE_IN_BYTES for passing memsize
args to linux
- add support for dbau1x00 board (MIPS32)
- fix cmd_ide.c for non ppc boards (read/write functions did not
add ATA base address)
- fix for shannon board
- #ifdef CONFIG_IDE_8xx_DIRECT some otherwise unused code
* Patch by Sangmoon Kim, 07 Oct 2003:
add support for debris board
- remove trailing white space, trailing empty lines, C++ comments, etc.
- split cmd_boot.c (separate cmd_bdinfo.c and cmd_load.c)
* Patches by Kenneth Johansson, 25 Jun 2003:
- major rework of command structure
(work done mostly by Michal Cendrowski and Joakim Kristiansen)
- Splashscreen support
- modem support
- sysmon support
- temperature dependend enabling of LCD
* Allow booting from old "PPCBoot" disk partitions
* Add support for TQM8255 Board / MPC8255 CPU
* Patch by Erwin Rol, 27 Feb 2003:
Add support for RTEMS
* Add image information to README
* Fix dual PCMCIA slot support (when running with just one
slot populated)
* Add VFD type detection to trab board
* extend drivers/cs8900.c driver to synchronize ethaddr environment
variable with value in the EEPROM
* Start adding MIPS support files
Add code for AmigaOne board
(preliminary merge to U-Boot, still WIP)
* Patch by Jon Diekema, 12 Nov 2002:
- Adding URL for IEEE OUI lookup
- Making the autoboot #defines dependent on CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYED
being defined.
- In the CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS #define, the root-on-initrd and
root-on-nfs macros are designed to switch how the default boot
method gets defined.
Add support for i386 architecture and AMD SC520 board
* Patch by Pierre Aubert, 12 Nov 2002:
Add support for DOS filesystem and booting from DOS floppy disk