2019-06-22 20:54:43 -07:00

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Asynchronous and expressive database client in pure Rust

This is an experiment being worked on in stages. The first stage will be a very low-level, generic database driver (hopefully) capable of basic execution of simple queries.


What follows is experimental usage (for thinking on API design) that is not currently implemented.


use sqlx::pg::Connection;

async fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
    // this will likely be something like eventually:
    //  sqlx::Connection::<Pg>::establish(...)

    let mut conn = Connection::establish(ConnectOptions::new().user("postgres")).await?;
    // or: Connection::establish("postgres://postgres@localhost/").await?;
    // or: ConnectOptions::new().user("postgres").establish().await?;

    // Execute a "simple" query. Can consist of N statements separated by semicolons.
    // No results are returned.

    conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL );")

    // prepare() -> Statement
    //  - A `Statement` can be cached and re-bound later for improved performance
    conn.prepare("SELECT id FROM users WHERE name ilike $1")
        // bind() -> Cursor (named [Cursor] in mysql or sqlite but [Portal] in postgres)
        // execute() -> u64
        //  - execute may be used instead of fetch to ignore all results and only
        //    return the "affected" rows
        // fetch() -> Stream<Item = Row>

    // Close is not strictly needed but this makes sure any pending writes to the connection
    // are flushed and gracefully closes the connection




  • AsyncDrop - Many of the envisoned APIs would greatly benefit from something like this. There are cases where an object must be closed or it would be a memory leak (in either the client or server). I intended to provide both an async fn close() and a sync Drop impl that blocks the thread and shouts a warning.. but that is obviously not ideal.


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