crawl3r41 45a14e9760
I added instructions on how to install SET on WSL/WSL2 Kali Linux. I was using Kali Linux on WSL2. I tried installing SET using the given instructions, but pip3 isn't installed.
I used "apt search set" and found it. I just thought it would be nice if there's instruction on how to install SET on WSL/WSL2 Kali Linux.
2021-04-04 08:54:26 +08:00

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💼   The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)   💼

Copyright 2020 The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)

Written by: David Kennedy (ReL1K) @HackingDave

Company: TrustedSec

DISCLAIMER: This is only for testing purposes and can only be used where strict consent has been given. Do not use this for illegal purposes, period.

Please read the LICENSE under readme/LICENSE for the licensing of SET.

📖   SET Tutorial   📖

For a full document on how to use SET, visit the SET user manual.

💻   Features   💻

The Social-Engineer Toolkit is an open-source penetration testing framework designed for social engineering. SET has a number of custom attack vectors that allow you to make a believable attack quickly. SET is a product of TrustedSec, LLC an information security consulting firm located in Cleveland, Ohio.

Bugs and enhancements

For bug reports or enhancements, please open an issue here.

Supported platforms

  • Linux 🐧
  • Mac OS X 🍎

📥   Installation   📥

Resolve dependencies

Ubuntu/Debian System

  • Linux
  • Mac OS X (experimental)


Install via requirements.txt

pip3 install -r requirements.txt python

Install on Windows 10 WSL/WSL2 Kali Linux

sudo apt install set -y

Kali Linux on Windows 10 is a minimal installation so it doesn't have any tools installed. You can easily install Social Engineer Toolkit on WSL/WSL2 without needing pip using the above command.

Install SET

All OSs

git clone setoolkit/
cd setoolkit
pip3 install -r requirements.txt