To begin working on an issue, simply leave a comment indicating that you're taking it on. There's no need to be officially assigned to the issue before you start.
- Run the following command to install dependencies inside the desktop-app directory.
- This will start the app for local development with live reloading.
yarn dev
## Running Tests
It is crucial to test your code before submitting a pull request. Please ensure that you can make a complete production build before you submit your code for merging.
- Build the project
yarn build
- Now test your code using the following command
yarn test
Make sure the tests have successfully passed.
## Pull Request
🎉 Now that you're ready to submit your code for merging, there are some points to keep in mind.
- Fill your PR description template accordingly.
- Have an appropriate title and description.
- Include relevant screenshots/gifs.
- If your PR fixes some issue, be sure to add this line with the issue **in the body** of the Pull Request description.
Fixes #00000
- If your PR is referencing an issue
Refs #00000
- Ensure that "Allow edits from maintainers" option is checked.
## Community
Need help on a solution from fellow contributors or want to discuss about a feature/issue?