## Contributing Contributions are welcome and always appreciated! To begin working on an issue, simply leave a comment indicating that you're taking it on. There's no need to be officially assigned to the issue before you start. ### Before Starting Do keep in mind before you start working on an issue / posting a PR: - Search existing PRs related to that issue which might close them - Confirm if other contributors are working on the same issue ### Tips & Things to Consider - We are active in Discord and can help out if you get stuck, [join us!](https://responsively.app/join-discord) - PRs with tests are highly appreciated - Avoid adding third party libraries, whenever possible - Unless you are helping out by updating dependencies, you should not be uploading your yarn.lock or updating any dependencies in your PR - If you are unsure where to start, contact us and we will point you to a first good issue ## Run Locally Ensure you have the following dependencies installed: - Install `node` and `yarn` - Configure your IDE to support ESLint and Prettier extensions. After having above installed, proceed through the following steps to setup the codebase locally. - Fork the project & [clone](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/cloning-a-repository) it locally. ![fork-project](https://github.com/responsively-org/responsively-app/assets/87022870/2cae8b2a-850c-4f80-8ede-32eba622a854) - Create a new separate branch. ```bash git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME ``` - Go to the desktop-app directory. ```bash cd desktop-app ``` - Run the following command to install dependencies inside the desktop-app directory. ```bash yarn ``` - This will start the app for local development with live reloading. ```bash yarn dev ``` ## Running Tests It is crucial to test your code before submitting a pull request. Please ensure that you can make a complete production build before you submit your code for merging. - Build the project ```bash yarn build ``` - Now test your code using the following command ```bash yarn test ``` Make sure the tests have successfully passed. ## Pull Request 🎉 Now that you're ready to submit your code for merging, there are some points to keep in mind. - Fill your PR description template accordingly. - Have an appropriate title and description. - Include relevant screenshots/gifs. - If your PR fixes some issue, be sure to add this line with the issue **in the body** of the Pull Request description. ```text Fixes #00000 ``` - If your PR is referencing an issue ```text Refs #00000 ``` - Ensure that "Allow edits from maintainers" option is checked. ## Community Need help on a solution from fellow contributors or want to discuss about a feature/issue? Join our [Discord](https://responsively.app/join-discord)!