2023-10-23 04:06:53 -07:00

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Breaking Changes

This document contains a list of breaking changes in each version and some notes to help migrate between versions. It is compile manually from the commit history and changelog. We also tag PRs on github with a breaking change label.


This is a quick summary of the sections below:

  • v0.24.0
    • ScrollbarState: position, content_length, and viewport_content_length are now usize
    • BorderType: line_symbols is now border_symbols and returns symbols::border::set
    • Frame<'a, B: Backend> is now Frame<'a>
    • Stylize shorthands for String now consume the value and return Span<'static>
    • Spans is removed
  • v0.23.0
    • Scrollbar: track_symbol now takes Option<&str>
    • Scrollbar: symbols moved to symbols module
    • MSRV is now 1.67.0
  • v0.22.0
    • serde representation of Borders and Modifiers has changed
  • v0.21.0
    • MSRV is now 1.65.0
    • terminal::ViewPort is now an enum
    • "".as_ref() must be annotated to implement Into<Text<'a>>
    • Marker::Block renders as a block char instead of a bar char
  • v0.20.0
    • MSRV is now 1.63.0
    • List no longer ignores empty strings


ScrollbarState field type changed from u16 to usize (#456)

In order to support larger content lengths, the position, content_length and viewport_content_length methods on ScrollbarState now take usize instead of u16

BorderType::line_symbols renamed to border_symbols (#529)

Applications can now set custom borders on a Block by calling border_set(). The BorderType::line_symbols() is renamed to border_symbols() and now returns a new struct symbols::border::Set. E.g.:

let line_set: symbols::line::Set = BorderType::line_symbols(BorderType::Plain);
// becomes
let border_set: symbols::border::Set = BorderType::border_symbols(BorderType::Plain);

Generic Backend parameter removed from Frame (#530)

Frame is no longer generic over Backend. Code that accepted Frame<Backend> will now need to accept Frame. To migrate existing code, remove any generic parameters from code that uses an instance of a Frame. E.g.:

fn ui<B: Backend>(frame: &mut Frame<B>) { ... }
// becomes
fn ui(frame: Frame) { ... }

Stylize shorthands now consume rather than borrow String (#466)

In order to support using Stylize shorthands (e.g. "foo".red()) on temporary String values, a new implementation of Stylize was added that returns a Span<'static>. This causes the value to be consumed rather than borrowed. Existing code that expects to use the string after a call will no longer compile. E.g.

let s = String::new("foo");
let span1 = s.red();
let span2 = s.blue(); // will no longer compile as s is consumed by the previous line
// becomes
let span1 = s.clone().red();
let span2 = s.blue();

Deprecated Spans type removed (replaced with Line) (#426)

Spans was replaced with Line in 0.21.0. Buffer::set_spans was replaced with Buffer::set_line.

let spans = Spans::from(some_string_str_span_or_vec_span);
buffer.set_spans(0, 0, spans, 10);
// becomes
let line - Line::from(some_string_str_span_or_vec_span);
buffer.set_line(0, 0, line, 10);


Scrollbar::track_symbol() now takes an Option<&str> instead of &str (#360)

The track symbol of Scrollbar is now optional, this method now takes an optional value.

let scrollbar = Scrollbar::default().track_symbol("|");
// becomes
let scrollbar = Scrollbar::default().track_symbol(Some("|"));

Scrollbar symbols moved to symbols::scrollbar and widgets::scrollbar module is private (#330)

The symbols for defining scrollbars have been moved to the symbols module from the widgets::scrollbar module which is no longer public. To update your code update any imports to the new module locations. E.g.:

use ratatui::{widgets::scrollbar::{Scrollbar, Set}};
// becomes
use ratatui::{widgets::Scrollbar, symbols::scrollbar::Set} 

MSRV updated to 1.67 (#361)

The MSRV of ratatui is now 1.67 due to an MSRV update in a dependency (time).


bitflags updated to 2.3 (#205)

The serde representation of bitflags has changed. Any existing serialized types that have Borders or Modifiers will need to be re-serialized. This is documented in the bitflags changelog..


MSRV is 1.65.0 (#171)

The minimum supported rust version is now 1.65.0.

Terminal::with_options() stabilized to allow configuring the viewport (#114)

In order to support inline viewports, the unstable method Terminal::with_options() was stabilized and ViewPort was changed from a struct to an enum.

let terminal = Terminal::with_options(backend, TerminalOptions {
    viewport: Viewport::fixed(area),
// becomes
let terminal = Terminal::with_options(backend, TerminalOptions {
    viewport: Viewport::Fixed(area),

Code that binds Into<Text<'a>> now requires type annotations (#168)

A new type Masked was introduced that implements From<Text<'a>>. This causes any code that did previously did not need to use type annotations to fail to compile. To fix this, annotate or call to_string() / to_owned() / as_str() on the value. E.g.:

let paragraph = Paragraph::new("".as_ref());
// becomes
let paragraph = Paragraph::new("".as_str());

Marker::Block now renders as a block rather than a bar character (#133)

Code using the Block marker that previously rendered using a half block character ('▀'``) now renders using the full block character ('█'). A new marker variantBar` is introduced to replace the existing code.

let canvas = Canvas::default().marker(Marker::Block);
// becomes
let canvas = Canvas::default().marker(Marker::Bar);


v0.20.0 was the first release of Ratatui - versions prior to this were release as tui-rs. See the Changelog for more details.

MSRV is update to 1.63.0 (#80)

The minimum supported rust version is 1.63.0

List no longer ignores empty string in items (#42)

The following code now renders 3 items instead of 2. Code which relies on the previous behavior will need to manually filter empty items prior to display.

let items = vec![
    ListItem::new("line one"),
    ListItem::new("line four"),