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synced 2025-03-03 22:47:17 +00:00
Filling out remaining data so Models have complete associations. Data and models added for: Pokemon Moves Pal Park Berries Regions Pokeathlon Contests SuperContests Items Encounters Locations
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1 | contest_effect_id | local_language_id | flavor_text | effect |
2 | 1 | 9 | A highly appealing move. | Gives a high number of appeal points wth no other effects. |
3 | 2 | 9 | Affected by how well the appeal in front goes. | If the Pokémon that appealed before the user earned less than three appeal points, user earns six; if three, user earns three; if more than three, user earns none. |
4 | 3 | 9 | After this move, the user is more easily startled. | If the user is jammed this turn after using this move, it will receive twice as many jam points. |
5 | 4 | 9 | Badly startles the Pokémon in front. | Attempts to jam the Pokémon that appealed before the user. |
6 | 5 | 9 | Badly startles those that have made appeals. | Attempts to jam all Pokémon that have appealed this turn. |
7 | 6 | 9 | Jams the others, and misses one turn of appeals. | Attempts to jam the other Pokémon. The user cannot make an appeal on the next turn, but it cannot be jammed either. |
8 | 7 | 9 | Makes a great appeal, but allows no more to the end. | User cannot make any more appeals for the remainder of the contest. |
9 | 8 | 9 | Startles all Pokémon that have done their appeals. | Attempts to jam all Pokémon that have appealed this turn. |
10 | 9 | 9 | Startles the Pokémon that appealed before the user. | Attempts to jam the Pokémon that appealed before the user. |
11 | 10 | 9 | Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention. | Attempts to jam all Pokémon that have appealed this turn. If a Pokémon is in combo standby status, it is jammed 5 points instead of 1. |
12 | 11 | 9 | The appeal works best the more the crowd is excited. | If the Applause meter is empty or at one, earns one point; if two, earns three points; if three, earns four points; if four, earns six points. |
13 | 12 | 9 | Works well if it's the same type as the one before. | If the last Pokémon's appeal is the same type as this move, user earns six points instead of two. |
14 | 13 | 9 | An appeal that excites the audience in any contest. | Always adds a point to the applause meter, regardless of whether the move matches the contest, and can likewise gain the applause bonus. |
15 | 14 | 9 | Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals. | Attempts to jam all Pokémon that have appealed this turn for half their appeal points (minimum 1). |
16 | 15 | 9 | Can avoid being startled by others. | Prevents jamming for the rest of this turn. |
17 | 16 | 9 | Can avoid being startled by others once. | Prevents the next jam on this turn. |
18 | 17 | 9 | Can be repeatedly used without boring the judge. | Repeated use does not incur a penalty. |
19 | 18 | 9 | Makes all Pokémon after the user nervous. | Attempts to make all following Pokémon nervous (and thus unable to appeal). |
20 | 19 | 9 | Makes the appeal as good as the one before it. | User earns appeal points equal to the points the previous Pokémon earned plus one. |
21 | 20 | 9 | Makes the appeal as good as those before it. | User earns appeal points equal to half the points ALL the previous Pokémon earned plus one. |
22 | 21 | 9 | Scrambles up the order of appeals on the next turn. | Shuffles the next turn's turn order. |
23 | 22 | 9 | Shifts the judge's attention from others. | Cancels combo standby status for all Pokémon that have appealed this turn. |
24 | 23 | 9 | Startles Pokémon that made a same-type appeal. | Attempts to jam all Pokémon that have appealed this turn. If a Pokémon used the same type move as this one, it is jammed for 4 points instead of 1. |
25 | 24 | 9 | Temporarily stops the crowd from getting excited. | Prevents the Applause Meter from rising for the rest of the turn. |
26 | 25 | 9 | The appeal's quality depends on its timing. | Randomly earns one, two, four, or eight points. |
27 | 26 | 9 | The appeal works better the later it is performed. | If user appeals first this turn, earns one point; if second, two points; if third, four points; if last, six points. |
28 | 27 | 9 | The appeal works great if performed first. | If user appeals first this turn, earns six points instead of two. |
29 | 28 | 9 | The appeal works great if performed last. | If user appeals last this turn, earns six points instead of two. |
30 | 29 | 9 | The appeal works well if the user's condition is good. | If user has no stars, earns one point; if one, three points; if two, five points; if three, seven points. This does not include the appeal point bonus the stars give. |
31 | 30 | 9 | The next appeal can be made earlier next turn. | User will go first next turn. |
32 | 31 | 9 | The next appeal can be made later next turn. | User will go last next turn. |
33 | 32 | 9 | Ups the user's condition. Helps prevent nervousness. | User gains one star. |
34 | 33 | 9 | Worsens the condition of those that made appeals. | Removes all stars from all Pokémon that have appealed this turn. |