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* @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com>
* @copyright 2016 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License}
* An Animation instance contains a single animation and the controls to play it.
* It is created by the AnimationManager, consists of Animation.Frame objects and belongs to a single Game Object such as a Sprite.
* @class Phaser.Animation
* @constructor
* @param {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running game.
* @param {Phaser.Sprite} parent - A reference to the owner of this Animation.
* @param {string} name - The unique name for this animation, used in playback commands.
* @param {Phaser.FrameData} frameData - The FrameData object that contains all frames used by this Animation.
* @param {number[]|string[]} frames - An array of numbers or strings indicating which frames to play in which order.
* @param {number} [frameRate=60] - The speed at which the animation should play. The speed is given in frames per second.
* @param {boolean} [loop=false] - Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once.
Phaser.Animation = function (game, parent, name, frameData, frames, frameRate, loop) {
if (loop === undefined) { loop = false; }
* @property {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running Game.
this.game = game;
* @property {Phaser.Sprite} _parent - A reference to the parent Sprite that owns this Animation.
* @private
this._parent = parent;
* @property {Phaser.FrameData} _frameData - The FrameData the Animation uses.
* @private
this._frameData = frameData;
* @property {string} name - The user defined name given to this Animation.
this.name = name;
* @property {array} _frames
* @private
this._frames = [];
this._frames = this._frames.concat(frames);
* @property {number} delay - The delay in ms between each frame of the Animation, based on the given frameRate.
this.delay = 1000 / frameRate;
* @property {boolean} loop - The loop state of the Animation.
this.loop = loop;
* @property {number} loopCount - The number of times the animation has looped since it was last started.
this.loopCount = 0;
* @property {boolean} killOnComplete - Should the parent of this Animation be killed when the animation completes?
* @default
this.killOnComplete = false;
* @property {boolean} isFinished - The finished state of the Animation. Set to true once playback completes, false during playback.
* @default
this.isFinished = false;
* @property {boolean} isPlaying - The playing state of the Animation. Set to false once playback completes, true during playback.
* @default
this.isPlaying = false;
* @property {boolean} isPaused - The paused state of the Animation.
* @default
this.isPaused = false;
* @property {boolean} _pauseStartTime - The time the animation paused.
* @private
* @default
this._pauseStartTime = 0;
* @property {number} _frameIndex
* @private
* @default
this._frameIndex = 0;
* @property {number} _frameDiff
* @private
* @default
this._frameDiff = 0;
* @property {number} _frameSkip
* @private
* @default
this._frameSkip = 1;
* @property {Phaser.Frame} currentFrame - The currently displayed frame of the Animation.
this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]);
* @property {Phaser.Signal} onStart - This event is dispatched when this Animation starts playback.
this.onStart = new Phaser.Signal();
* This event is dispatched when the Animation changes frame.
* By default this event is disabled due to its intensive nature. Enable it with: `Animation.enableUpdate = true`.
* Note that the event is only dispatched with the current frame. In a low-FPS environment Animations
* will automatically frame-skip to try and claw back time, so do not base your code on expecting to
* receive a perfectly sequential set of frames from this event.
* @property {Phaser.Signal|null} onUpdate
* @default
this.onUpdate = null;
* @property {Phaser.Signal} onComplete - This event is dispatched when this Animation completes playback. If the animation is set to loop this is never fired, listen for onLoop instead.
this.onComplete = new Phaser.Signal();
* @property {Phaser.Signal} onLoop - This event is dispatched when this Animation loops.
this.onLoop = new Phaser.Signal();
* @property {boolean} isReversed - Indicates if the animation will play backwards.
* @default
this.isReversed = false;
// Set-up some event listeners
this.game.onPause.add(this.onPause, this);
this.game.onResume.add(this.onResume, this);
Phaser.Animation.prototype = {
* Plays this animation.
* @method Phaser.Animation#play
* @param {number} [frameRate=null] - The framerate to play the animation at. The speed is given in frames per second. If not provided the previously set frameRate of the Animation is used.
* @param {boolean} [loop=false] - Should the animation be looped after playback. If not provided the previously set loop value of the Animation is used.
* @param {boolean} [killOnComplete=false] - If set to true when the animation completes (only happens if loop=false) the parent Sprite will be killed.
* @return {Phaser.Animation} - A reference to this Animation instance.
play: function (frameRate, loop, killOnComplete) {
if (typeof frameRate === 'number')
// If they set a new frame rate then use it, otherwise use the one set on creation
this.delay = 1000 / frameRate;
if (typeof loop === 'boolean')
// If they set a new loop value then use it, otherwise use the one set on creation
this.loop = loop;
if (typeof killOnComplete !== 'undefined')
// Remove the parent sprite once the animation has finished?
this.killOnComplete = killOnComplete;
this.isPlaying = true;
this.isFinished = false;
this.paused = false;
this.loopCount = 0;
this._timeLastFrame = this.game.time.time;
this._timeNextFrame = this.game.time.time + this.delay;
this._frameIndex = this.isReversed ? this._frames.length - 1 : 0;
this.updateCurrentFrame(false, true);
this._parent.events.onAnimationStart$dispatch(this._parent, this);
this.onStart.dispatch(this._parent, this);
this._parent.animations.currentAnim = this;
this._parent.animations.currentFrame = this.currentFrame;
return this;
* Sets this animation back to the first frame and restarts the animation.
* @method Phaser.Animation#restart
restart: function () {
this.isPlaying = true;
this.isFinished = false;
this.paused = false;
this.loopCount = 0;
this._timeLastFrame = this.game.time.time;
this._timeNextFrame = this.game.time.time + this.delay;
this._frameIndex = 0;
this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]);
this._parent.animations.currentAnim = this;
this._parent.animations.currentFrame = this.currentFrame;
this.onStart.dispatch(this._parent, this);
* Reverses the animation direction.
* @method Phaser.Animation#reverse
* @return {Phaser.Animation} The animation instance.
reverse: function () {
this.reversed = !this.reversed;
return this;
* Reverses the animation direction for the current/next animation only
* Once the onComplete event is called this method will be called again and revert
* the reversed state.
* @method Phaser.Animation#reverseOnce
* @return {Phaser.Animation} The animation instance.
reverseOnce: function () {
this.onComplete.addOnce(this.reverse, this);
return this.reverse();
* Sets this animations playback to a given frame with the given ID.
* @method Phaser.Animation#setFrame
* @param {string|number} [frameId] - The identifier of the frame to set. Can be the name of the frame, the sprite index of the frame, or the animation-local frame index.
* @param {boolean} [useLocalFrameIndex=false] - If you provide a number for frameId, should it use the numeric indexes of the frameData, or the 0-indexed frame index local to the animation.
setFrame: function(frameId, useLocalFrameIndex) {
var frameIndex;
if (useLocalFrameIndex === undefined)
useLocalFrameIndex = false;
// Find the index to the desired frame.
if (typeof frameId === "string")
for (var i = 0; i < this._frames.length; i++)
if (this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[i]).name === frameId)
frameIndex = i;
else if (typeof frameId === "number")
if (useLocalFrameIndex)
frameIndex = frameId;
for (var i = 0; i < this._frames.length; i++)
if (this._frames[i] === frameId)
frameIndex = i;
if (frameIndex)
// Set the current frame index to the found index. Subtract 1 so that it animates to the desired frame on update.
this._frameIndex = frameIndex - 1;
// Make the animation update at next update
this._timeNextFrame = this.game.time.time;
* Stops playback of this animation and set it to a finished state. If a resetFrame is provided it will stop playback and set frame to the first in the animation.
* If `dispatchComplete` is true it will dispatch the complete events, otherwise they'll be ignored.
* @method Phaser.Animation#stop
* @param {boolean} [resetFrame=false] - If true after the animation stops the currentFrame value will be set to the first frame in this animation.
* @param {boolean} [dispatchComplete=false] - Dispatch the Animation.onComplete and parent.onAnimationComplete events?
stop: function (resetFrame, dispatchComplete) {
if (resetFrame === undefined) { resetFrame = false; }
if (dispatchComplete === undefined) { dispatchComplete = false; }
this.isPlaying = false;
this.isFinished = true;
this.paused = false;
if (resetFrame)
this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[0]);
if (dispatchComplete)
this._parent.events.onAnimationComplete$dispatch(this._parent, this);
this.onComplete.dispatch(this._parent, this);
* Called when the Game enters a paused state.
* @method Phaser.Animation#onPause
onPause: function () {
if (this.isPlaying)
this._frameDiff = this._timeNextFrame - this.game.time.time;
* Called when the Game resumes from a paused state.
* @method Phaser.Animation#onResume
onResume: function () {
if (this.isPlaying)
this._timeNextFrame = this.game.time.time + this._frameDiff;
* Updates this animation. Called automatically by the AnimationManager.
* @method Phaser.Animation#update
update: function () {
if (this.isPaused)
return false;
if (this.isPlaying && this.game.time.time >= this._timeNextFrame)
this._frameSkip = 1;
// Lagging?
this._frameDiff = this.game.time.time - this._timeNextFrame;
this._timeLastFrame = this.game.time.time;
if (this._frameDiff > this.delay)
// We need to skip a frame, work out how many
this._frameSkip = Math.floor(this._frameDiff / this.delay);
this._frameDiff -= (this._frameSkip * this.delay);
// And what's left now?
this._timeNextFrame = this.game.time.time + (this.delay - this._frameDiff);
if (this.isReversed)
this._frameIndex -= this._frameSkip;
this._frameIndex += this._frameSkip;
if (!this.isReversed && this._frameIndex >= this._frames.length || this.isReversed && this._frameIndex <= -1)
if (this.loop)
// Update current state before event callback
this._frameIndex = Math.abs(this._frameIndex) % this._frames.length;
if (this.isReversed)
this._frameIndex = this._frames.length - 1 - this._frameIndex;
this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]);
// Instead of calling updateCurrentFrame we do it here instead
if (this.currentFrame)
this._parent.events.onAnimationLoop$dispatch(this._parent, this);
this.onLoop.dispatch(this._parent, this);
if (this.onUpdate)
this.onUpdate.dispatch(this, this.currentFrame);
// False if the animation was destroyed from within a callback
return !!this._frameData;
return true;
return false;
return this.updateCurrentFrame(true);
return false;
* Changes the currentFrame per the _frameIndex, updates the display state,
* and triggers the update signal.
* Returns true if the current frame update was 'successful', false otherwise.
* @method Phaser.Animation#updateCurrentFrame
* @private
* @param {boolean} signalUpdate - If true the `Animation.onUpdate` signal will be dispatched.
* @param {boolean} fromPlay - Was this call made from the playing of a new animation?
* @return {boolean} True if the current frame was updated, otherwise false.
updateCurrentFrame: function (signalUpdate, fromPlay) {
if (fromPlay === undefined) { fromPlay = false; }
if (!this._frameData)
// The animation is already destroyed, probably from a callback
return false;
// Previous index
var idx = this.currentFrame.index;
this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]);
if (this.currentFrame && (fromPlay || (!fromPlay && idx !== this.currentFrame.index)))
if (this.onUpdate && signalUpdate)
this.onUpdate.dispatch(this, this.currentFrame);
// False if the animation was destroyed from within a callback
return !!this._frameData;
return true;
* Advances by the given number of frames in the Animation, taking the loop value into consideration.
* @method Phaser.Animation#next
* @param {number} [quantity=1] - The number of frames to advance.
next: function (quantity) {
if (quantity === undefined) { quantity = 1; }
var frame = this._frameIndex + quantity;
if (frame >= this._frames.length)
if (this.loop)
frame %= this._frames.length;
frame = this._frames.length - 1;
if (frame !== this._frameIndex)
this._frameIndex = frame;
* Moves backwards the given number of frames in the Animation, taking the loop value into consideration.
* @method Phaser.Animation#previous
* @param {number} [quantity=1] - The number of frames to move back.
previous: function (quantity) {
if (quantity === undefined) { quantity = 1; }
var frame = this._frameIndex - quantity;
if (frame < 0)
if (this.loop)
frame = this._frames.length + frame;
if (frame !== this._frameIndex)
this._frameIndex = frame;
* Changes the FrameData object this Animation is using.
* @method Phaser.Animation#updateFrameData
* @param {Phaser.FrameData} frameData - The FrameData object that contains all frames used by this Animation.
updateFrameData: function (frameData) {
this._frameData = frameData;
this.currentFrame = this._frameData ? this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex % this._frames.length]) : null;
* Cleans up this animation ready for deletion. Nulls all values and references.
* @method Phaser.Animation#destroy
destroy: function () {
if (!this._frameData)
// Already destroyed
this.game.onPause.remove(this.onPause, this);
this.game.onResume.remove(this.onResume, this);
this.game = null;
this._parent = null;
this._frames = null;
this._frameData = null;
this.currentFrame = null;
this.isPlaying = false;
if (this.onUpdate)
* Called internally when the animation finishes playback.
* Sets the isPlaying and isFinished states and dispatches the onAnimationComplete event if it exists on the parent and local onComplete event.
* @method Phaser.Animation#complete
complete: function () {
this._frameIndex = this._frames.length - 1;
this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]);
this.isPlaying = false;
this.isFinished = true;
this.paused = false;
this._parent.events.onAnimationComplete$dispatch(this._parent, this);
this.onComplete.dispatch(this._parent, this);
if (this.killOnComplete)
Phaser.Animation.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Animation;
* @name Phaser.Animation#paused
* @property {boolean} paused - Gets and sets the paused state of this Animation.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Animation.prototype, 'paused', {
get: function () {
return this.isPaused;
set: function (value) {
this.isPaused = value;
if (value)
// Paused
this._pauseStartTime = this.game.time.time;
// Un-paused
if (this.isPlaying)
this._timeNextFrame = this.game.time.time + this.delay;
* @name Phaser.Animation#reversed
* @property {boolean} reversed - Gets and sets the isReversed state of this Animation.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Animation.prototype, 'reversed', {
get: function () {
return this.isReversed;
set: function (value) {
this.isReversed = value;
* @name Phaser.Animation#frameTotal
* @property {number} frameTotal - The total number of frames in the currently loaded FrameData, or -1 if no FrameData is loaded.
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Animation.prototype, 'frameTotal', {
get: function () {
return this._frames.length;
* @name Phaser.Animation#frame
* @property {number} frame - Gets or sets the current frame index and updates the Texture Cache for display.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Animation.prototype, 'frame', {
get: function () {
if (this.currentFrame !== null)
return this.currentFrame.index;
return this._frameIndex;
set: function (value) {
this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[value]);
if (this.currentFrame !== null)
this._frameIndex = value;
if (this.onUpdate)
this.onUpdate.dispatch(this, this.currentFrame);
* @name Phaser.Animation#speed
* @property {number} speed - Gets or sets the current speed of the animation in frames per second. Changing this in a playing animation will take effect from the next frame. Value must be greater than 0.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Animation.prototype, 'speed', {
get: function () {
return 1000 / this.delay;
set: function (value) {
if (value > 0)
this.delay = 1000 / value;
* @name Phaser.Animation#enableUpdate
* @property {boolean} enableUpdate - Gets or sets if this animation will dispatch the onUpdate events upon changing frame.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Animation.prototype, 'enableUpdate', {
get: function () {
return (this.onUpdate !== null);
set: function (value) {
if (value && this.onUpdate === null)
this.onUpdate = new Phaser.Signal();
else if (!value && this.onUpdate !== null)
this.onUpdate = null;
* Really handy function for when you are creating arrays of animation data but it's using frame names and not numbers.
* For example imagine you've got 30 frames named: 'explosion_0001-large' to 'explosion_0030-large'
* You could use this function to generate those by doing: Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('explosion_', 1, 30, '-large', 4);
* @method Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames
* @static
* @param {string} prefix - The start of the filename. If the filename was 'explosion_0001-large' the prefix would be 'explosion_'.
* @param {number} start - The number to start sequentially counting from. If your frames are named 'explosion_0001' to 'explosion_0034' the start is 1.
* @param {number} stop - The number to count to. If your frames are named 'explosion_0001' to 'explosion_0034' the stop value is 34.
* @param {string} [suffix=''] - The end of the filename. If the filename was 'explosion_0001-large' the prefix would be '-large'.
* @param {number} [zeroPad=0] - The number of zeros to pad the min and max values with. If your frames are named 'explosion_0001' to 'explosion_0034' then the zeroPad is 4.
* @return {string[]} An array of framenames.
Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames = function (prefix, start, stop, suffix, zeroPad) {
if (suffix === undefined) { suffix = ''; }
var output = [];
var frame = '';
if (start < stop)
for (var i = start; i <= stop; i++)
if (typeof zeroPad === 'number')
// str, len, pad, dir
frame = Phaser.Utils.pad(i.toString(), zeroPad, '0', 1);
frame = i.toString();
frame = prefix + frame + suffix;
for (var i = start; i >= stop; i--)
if (typeof zeroPad === 'number')
// str, len, pad, dir
frame = Phaser.Utils.pad(i.toString(), zeroPad, '0', 1);
frame = i.toString();
frame = prefix + frame + suffix;
return output;