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synced 2025-03-07 08:47:26 +00:00
Camera.fade is a new function that makes the camera fade to the color given, over the course of the duration specified. This is great for things like transitioning from one State to another. You can listen for the Camera.onFadeComplete Signal. Camera.resetFX resets any active FX, such as a fade or flash and immediately clears it. Useful to calling after a fade in order to remove the fade from the Stage. Phaser.Camera.ENABLE_FX is a const that controls if the Camera FX are available or not. It's `true` by default, but if you set it to `false` before boot then it won't create the Graphics object required to process the effects.
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361 lines
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* @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com>
* @copyright 2016 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License}
* "This world is but a canvas to our imagination." - Henry David Thoreau
* A game has only one world. The world is an abstract place in which all game objects live. It is not bound
* by stage limits and can be any size. You look into the world via cameras. All game objects live within
* the world at world-based coordinates. By default a world is created the same size as your Stage.
* @class Phaser.World
* @extends Phaser.Group
* @constructor
* @param {Phaser.Game} game - Reference to the current game instance.
Phaser.World = function (game) {
Phaser.Group.call(this, game, null, '__world', false);
* The World has no fixed size, but it does have a bounds outside of which objects are no longer considered as being "in world" and you should use this to clean-up the display list and purge dead objects.
* By default we set the Bounds to be from 0,0 to Game.width,Game.height. I.e. it will match the size given to the game constructor with 0,0 representing the top-left of the display.
* However 0,0 is actually the center of the world, and if you rotate or scale the world all of that will happen from 0,0.
* So if you want to make a game in which the world itself will rotate you should adjust the bounds so that 0,0 is the center point, i.e. set them to -1000,-1000,2000,2000 for a 2000x2000 sized world centered around 0,0.
* @property {Phaser.Rectangle} bounds - Bound of this world that objects can not escape from.
this.bounds = new Phaser.Rectangle(0, 0, game.width, game.height);
* @property {Phaser.Camera} camera - Camera instance.
this.camera = null;
* @property {boolean} _definedSize - True if the World has been given a specifically defined size (i.e. from a Tilemap or direct in code) or false if it's just matched to the Game dimensions.
* @readonly
this._definedSize = false;
* @property {number} width - The defined width of the World. Sometimes the bounds needs to grow larger than this (if you resize the game) but this retains the original requested dimension.
this._width = game.width;
* @property {number} height - The defined height of the World. Sometimes the bounds needs to grow larger than this (if you resize the game) but this retains the original requested dimension.
this._height = game.height;
this.game.state.onStateChange.add(this.stateChange, this);
Phaser.World.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Group.prototype);
Phaser.World.prototype.constructor = Phaser.World;
* Initialises the game world.
* @method Phaser.World#boot
* @protected
Phaser.World.prototype.boot = function () {
this.camera = new Phaser.Camera(this.game, 0, 0, 0, this.game.width, this.game.height);
* Called whenever the State changes or resets.
* It resets the world.x and world.y coordinates back to zero,
* then resets the Camera.
* @method Phaser.World#stateChange
* @protected
Phaser.World.prototype.stateChange = function () {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
* Updates the size of this world and sets World.x/y to the given values
* The Camera bounds and Physics bounds (if set) are also updated to match the new World bounds.
* @method Phaser.World#setBounds
* @param {number} x - Top left most corner of the world.
* @param {number} y - Top left most corner of the world.
* @param {number} width - New width of the game world in pixels.
* @param {number} height - New height of the game world in pixels.
Phaser.World.prototype.setBounds = function (x, y, width, height) {
this._definedSize = true;
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
this.bounds.setTo(x, y, width, height);
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
if (this.camera.bounds)
// The Camera can never be smaller than the game size
this.camera.bounds.setTo(x, y, Math.max(width, this.game.width), Math.max(height, this.game.height));
* Updates the size of this world. Note that this doesn't modify the world x/y coordinates, just the width and height.
* @method Phaser.World#resize
* @param {number} width - New width of the game world in pixels.
* @param {number} height - New height of the game world in pixels.
Phaser.World.prototype.resize = function (width, height) {
// Don't ever scale the World bounds lower than the original requested dimensions if it's a defined world size
if (this._definedSize)
if (width < this._width)
width = this._width;
if (height < this._height)
height = this._height;
this.bounds.width = width;
this.bounds.height = height;
* Destroyer of worlds.
* @method Phaser.World#shutdown
Phaser.World.prototype.shutdown = function () {
// World is a Group, so run a soft destruction on this and all children.
this.destroy(true, true);
* This will take the given game object and check if its x/y coordinates fall outside of the world bounds.
* If they do it will reposition the object to the opposite side of the world, creating a wrap-around effect.
* If sprite has a P2 body then the body (sprite.body) should be passed as first parameter to the function.
* Please understand there are limitations to this method. For example if you have scaled the World
* then objects won't always be re-positioned correctly, and you'll need to employ your own wrapping function.
* @method Phaser.World#wrap
* @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Image|Phaser.TileSprite|Phaser.Text} sprite - The object you wish to wrap around the world bounds.
* @param {number} [padding=0] - Extra padding added equally to the sprite.x and y coordinates before checking if within the world bounds. Ignored if useBounds is true.
* @param {boolean} [useBounds=false] - If useBounds is false wrap checks the object.x/y coordinates. If true it does a more accurate bounds check, which is more expensive.
* @param {boolean} [horizontal=true] - If horizontal is false, wrap will not wrap the object.x coordinates horizontally.
* @param {boolean} [vertical=true] - If vertical is false, wrap will not wrap the object.y coordinates vertically.
Phaser.World.prototype.wrap = function (sprite, padding, useBounds, horizontal, vertical) {
if (padding === undefined) { padding = 0; }
if (useBounds === undefined) { useBounds = false; }
if (horizontal === undefined) { horizontal = true; }
if (vertical === undefined) { vertical = true; }
if (!useBounds)
if (horizontal && sprite.x + padding < this.bounds.x)
sprite.x = this.bounds.right + padding;
else if (horizontal && sprite.x - padding > this.bounds.right)
sprite.x = this.bounds.left - padding;
if (vertical && sprite.y + padding < this.bounds.top)
sprite.y = this.bounds.bottom + padding;
else if (vertical && sprite.y - padding > this.bounds.bottom)
sprite.y = this.bounds.top - padding;
if (horizontal)
if ((sprite.x + sprite._currentBounds.width) < this.bounds.x)
sprite.x = this.bounds.right;
else if (sprite.x > this.bounds.right)
sprite.x = this.bounds.left;
if (vertical)
if ((sprite.y + sprite._currentBounds.height) < this.bounds.top)
sprite.y = this.bounds.bottom;
else if (sprite.y > this.bounds.bottom)
sprite.y = this.bounds.top;
* @name Phaser.World#width
* @property {number} width - Gets or sets the current width of the game world. The world can never be smaller than the game (canvas) dimensions.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.World.prototype, "width", {
get: function () {
return this.bounds.width;
set: function (value) {
if (value < this.game.width)
value = this.game.width;
this.bounds.width = value;
this._width = value;
this._definedSize = true;
* @name Phaser.World#height
* @property {number} height - Gets or sets the current height of the game world. The world can never be smaller than the game (canvas) dimensions.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.World.prototype, "height", {
get: function () {
return this.bounds.height;
set: function (value) {
if (value < this.game.height)
value = this.game.height;
this.bounds.height = value;
this._height = value;
this._definedSize = true;
* @name Phaser.World#centerX
* @property {number} centerX - Gets the X position corresponding to the center point of the world.
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.World.prototype, "centerX", {
get: function () {
return this.bounds.halfWidth + this.bounds.x;
* @name Phaser.World#centerY
* @property {number} centerY - Gets the Y position corresponding to the center point of the world.
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.World.prototype, "centerY", {
get: function () {
return this.bounds.halfHeight + this.bounds.y;
* @name Phaser.World#randomX
* @property {number} randomX - Gets a random integer which is lesser than or equal to the current width of the game world.
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.World.prototype, "randomX", {
get: function () {
if (this.bounds.x < 0)
return this.game.rnd.between(this.bounds.x, (this.bounds.width - Math.abs(this.bounds.x)));
return this.game.rnd.between(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.width);
* @name Phaser.World#randomY
* @property {number} randomY - Gets a random integer which is lesser than or equal to the current height of the game world.
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.World.prototype, "randomY", {
get: function () {
if (this.bounds.y < 0)
return this.game.rnd.between(this.bounds.y, (this.bounds.height - Math.abs(this.bounds.y)));
return this.game.rnd.between(this.bounds.y, this.bounds.height);