Source: src/physics/p2/RevoluteConstraint.js

* @author       Richard Davey <>
* @copyright    2016 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license      {@link|MIT License}

* Connects two bodies at given offset points, letting them rotate relative to each other around this point.
* The pivot points are given in world (pixel) coordinates.
* @class Phaser.Physics.P2.RevoluteConstraint
* @constructor
* @param {Phaser.Physics.P2} world - A reference to the P2 World.
* @param {p2.Body} bodyA - First connected body.
* @param {Float32Array} pivotA - The point relative to the center of mass of bodyA which bodyA is constrained to. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
* @param {p2.Body} bodyB - Second connected body.
* @param {Float32Array} pivotB - The point relative to the center of mass of bodyB which bodyB is constrained to. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
* @param {number} [maxForce=0] - The maximum force that should be applied to constrain the bodies.
* @param {Float32Array} [worldPivot=null] - A pivot point given in world coordinates. If specified, localPivotA and localPivotB are automatically computed from this value.
Phaser.Physics.P2.RevoluteConstraint = function (world, bodyA, pivotA, bodyB, pivotB, maxForce, worldPivot) {

    if (maxForce === undefined) { maxForce = Number.MAX_VALUE; }
    if (worldPivot === undefined) { worldPivot = null; }

    * @property {Phaser.Game} game - Local reference to game.
    */ =;

    * @property {Phaser.Physics.P2} world - Local reference to P2 World.
    */ = world;

    pivotA = [ world.pxmi(pivotA[0]), world.pxmi(pivotA[1]) ];
    pivotB = [ world.pxmi(pivotB[0]), world.pxmi(pivotB[1]) ];

    if (worldPivot)
        worldPivot = [ world.pxmi(worldPivot[0]), world.pxmi(worldPivot[1]) ];

    var options = { worldPivot: worldPivot, localPivotA: pivotA, localPivotB: pivotB, maxForce: maxForce };, bodyA, bodyB, options);


Phaser.Physics.P2.RevoluteConstraint.prototype = Object.create(p2.RevoluteConstraint.prototype);
Phaser.Physics.P2.RevoluteConstraint.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Physics.P2.RevoluteConstraint;
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