
<constant> ANGLE_DOWN :integer

The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face down.

Source - Phaser.js, line 340

<constant> ANGLE_LEFT :integer

The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face left.

Source - Phaser.js, line 347

<constant> ANGLE_NORTH_EAST :integer

The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face north east.

Source - Phaser.js, line 361

<constant> ANGLE_NORTH_WEST :integer

The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face north west.

Source - Phaser.js, line 368

<constant> ANGLE_RIGHT :integer

The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face right.

Source - Phaser.js, line 354

<constant> ANGLE_SOUTH_EAST :integer

The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face south east.

Source - Phaser.js, line 375

<constant> ANGLE_SOUTH_WEST :integer

The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face south west.

Source - Phaser.js, line 382

<constant> ANGLE_UP :integer

The Angle (in degrees) a Game Object needs to be set to in order to face up.

Source - Phaser.js, line 333

<constant> AUTO :integer

AUTO renderer - picks between WebGL or Canvas based on device.

Source - Phaser.js, line 32

<constant> BITMAPDATA :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 186

<constant> BITMAPTEXT :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 137

<constant> blendModes

Various blend modes supported by Pixi.

IMPORTANT: The WebGL renderer only supports the NORMAL, ADD, MULTIPLY and SCREEN blend modes.

Name Type Description
blendModes.NORMAL Number
blendModes.ADD Number
blendModes.MULTIPLY Number
blendModes.SCREEN Number
blendModes.OVERLAY Number
blendModes.DARKEN Number
blendModes.LIGHTEN Number
blendModes.COLOR_DODGE Number
blendModes.COLOR_BURN Number
blendModes.HARD_LIGHT Number
blendModes.SOFT_LIGHT Number
blendModes.DIFFERENCE Number
blendModes.EXCLUSION Number
blendModes.HUE Number
blendModes.SATURATION Number
blendModes.COLOR Number
blendModes.LUMINOSITY Number
Source - Phaser.js, line 500

<constant> BOTTOM_CENTER :integer

A constant representing a bottom-center alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 466

<constant> BOTTOM_LEFT :integer

A constant representing a bottom-left alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 459

<constant> BOTTOM_RIGHT :integer

A constant representing a bottom-right alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 473

<constant> BUTTON :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 102

<constant> CANVAS :integer

Canvas Renderer.

Source - Phaser.js, line 39

<constant> CANVAS_FILTER :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 193

<constant> CENTER :integer

A constant representing a center alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 431

<constant> CIRCLE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 242

<constant> CREATURE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 284

<constant> DOWN :integer

Direction constant.

Source - Phaser.js, line 88

<constant> ELLIPSE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 207

<constant> EMITTER :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 172

<constant> GAMES :array

An array of Phaser game instances.

Source - Phaser.js, line 25

<constant> GRAPHICS :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 116

<constant> GROUP :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 144

<constant> HEADLESS :integer

Headless renderer (not visual output)

Source - Phaser.js, line 53

<constant> HORIZONTAL :integer

A horizontal orientation

Source - Phaser.js, line 305

<constant> IMAGE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 109

<constant> LANDSCAPE :integer

A landscape orientation

Source - Phaser.js, line 319

<constant> LEFT :integer

Direction constant.

Source - Phaser.js, line 67

<constant> LEFT_BOTTOM :integer

A constant representing a left-bottom alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 424

<constant> LEFT_CENTER :integer

A constant representing a left-center alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 417

<constant> LEFT_TOP :integer

A constant representing a left-top alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 410

<constant> LINE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 256

<constant> MATRIX :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 263

<constant> NONE :integer

Direction constant.

Source - Phaser.js, line 60

<constant> PENDING_ATLAS :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 298

<constant> POINT :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 270

<constant> POINTER :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 228

<constant> POLYGON :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 179

<constant> PORTRAIT :integer

A portrait orientation

Source - Phaser.js, line 326

<constant> RECTANGLE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 249

<constant> RENDERTEXTURE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 151

<constant> RETROFONT :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 221

Direction constant.

Source - Phaser.js, line 74

<constant> RIGHT_BOTTOM :integer

A constant representing a right-bottom alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 452

<constant> RIGHT_CENTER :integer

A constant representing a right-center alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 445

<constant> RIGHT_TOP :integer

A constant representing a right-top alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 438

<constant> ROPE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 235

<constant> ROUNDEDRECTANGLE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 277

<constant> scaleModes

The scale modes that are supported by Pixi.

The DEFAULT scale mode affects the default scaling mode of future operations. It can be re-assigned to either LINEAR or NEAREST, depending upon suitability.

Name Type Default Description
Phaser.scaleModes Object
scaleModes.DEFAULT Number LINEAR
scaleModes.LINEAR Number

Smooth scaling

scaleModes.NEAREST Number

Pixelating scaling

Source - Phaser.js, line 533

<constant> SPRITE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 95

<constant> SPRITEBATCH :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 214

<constant> TEXT :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 123

<constant> TILEMAP :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 158

<constant> TILEMAPLAYER :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 165

<constant> TILESPRITE :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 130

<constant> TOP_CENTER :integer

A constant representing a top-center alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 396

<constant> TOP_LEFT :integer

A constant representing a top-left alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 389

<constant> TOP_RIGHT :integer

A constant representing a top-right alignment or position.

Source - Phaser.js, line 403

<constant> UP :integer

Direction constant.

Source - Phaser.js, line 81

<constant> VERSION :string

The Phaser version number.

Source - Phaser.js, line 18

<constant> VERTICAL :integer

A vertical orientation

Source - Phaser.js, line 312

<constant> VIDEO :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 291

<constant> WEBGL :integer

WebGL Renderer.

Source - Phaser.js, line 46

<constant> WEBGL_FILTER :integer

Game Object type.

Source - Phaser.js, line 200



Call this function from the Dev Tools console.

It will scan the display list and output all of the Objects it finds, and their renderOrderIDs.

Note Requires a browser that supports and console.groupEnd (such as Chrome)

Name Type Argument Description
displayObject Object <optional>

The displayObject level display object to start from. Defaults to the World.

Source - utils/Debug.js, line 844

intersectsRectangle(line, rect) → {boolean}

Checks for intersection between the Line and a Rectangle shape, or a rectangle-like object, with public x, y, right and bottom properties, such as a Sprite or Body.

An intersection is considered valid if:

The line starts within, or ends within, the Rectangle. The line segment intersects one of the 4 rectangle edges.

The for the purposes of this function rectangles are considered 'solid'.

Name Type Description
line Phaser.Line

The line to check for intersection with.

rect Phaser.Rectangle | object

The rectangle, or rectangle-like object, to check for intersection with.

boolean -

True if the line intersects with the rectangle edges, or starts or ends within the rectangle.

Source - geom/Line.js, line 630

Type Definitions


A display object is any object that can be rendered in the Phaser/pixi.js scene graph.

This includes Phaser.Group (groups are display objects!), Phaser.Sprite, Phaser.Button, Phaser.Text as well as PIXI.DisplayObject and all derived types.

Source - core/Group.js, line 2900
Phaser Copyright © 2012-2016 Photon Storm Ltd.
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.3.3 on Mon Jul 11 2016 10:06:58 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) using the DocStrap template.