Phaser.Component. Bounds

new Bounds()

The Bounds component contains properties related to the bounds of the Game Object.

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 12


bottom :number

The sum of the y and height properties.
This is the same as y + height - offsetY.

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 168

centerX :number

The center x coordinate of the Game Object.
This is the same as (x - offsetX) + (width / 2).

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 58

centerY :number

The center y coordinate of the Game Object.
This is the same as (y - offsetY) + (height / 2).

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 80

left :number

The left coordinate of the Game Object.
This is the same as x - offsetX.

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 102

<readonly> offsetX :number

The amount the Game Object is visually offset from its x coordinate.
This is the same as width * anchor.x.
It will only be > 0 if anchor.x is not equal to zero.

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 24

<readonly> offsetY :number

The amount the Game Object is visually offset from its y coordinate.
This is the same as height * anchor.y.
It will only be > 0 if anchor.y is not equal to zero.

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 42

The right coordinate of the Game Object.
This is the same as x + width - offsetX.

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 124

top :number

The y coordinate of the Game Object.
This is the same as y - offsetY.

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 146


alignIn(container, position, offsetX, offsetY) → {Object}

Aligns this Game Object within another Game Object, or Rectangle, known as the
'container', to one of 9 possible positions.

The container must be a Game Object, or Phaser.Rectangle object. This can include properties
such as World.bounds or Camera.view, for aligning Game Objects within the world
and camera bounds. Or it can include other Sprites, Images, Text objects, BitmapText,
TileSprites or Buttons.

Please note that aligning a Sprite to another Game Object does not make it a child of
the container. It simply modifies its position coordinates so it aligns with it.

The position constants you can use are:


The Game Objects are placed in such a way that their bounds align with the
container, taking into consideration rotation, scale and the anchor property.
This allows you to neatly align Game Objects, irrespective of their position value.

The optional offsetX and offsetY arguments allow you to apply extra spacing to the final
aligned position of the Game Object. For example:

sprite.alignIn(background, Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT, -20, -20)

Would align the sprite to the bottom-right, but moved 20 pixels in from the corner.
Think of the offsets as applying an adjustment to the containers bounds before the alignment takes place.
So providing a negative offset will 'shrink' the container bounds by that amount, and providing a positive
one expands it.

Name Type Argument Default Description
container Phaser.Rectangle | Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.Text | Phaser.BitmapText | Phaser.Button | Phaser.Graphics | Phaser.TileSprite

The Game Object or Rectangle with which to align this Game Object to. Can also include properties such as World.bounds or Camera.view.

position integer <optional>

The position constant. One of Phaser.TOP_LEFT (default), Phaser.TOP_CENTER, Phaser.TOP_RIGHT, Phaser.LEFT_CENTER, Phaser.CENTER, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER, Phaser.BOTTOM_LEFT, Phaser.BOTTOM_CENTER or Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT.

offsetX integer <optional>

A horizontal adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

offsetY integer <optional>

A vertical adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

Object -

This Game Object.

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 223

alignTo(parent, position, offsetX, offsetY) → {Object}

Aligns this Game Object to the side of another Game Object, or Rectangle, known as the
'parent', in one of 11 possible positions.

The parent must be a Game Object, or Phaser.Rectangle object. This can include properties
such as World.bounds or Camera.view, for aligning Game Objects within the world
and camera bounds. Or it can include other Sprites, Images, Text objects, BitmapText,
TileSprites or Buttons.

Please note that aligning a Sprite to another Game Object does not make it a child of
the parent. It simply modifies its position coordinates so it aligns with it.

The position constants you can use are:

Phaser.TOP_LEFT (default), Phaser.TOP_CENTER, Phaser.TOP_RIGHT, Phaser.LEFT_TOP,
and Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT.

The Game Objects are placed in such a way that their bounds align with the
parent, taking into consideration rotation, scale and the anchor property.
This allows you to neatly align Game Objects, irrespective of their position value.

The optional offsetX and offsetY arguments allow you to apply extra spacing to the final
aligned position of the Game Object. For example:

sprite.alignTo(background, Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT, -20, -20)

Would align the sprite to the bottom-right, but moved 20 pixels in from the corner.
Think of the offsets as applying an adjustment to the parents bounds before the alignment takes place.
So providing a negative offset will 'shrink' the parent bounds by that amount, and providing a positive
one expands it.

Name Type Argument Default Description
parent Phaser.Rectangle | Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.Text | Phaser.BitmapText | Phaser.Button | Phaser.Graphics | Phaser.TileSprite

The Game Object or Rectangle with which to align this Game Object to. Can also include properties such as World.bounds or Camera.view.

position integer <optional>

The position constant. One of Phaser.TOP_LEFT, Phaser.TOP_CENTER, Phaser.TOP_RIGHT, Phaser.LEFT_TOP, Phaser.LEFT_CENTER, Phaser.LEFT_BOTTOM, Phaser.RIGHT_TOP, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER, Phaser.RIGHT_BOTTOM, Phaser.BOTTOM_LEFT, Phaser.BOTTOM_CENTER or Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT.

offsetX integer <optional>

A horizontal adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

offsetY integer <optional>

A vertical adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

Object -

This Game Object.

Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 321
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