Phaser. Utils

new Utils()

Source - utils/Utils.js, line 11




<static> extend(deep, target) → {object}

This is a slightly modified version of

Name Type Description
deep boolean

Perform a deep copy?

target object

The target object to copy to.

object -

The extended object.

Source - utils/Utils.js, line 225

<static> getProperty(obj, prop) → {*}

Gets an objects property by string.

Name Type Description
obj object

The object to traverse.

prop string

The property whose value will be returned.

* -

the value of the property or null if property isn't found .

Source - utils/Utils.js, line 13

<static> isPlainObject(obj) → {boolean}

This is a slightly modified version of jQuery.isPlainObject. A plain object is an object whose internal class property is [object Object].

Name Type Description
obj object

The object to inspect.

boolean -
  • true if the object is plain, otherwise false.
Source - utils/Utils.js, line 189

<static> mixin(from, to) → {object}

Mixes the source object into the destination object, returning the newly modified destination object. Based on original code by @mudcube

Name Type Description
from object

The object to copy (the source object).

to object

The object to copy to (the destination object).

object -

The modified destination object.

Source - utils/Utils.js, line 357

<static> mixinPrototype(target, mixin, replace)

Mixes in an existing mixin object with the target.

Values in the mixin that have either get or set functions are created as properties via defineProperty except if they also define a clone method - if a clone method is defined that is called instead and the result is assigned directly.

Name Type Argument Default Description
target object

The target object to receive the new functions.

mixin object

The object to copy the functions from.

replace boolean <optional>

If the target object already has a matching function should it be overwritten or not?

Source - utils/Utils.js, line 305

<static> pad(str, len, pad, dir) → {string}

JavaScript string pad

Name Type Argument Default Description
str string

The target string.

len integer <optional>

The number of characters to be added.

pad string <optional>
" "

The string to pad it out with (defaults to a space).

dir integer <optional>

The direction dir = 1 (left), 2 (right), 3 (both).

string -

The padded string

Source - utils/Utils.js, line 147

<static> parseDimension(size, dimension) → {number}

Get a unit dimension from a string.

Name Type Description
size string | number

The size to parse.

dimension number

The window dimension to check.

number -

The parsed dimension.

Source - utils/Utils.js, line 104

<static> setProperty(obj, prop) → {object}

Sets an objects property by string.

Name Type Description
obj object

The object to traverse

prop string

The property whose value will be changed

object -

The object on which the property was set.

Source - utils/Utils.js, line 46

chanceRoll(chance) → {boolean}

Generate a random bool result based on the chance value.

Returns true or false based on the chance value (default 50%). For example if you wanted a player to have a 30% chance of getting a bonus, call chanceRoll(30) - true means the chance passed, false means it failed.

Name Type Description
chance number

The chance of receiving the value. A number between 0 and 100 (effectively 0% to 100%).

boolean -

True if the roll passed, or false otherwise.

Source - utils/Utils.js, line 77

randomChoice(choice1, choice2) → {any}

Choose between one of two values randomly.

Name Type Description
choice1 any
choice2 any
any -

The randomly selected choice

Source - utils/Utils.js, line 92
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