Phaser. BitmapText

new BitmapText(game, x, y, font, text, size, align)

BitmapText objects work by taking a texture file and an XML or JSON file that describes the font structure.
It then generates a new Sprite object for each letter of the text, proportionally spaced out and aligned to
match the font structure.

BitmapText objects are less flexible than Text objects, in that they have less features such as shadows, fills and the ability
to use Web Fonts, however you trade this flexibility for rendering speed. You can also create visually compelling BitmapTexts by
processing the font texture in an image editor, applying fills and any other effects required.

To create multi-line text insert \r, \n or \r\n escape codes into the text string.

If you are having performance issues due to the volume of sprites being rendered, and do not require the text to be constantly
updating, you can use BitmapText.generateTexture to create a static texture from this BitmapText.

To create a BitmapText data files you can use:

BMFont (Windows, free):
Glyph Designer (OS X, commercial):
Littera (Web-based, free):

For most use cases it is recommended to use XML. If you wish to use JSON, the formatting should be equal to the result of
converting a valid XML file through the popular X2JS library. An online tool for conversion can be found here:

If you were using an older version of Phaser (< 2.4) and using the DOMish parser hack, please remove this. It isn't required any longer.

Name Type Argument Default Description
game Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running game.

x number

X coordinate to display the BitmapText object at.

y number

Y coordinate to display the BitmapText object at.

font string

The key of the BitmapText as stored in Phaser.Cache.

text string <optional>

The text that will be rendered. This can also be set later via BitmapText.text.

size number <optional>

The size the font will be rendered at in pixels.

align string <optional>

The alignment of multi-line text. Has no effect if there is only one line of text.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 54



align :string

Alignment for multi-line text ('left', 'center' or 'right'), does not affect single lines of text.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 535

alive :boolean

A useful flag to control if the Game Object is alive or dead.

This is set automatically by the Health components damage method should the object run out of health.
Or you can toggle it via your game code.

This property is mostly just provided to be used by your game - it doesn't effect rendering or logic updates.
However you can use Group.getFirstAlive in conjunction with this property for fast object pooling and recycling.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • true
Source - gameobjects/components/LifeSpan.js, line 50

anchor :Phaser.Point

The anchor value of this BitmapText.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 92

angle :number

The angle property is the rotation of the Game Object in degrees from its original orientation.

Values from 0 to 180 represent clockwise rotation; values from 0 to -180 represent counterclockwise rotation.

Values outside this range are added to or subtracted from 360 to obtain a value within the range.
For example, the statement player.angle = 450 is the same as player.angle = 90.

If you wish to work in radians instead of degrees you can use the property rotation instead.
Working in radians is slightly faster as it doesn't have to perform any calculations.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Angle.js, line 29

animations :Phaser.AnimationManager

If the Game Object is enabled for animation (such as a Phaser.Sprite) this is a reference to its AnimationManager instance.
Through it you can create, play, pause and stop animations.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 193

autoCull :boolean

A Game Object with autoCull set to true will check its bounds against the World Camera every frame.
If it is not intersecting the Camera bounds at any point then it has its renderable property set to false.
This keeps the Game Object alive and still processing updates, but forces it to skip the render step entirely.

This is a relatively expensive operation, especially if enabled on hundreds of Game Objects. So enable it only if you know it's required,
or you have tested performance and find it acceptable.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/AutoCull.js, line 28

body :Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Body|null

body is the Game Objects physics body. Once a Game Object is enabled for physics you access all associated
properties and methods via it.

By default Game Objects won't add themselves to any physics system and their body property will be null.

To enable this Game Object for physics you need to call game.physics.enable(object, system) where object is this object
and system is the Physics system you are using. If none is given it defaults to Phaser.Physics.Arcade.

You can alternatively call game.physics.arcade.enable(object), or add this Game Object to a physics enabled Group.

Important: Enabling a Game Object for P2 or Ninja physics will automatically set its anchor property to 0.5,
so the physics body is centered on the Game Object.

If you need a different result then adjust or re-create the Body shape offsets manually or reset the anchor after enabling physics.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/PhysicsBody.js, line 91

bottom :number

The sum of the y and height properties.
This is the same as y + height - offsetY.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 168

cameraOffset :Phaser.Point

The x/y coordinate offset applied to the top-left of the camera that this Game Object will be drawn at if fixedToCamera is true.

The values are relative to the top-left of the camera view and in addition to any parent of the Game Object on the display list.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/FixedToCamera.js, line 86

centerX :number

The center x coordinate of the Game Object.
This is the same as (x - offsetX) + (width / 2).

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 58

centerY :number

The center y coordinate of the Game Object.
This is the same as (y - offsetY) + (height / 2).

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 80

checkWorldBounds :boolean

If this is set to true the Game Object checks if it is within the World bounds each frame.

When it is no longer intersecting the world bounds it dispatches the onOutOfBounds event.

If it was previously out of bounds but is now intersecting the world bounds again it dispatches the onEnterBounds event.

It also optionally kills the Game Object if outOfBoundsKill is true.

When checkWorldBounds is enabled it forces the Game Object to calculate its full bounds every frame.

This is a relatively expensive operation, especially if enabled on hundreds of Game Objects. So enable it only if you know it's required,
or you have tested performance and find it acceptable.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InWorld.js, line 98

<readonly> children :Array.<DisplayObject>

[read-only] The array of children of this container.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 17

<internal> components :object

The components this Game Object has installed.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 167

data :Object

An empty Object that belongs to this Game Object.
This value isn't ever used internally by Phaser, but may be used by your own code, or
by Phaser Plugins, to store data that needs to be associated with the Game Object,
without polluting the Game Object directly.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • {}
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 160

debug :boolean

A debug flag designed for use with Game.enableStep.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 218

<readonly> destroyPhase :boolean

As a Game Object runs through its destroy method this flag is set to true,
and can be checked in any sub-systems or plugins it is being destroyed from.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Destroy.js, line 22

dirty :boolean

The dirty state of this object.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 153

events :Phaser.Events

All Phaser Game Objects have an Events class which contains all of the events that are dispatched when certain things happen to this
Game Object, or any of its components.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 185

exists :boolean

Controls if this Game Object is processed by the core game loop.
If this Game Object has a physics body it also controls if its physics body is updated or not.
When exists is set to false it will remove its physics body from the physics world if it has one.
It also toggles the visible property to false as well.

Setting exists to true will add its physics body back in to the physics world, if it has one.
It will also set the visible property to true.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 284

fixedToCamera :boolean

A Game Object that is "fixed" to the camera uses its x/y coordinates as offsets from the top left of the camera during rendering.

The values are adjusted at the rendering stage, overriding the Game Objects actual world position.

The end result is that the Game Object will appear to be 'fixed' to the camera, regardless of where in the game world
the camera is viewing. This is useful if for example this Game Object is a UI item that you wish to be visible at all times
regardless where in the world the camera is.

The offsets are stored in the cameraOffset property.

Note that the cameraOffset values are in addition to any parent of this Game Object on the display list.

Be careful not to set fixedToCamera on Game Objects which are in Groups that already have fixedToCamera enabled on them.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/FixedToCamera.js, line 56

font :string

The font the text will be rendered in, i.e. 'Arial'. Must be loaded in the browser before use.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 579

fontSize :number

The size of the font in pixels.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 602

<readonly> fresh :boolean

A Game Object is considered fresh if it has just been created or reset and is yet to receive a renderer transform update.
This property is mostly used internally by the physics systems, but is exposed for the use of plugins.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 248

game :Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running Game.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 142

height :Number

The height of the displayObjectContainer, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 600

ignoreChildInput :Boolean

If ignoreChildInput is false it will allow this objects children to be considered as valid for Input events.

If this property is true then the children will not be considered as valid for Input events.

Note that this property isn't recursive: only immediate children are influenced, it doesn't scan further down.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 26

<readonly> inCamera :boolean

Checks if the Game Objects bounds intersect with the Game Camera bounds.
Returns true if they do, otherwise false if fully outside of the Cameras bounds.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/AutoCull.js, line 37

input :Phaser.InputHandler|null

The Input Handler for this Game Object.

By default it is disabled. If you wish this Game Object to process input events you should enable it with: inputEnabled = true.

After you have done this, this property will be a reference to the Phaser InputHandler.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InputEnabled.js, line 24

inputEnabled :boolean

By default a Game Object won't process any input events. By setting inputEnabled to true a Phaser.InputHandler is created
for this Game Object and it will then start to process click / touch events and more.

You can then access the Input Handler via this.input.

Note that Input related events are dispatched from, i.e.: events.onInputDown.

If you set this property to false it will stop the Input Handler from processing any more input events.

If you want to temporarily disable input for a Game Object, then it's better to set
input.enabled = false, as it won't reset any of the Input Handlers internal properties.
You can then toggle this back on as needed.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InputEnabled.js, line 42

<readonly> inWorld :boolean

Checks if the Game Objects bounds are within, or intersect at any point with the Game World bounds.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InWorld.js, line 129

key :string|Phaser.RenderTexture|Phaser.BitmapData|Phaser.Video|PIXI.Texture

The key of the image or texture used by this Game Object during rendering.
If it is a string it's the string used to retrieve the texture from the Phaser Image Cache.
It can also be an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData, Video or PIXI.Texture.
If a Game Object is created without a key it is automatically assigned the key __default which is a 32x32 transparent PNG stored within the Cache.
If a Game Object is given a key which doesn't exist in the Image Cache it is re-assigned the key __missing which is a 32x32 PNG of a green box with a line through it.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 203

left :number

The left coordinate of the Game Object.
This is the same as x - offsetX.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 102

lifespan :number

The lifespan allows you to give a Game Object a lifespan in milliseconds.

Once the Game Object is 'born' you can set this to a positive value.

It is automatically decremented by the millisecond equivalent of game.time.physicsElapsed each frame.
When it reaches zero it will call the kill method.

Very handy for particles, bullets, collectibles, or any other short-lived entity.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LifeSpan.js, line 65

maxWidth :number

The maximum display width of this BitmapText in pixels.

If BitmapText.text is longer than maxWidth then the lines will be automatically wrapped
based on the last whitespace character found in the line.

If no whitespace was found then no wrapping will take place and consequently the maxWidth value will not be honored.

Disable maxWidth by setting the value to 0. The maximum width of this BitmapText in pixels.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 648

name :string

A user defined name given to this Game Object.
This value isn't ever used internally by Phaser, it is meant as a game level property.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 150

<readonly> offsetX :number

The amount the Game Object is visually offset from its x coordinate.
This is the same as width * anchor.x.
It will only be > 0 if anchor.x is not equal to zero.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 24

<readonly> offsetY :number

The amount the Game Object is visually offset from its y coordinate.
This is the same as height * anchor.y.
It will only be > 0 if anchor.y is not equal to zero.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 42

outOfBoundsKill :boolean

If this and the checkWorldBounds property are both set to true then the kill method is called as soon as inWorld returns false.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InWorld.js, line 106

outOfCameraBoundsKill :boolean

If this and the autoCull property are both set to true, then the kill method
is called as soon as the Game Object leaves the camera bounds.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/InWorld.js, line 115

pendingDestroy :boolean

A Game Object is that is pendingDestroy is flagged to have its destroy method called on the next logic update.
You can set it directly to allow you to flag an object to be destroyed on its next update.

This is extremely useful if you wish to destroy an object from within one of its own callbacks
such as with Buttons or other Input events.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 259

<readonly> physicsType :number

The const physics body type of this object.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 75

<readonly> previousPosition :Phaser.Point

The position the Game Object was located in the previous frame.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 225

<readonly> previousRotation :number

The rotation the Game Object was in set to in the previous frame. Value is in radians.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 232

<readonly> renderOrderID :number

The render order ID is used internally by the renderer and Input Manager and should not be modified.
This property is mostly used internally by the renderers, but is exposed for the use of plugins.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 240

The right coordinate of the Game Object.
This is the same as x + width - offsetX.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 124

smoothed :boolean

Enable or disable texture smoothing for this BitmapText.

The smoothing is applied to the BaseTexture of this font, which all letters of the text reference.

Smoothing is enabled by default.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 681

text :string

The text to be displayed by this BitmapText object.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 626

<readonly> textHeight :number

The height in pixels of the overall text area, taking into consideration multi-line text.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 87

<readonly> textWidth :number

The width in pixels of the overall text area, taking into consideration multi-line text.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 81

tint :number

The tint applied to the BitmapText. This is a hex value. Set to white to disable (0xFFFFFF)

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 557

top :number

The y coordinate of the Game Object.
This is the same as y - offsetY.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 146

<readonly> type :number

The const type of this object.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 69

width :Number

The width of the displayObjectContainer, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 571

world :Phaser.Point

The world coordinates of this Game Object in pixels.
Depending on where in the display list this Game Object is placed this value can differ from position,
which contains the x/y coordinates relative to the Game Objects parent.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 211

x :number

The position of the Game Object on the x axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/PhysicsBody.js, line 98

y :number

The position of the Game Object on the y axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/PhysicsBody.js, line 124

<readonly> z :number

The z depth of this Game Object within its parent Group.
No two objects in a Group can have the same z value.
This value is adjusted automatically whenever the Group hierarchy changes.
If you wish to re-order the layering of a Game Object then see methods like Group.moveUp or Group.bringToTop.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 177


addChild(child) → {DisplayObject}

Adds a child to the container.

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The DisplayObject to add to the container


The child that was added.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 42

addChildAt(child, index) → {DisplayObject}

Adds a child to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The child to add

index Number

The index to place the child in


The child that was added.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 55

alignIn(container, position, offsetX, offsetY) → {Object}

Aligns this Game Object within another Game Object, or Rectangle, known as the
'container', to one of 9 possible positions.

The container must be a Game Object, or Phaser.Rectangle object. This can include properties
such as World.bounds or Camera.view, for aligning Game Objects within the world
and camera bounds. Or it can include other Sprites, Images, Text objects, BitmapText,
TileSprites or Buttons.

Please note that aligning a Sprite to another Game Object does not make it a child of
the container. It simply modifies its position coordinates so it aligns with it.

The position constants you can use are:


The Game Objects are placed in such a way that their bounds align with the
container, taking into consideration rotation, scale and the anchor property.
This allows you to neatly align Game Objects, irrespective of their position value.

The optional offsetX and offsetY arguments allow you to apply extra spacing to the final
aligned position of the Game Object. For example:

sprite.alignIn(background, Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT, -20, -20)

Would align the sprite to the bottom-right, but moved 20 pixels in from the corner.
Think of the offsets as applying an adjustment to the containers bounds before the alignment takes place.
So providing a negative offset will 'shrink' the container bounds by that amount, and providing a positive
one expands it.

Name Type Argument Default Description
container Phaser.Rectangle | Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.Text | Phaser.BitmapText | Phaser.Button | Phaser.Graphics | Phaser.TileSprite

The Game Object or Rectangle with which to align this Game Object to. Can also include properties such as World.bounds or Camera.view.

position integer <optional>

The position constant. One of Phaser.TOP_LEFT (default), Phaser.TOP_CENTER, Phaser.TOP_RIGHT, Phaser.LEFT_CENTER, Phaser.CENTER, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER, Phaser.BOTTOM_LEFT, Phaser.BOTTOM_CENTER or Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT.

offsetX integer <optional>

A horizontal adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

offsetY integer <optional>

A vertical adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

Object -

This Game Object.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 223

alignTo(parent, position, offsetX, offsetY) → {Object}

Aligns this Game Object to the side of another Game Object, or Rectangle, known as the
'parent', in one of 11 possible positions.

The parent must be a Game Object, or Phaser.Rectangle object. This can include properties
such as World.bounds or Camera.view, for aligning Game Objects within the world
and camera bounds. Or it can include other Sprites, Images, Text objects, BitmapText,
TileSprites or Buttons.

Please note that aligning a Sprite to another Game Object does not make it a child of
the parent. It simply modifies its position coordinates so it aligns with it.

The position constants you can use are:

Phaser.TOP_LEFT (default), Phaser.TOP_CENTER, Phaser.TOP_RIGHT, Phaser.LEFT_TOP,
and Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT.

The Game Objects are placed in such a way that their bounds align with the
parent, taking into consideration rotation, scale and the anchor property.
This allows you to neatly align Game Objects, irrespective of their position value.

The optional offsetX and offsetY arguments allow you to apply extra spacing to the final
aligned position of the Game Object. For example:

sprite.alignTo(background, Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT, -20, -20)

Would align the sprite to the bottom-right, but moved 20 pixels in from the corner.
Think of the offsets as applying an adjustment to the parents bounds before the alignment takes place.
So providing a negative offset will 'shrink' the parent bounds by that amount, and providing a positive
one expands it.

Name Type Argument Default Description
parent Phaser.Rectangle | Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.Text | Phaser.BitmapText | Phaser.Button | Phaser.Graphics | Phaser.TileSprite

The Game Object or Rectangle with which to align this Game Object to. Can also include properties such as World.bounds or Camera.view.

position integer <optional>

The position constant. One of Phaser.TOP_LEFT, Phaser.TOP_CENTER, Phaser.TOP_RIGHT, Phaser.LEFT_TOP, Phaser.LEFT_CENTER, Phaser.LEFT_BOTTOM, Phaser.RIGHT_TOP, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER, Phaser.RIGHT_BOTTOM, Phaser.BOTTOM_LEFT, Phaser.BOTTOM_CENTER or Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT.

offsetX integer <optional>

A horizontal adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

offsetY integer <optional>

A vertical adjustment of the Containers bounds, applied to the aligned position of the Game Object. Use a negative value to shrink the bounds, positive to increase it.

Object -

This Game Object.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Bounds.js, line 321

cleanText(text, replace) → {string}

Given a text string this will scan each character in the string to ensure it exists
in the BitmapText font data. If it doesn't the character is removed, or replaced with the replace argument.

If no font data has been loaded at all this returns an empty string, as nothing can be rendered.

Name Type Argument Default Description
text string

The text to parse.

replace string <optional>

The replacement string for any missing characters.

string -

The cleaned text string.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 312

contains(child) → {Boolean}

Determines whether the specified display object is a child of the DisplayObjectContainer instance or the instance itself.

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject


Boolean -
Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 449

destroy(destroyChildren, destroyTexture)

Destroys the Game Object. This removes it from its parent group, destroys the input, event and animation handlers if present
and nulls its reference to game, freeing it up for garbage collection.

If this Game Object has the Events component it will also dispatch the onDestroy event.

You can optionally also destroy the BaseTexture this Game Object is using. Be careful if you've
more than one Game Object sharing the same BaseTexture.

Name Type Argument Default Description
destroyChildren boolean <optional>

Should every child of this object have its destroy method called as well?

destroyTexture boolean <optional>

Destroy the BaseTexture this Game Object is using? Note that if another Game Object is sharing the same BaseTexture it will invalidate it.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Destroy.js, line 37

getBounds(targetCoordinateSpace) → {Rectangle}

Retrieves the global bounds of the displayObjectContainer as a rectangle. The bounds calculation takes all visible children into consideration.

Name Type Argument Description
targetCoordinateSpace PIXIDisplayObject | PIXIMatrix <optional>

Returns a rectangle that defines the area of the display object relative to the coordinate system of the targetCoordinateSpace object.

Rectangle -

The rectangular bounding area

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 280

getChildAt(index) → {DisplayObject}

Returns the child at the specified index

Name Type Description
index Number

The index to get the child from


The child at the given index, if any.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 153

getChildIndex(child) → {Number}

Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The DisplayObject instance to identify

Number -

The index position of the child display object to identify

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 112

getLocalBounds() → {Rectangle}

Retrieves the non-global local bounds of the displayObjectContainer as a rectangle without any transformations. The calculation takes all visible children into consideration.

Rectangle -

The rectangular bounding area

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 437

kill() → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Kills a Game Object. A killed Game Object has its alive, exists and visible properties all set to false.

It will dispatch the onKilled event. You can listen to events.onKilled for the signal.

Note that killing a Game Object is a way for you to quickly recycle it in an object pool,
it doesn't destroy the object or free it up from memory.

If you don't need this Game Object any more you should call destroy instead.

PIXI.DisplayObject -

This instance.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LifeSpan.js, line 113


Automatically called by World.preUpdate.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 198

preUpdate() → {boolean}

Automatically called by World.preUpdate.

boolean -

True if the BitmapText was rendered, otherwise false.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 187

purgeGlyphs() → {integer}

If a BitmapText changes from having a large number of characters to having very few characters it will cause lots of
Sprites to be retained in the BitmapText._glyphs array. Although they are not attached to the display list they
still take up memory while sat in the glyphs pool waiting to be re-used in the future.

If you know that the BitmapText will not grow any larger then you can purge out the excess glyphs from the pool
by calling this method.

Calling this doesn't prevent you from increasing the length of the text again in the future.

integer -

The amount of glyphs removed from the pool.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 477

removeChild(child) → {DisplayObject}

Removes a child from the container.

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The DisplayObject to remove


The child that was removed.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 171

removeChildAt(index) → {DisplayObject}

Removes a child from the specified index position.

Name Type Description
index Number

The index to get the child from


The child that was removed.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 191

removeChildren(beginIndex, endIndex)

Removes all children from this container that are within the begin and end indexes.

Name Type Description
beginIndex Number

The beginning position. Default value is 0.

endIndex Number

The ending position. Default value is size of the container.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 213

reset(x, y, health) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Resets the Game Object.

This moves the Game Object to the given x/y world coordinates and sets fresh, exists,
visible and renderable to true.

If this Game Object has the LifeSpan component it will also set alive to true and health to the given value.

If this Game Object has a Physics Body it will reset the Body.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number

The x coordinate (in world space) to position the Game Object at.

y number

The y coordinate (in world space) to position the Game Object at.

health number <optional>

The health to give the Game Object if it has the Health component.

PIXI.DisplayObject -

This instance.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Reset.js, line 30

revive(health) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Brings a 'dead' Game Object back to life, optionally resetting its health value in the process.

A resurrected Game Object has its alive, exists and visible properties all set to true.

It will dispatch the onRevived event. Listen to events.onRevived for the signal.

Name Type Argument Default Description
health number <optional>

The health to give the Game Object. Only set if the GameObject has the Health component.

PIXI.DisplayObject -

This instance.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/LifeSpan.js, line 78

setChildIndex(child, index)

Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The child DisplayObject instance for which you want to change the index number

index Number

The resulting index number for the child display object

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 132


The text to be displayed by this BitmapText object.

It's faster to use BitmapText.text = string, but this is kept for backwards compatibility.

Name Type Description
text string

The text to be displayed by this BitmapText object.

Source - gameobjects/BitmapText.js, line 217

swapChildren(child, child2)

Swaps the position of 2 Display Objects within this container.

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject


child2 DisplayObject


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 85


Override this method in your own custom objects to handle any update requirements.
It is called immediately after preUpdate and before postUpdate.
Remember if this Game Object has any children you should call update on those too.

Inherited From:
Source - gameobjects/components/Core.js, line 328
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