Phaser. Circle

new Circle(x, y, diameter)

Creates a new Circle object with the center coordinate specified by the x and y parameters and the diameter specified by the diameter parameter. If you call this function without parameters, a circle with x, y, diameter and radius properties set to 0 is created.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number <optional>

The x coordinate of the center of the circle.

y number <optional>

The y coordinate of the center of the circle.

diameter number <optional>

The diameter of the circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 17


<readonly> area :number

The area of this Circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 412

bottom :number

The sum of the y and radius properties. Changing the bottom property of a Circle object has no effect on the x and y properties, but does change the diameter. Gets or sets the bottom of the circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 385

diameter :number

The largest distance between any two points on the circle. The same as the radius * 2. Gets or sets the diameter of the circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 258

empty :boolean

Determines whether or not this Circle object is empty. Will return a value of true if the Circle objects diameter is less than or equal to 0; otherwise false. If set to true it will reset all of the Circle objects properties to 0. A Circle object is empty if its diameter is less than or equal to 0. Gets or sets the empty state of the circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 435


The x coordinate of the leftmost point of the circle. Changing the left property of a Circle object has no effect on the x and y properties. However it does affect the diameter, whereas changing the x value does not affect the diameter property.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 304

radius :number

The length of a line extending from the center of the circle to any point on the circle itself. The same as half the diameter. Gets or sets the radius of the circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 281

The x coordinate of the rightmost point of the circle. Changing the right property of a Circle object has no effect on the x and y properties. However it does affect the diameter, whereas changing the x value does not affect the diameter property. Gets or sets the value of the rightmost point of the circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 331

top :number

The sum of the y minus the radius property. Changing the top property of a Circle object has no effect on the x and y properties, but does change the diameter. Gets or sets the top of the circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 358

<readonly> type :number

The const type of this object.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 54

x :number

The x coordinate of the center of the circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 26

y :number

The y coordinate of the center of the circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 31


<static> circumferencePoint(a, angle, asDegrees, out) → {Phaser.Point}

Returns a Point object containing the coordinates of a point on the circumference of the Circle based on the given angle.

Name Type Argument Default Description
a Phaser.Circle

The first Circle object.

angle number

The angle in radians (unless asDegrees is true) to return the point from.

asDegrees boolean <optional>

Is the given angle in radians (false) or degrees (true)?

out Phaser.Point <optional>

An optional Point object to put the result in to. If none specified a new Point object will be created.


The Point object holding the result.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 506

<static> contains(a, x, y) → {boolean}

Return true if the given x/y coordinates are within the Circle object.

Name Type Description
a Phaser.Circle

The Circle to be checked.

x number

The X value of the coordinate to test.

y number

The Y value of the coordinate to test.

boolean -

True if the coordinates are within this circle, otherwise false.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 458

<static> equals(a, b) → {boolean}

Determines whether the two Circle objects match. This method compares the x, y and diameter properties.

Name Type Description
a Phaser.Circle

The first Circle object.

b Phaser.Circle

The second Circle object.

boolean -

A value of true if the object has exactly the same values for the x, y and diameter properties as this Circle object; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 483

<static> intersects(a, b) → {boolean}

Determines whether the two Circle objects intersect. This method checks the radius distances between the two Circle objects to see if they intersect.

Name Type Description
a Phaser.Circle

The first Circle object.

b Phaser.Circle

The second Circle object.

boolean -

A value of true if the specified object intersects with this Circle object; otherwise false.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 494

<static> intersectsRectangle(c, r) → {boolean}

Checks if the given Circle and Rectangle objects intersect.

Name Type Description
c Phaser.Circle

The Circle object to test.

r Phaser.Rectangle

The Rectangle object to test.

boolean -

True if the two objects intersect, otherwise false.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 532

circumference() → {number}

The circumference of the circle.

number -

The circumference of the circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 60

circumferencePoint(angle, asDegrees, out) → {Phaser.Point}

Returns a Point object containing the coordinates of a point on the circumference of the Circle based on the given angle.

Name Type Argument Default Description
angle number

The angle in radians (unless asDegrees is true) to return the point from.

asDegrees boolean <optional>

Is the given angle in radians (false) or degrees (true)?

out Phaser.Point <optional>

An optional Point object to put the result in to. If none specified a new Point object will be created.


The Point object holding the result.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 205

clone(output) → {Phaser.Circle}

Returns a new Circle object with the same values for the x, y, width, and height properties as this Circle object.

Name Type Description
output Phaser.Circle

Optional Circle object. If given the values will be set into the object, otherwise a brand new Circle object will be created and returned.


The cloned Circle object.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 171

contains(x, y) → {boolean}

Return true if the given x/y coordinates are within this Circle object.

Name Type Description
x number

The X value of the coordinate to test.

y number

The Y value of the coordinate to test.

boolean -

True if the coordinates are within this circle, otherwise false.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 192

copyFrom(source) → {Circle}

Copies the x, y and diameter properties from any given object to this Circle.

Name Type Description
source any

The object to copy from.

Circle -

This Circle object.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 128

copyTo(dest) → {object}

Copies the x, y and diameter properties from this Circle to any given object.

Name Type Description
dest any

The object to copy to.

object -

This dest object.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 140

distance(dest, round) → {number}

Returns the distance from the center of the Circle object to the given object (can be Circle, Point or anything with x/y properties)

Name Type Argument Default Description
dest object

The target object. Must have visible x and y properties that represent the center of the object.

round boolean <optional>

Round the distance to the nearest integer.

number -

The distance between this Point object and the destination Point object.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 156

getBounds() → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Returns the framing rectangle of the circle as a Phaser.Rectangle object.


The bounds of the Circle.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 97

offset(dx, dy) → {Circle}

Adjusts the location of the Circle object, as determined by its center coordinate, by the specified amounts.

Name Type Description
dx number

Moves the x value of the Circle object by this amount.

dy number

Moves the y value of the Circle object by this amount.

Circle -

This Circle object.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 219

offsetPoint(point) → {Circle}

Adjusts the location of the Circle object using a Point object as a parameter. This method is similar to the Circle.offset() method, except that it takes a Point object as a parameter.

Name Type Description
point Point

A Point object to use to offset this Circle object (or any valid object with exposed x and y properties).

Circle -

This Circle object.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 235

random(out) → {Phaser.Point}

Returns a uniformly distributed random point from anywhere within this Circle.

Name Type Argument Description
out Phaser.Point | object <optional>

A Phaser.Point, or any object with public x/y properties, that the values will be set in. If no object is provided a new Phaser.Point object will be created. In high performance areas avoid this by re-using an existing object.


An object containing the random point in its x and y properties.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 72

setTo(x, y, diameter) → {Circle}

Sets the members of Circle to the specified values.

Name Type Description
x number

The x coordinate of the center of the circle.

y number

The y coordinate of the center of the circle.

diameter number

The diameter of the circle.

Circle -

This circle object.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 109

toString() → {string}

Returns a string representation of this object.

string -

a string representation of the instance.

Source - geom/Circle.js, line 245
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