PIXI. SpriteSheetLoader

new SpriteSheetLoader(url, crossorigin)

The sprite sheet loader is used to load in JSON sprite sheet data To generate the data you can use http://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker and publish in the 'JSON' format There is a free version so thats nice, although the paid version is great value for money. It is highly recommended to use Sprite sheets (also know as a 'texture atlas') as it means sprites can be batched and drawn together for highly increased rendering speed. Once the data has been loaded the frames are stored in the PIXI texture cache and can be accessed though PIXI.Texture.fromFrameId() and PIXI.Sprite.fromFrameId() This loader will load the image file that the Spritesheet points to as well as the data. When loaded this class will dispatch a 'loaded' event

Name Type Description
url String

The url of the sprite sheet JSON file

crossorigin Boolean

Whether requests should be treated as crossorigin

Source - pixi/loaders/SpriteSheetLoader.js, line 5


<readonly> baseUrl :String

[read-only] The base url of the bitmap font data

Source - pixi/loaders/SpriteSheetLoader.js, line 38

crossorigin :Boolean

Whether the requests should be treated as cross origin

Source - pixi/loaders/SpriteSheetLoader.js, line 30

frames :Object

The frames of the sprite sheet

Source - pixi/loaders/SpriteSheetLoader.js, line 55

texture :PIXI.Texture

The texture being loaded

Source - pixi/loaders/SpriteSheetLoader.js, line 47

url :String

The url of the atlas data

Source - pixi/loaders/SpriteSheetLoader.js, line 22



This will begin loading the JSON file

Source - pixi/loaders/SpriteSheetLoader.js, line 69
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