Source: D:/wamp/www/phaser/src/tween/TweenData.js

* @author       Richard Davey <>
* @copyright    2014 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license      {@link|MIT License}

* A Phaser.Tween contains at least one TweenData object. It contains all of the tween data values, such as the
* starting and ending values, the ease function, interpolation and duration. The Tween acts as a timeline manager for
* TweenData objects and can contain multiple TweenData objects.
* @class Phaser.TweenData
* @constructor
* @param {Phaser.Tween} parent - The Tween that owns this TweenData object.
Phaser.TweenData = function (parent) {

    * @property {Phaser.Tween} parent - The Tween which owns this TweenData.
    this.parent = parent;

    * @property {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running Game.
    */ =;

    * @property {object} vStart - An object containing the values at the start of the tween.
    * @private
    this.vStart = {};

    * @property {object} vStartCache - Cached starting values.
    * @private
    this.vStartCache = {};

    * @property {object} vEnd - An object containing the values at the end of the tween.
    * @private
    this.vEnd = {};

    * @property {object} vEnd - Cached ending values.
    * @private
    this.vEndCache = {};

    * @property {number} duration - The duration of the tween in ms.
    * @default
    this.duration = 1000;

    * @property {number} percent - A value between 0 and 1 that represents how far through the duration this tween is.
    * @readonly
    this.percent = 0;

    * @property {number} value - The current calculated value.
    * @readonly
    this.value = 0;

    * @property {number} repeatCounter - If the Tween is set to repeat this contains the current repeat count.
    this.repeatCounter = 0;

    * @property {number} repeatDelay - The amount of time in ms between repeats of this tween.
    this.repeatDelay = 0;

    * @property {boolean} yoyo - True if the Tween is set to yoyo, otherwise false.
    * @default
    this.yoyo = false;

    * @property {boolean} inReverse - When a Tween is yoyoing this value holds if it's currently playing forwards (false) or in reverse (true).
    * @default
    this.inReverse = false;

    * @property {number} delay - The amount to delay by until the Tween starts (in ms).
    * @default
    this.delay = 0;

    * @property {number} dt - Current time value.
    this.dt = 0;

    * @property {number} startTime - The time the Tween started or null if it hasn't yet started.
    this.startTime = null;

    * @property {function} easingFunction - The easing function used for the Tween.
    * @default Phaser.Easing.Default
    this.easingFunction = Phaser.Easing.Default;

    * @property {function} interpolationFunction - The interpolation function used for the Tween.
    * @default Phaser.Math.linearInterpolation
    this.interpolationFunction = Phaser.Math.linearInterpolation;

    * @property {boolean} isRunning - If the tween is running this is set to `true`. Unless Phaser.Tween a TweenData that is waiting for a delay to expire is *not* considered as running.
    * @default
    this.isRunning = false;

    * @property {boolean} isFrom - Is this a from tween or a to tween?
    * @default
    this.isFrom = false;


* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.TweenData.PENDING = 0;

* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.TweenData.RUNNING = 1;

* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.TweenData.LOOPED = 2;

* @constant
* @type {number}
Phaser.TweenData.COMPLETE = 3;

Phaser.TweenData.prototype = {

    * Sets this tween to be a `to` tween on the properties given. A `to` tween starts at the current value and tweens to the destination value given.
    * For example a Sprite with an `x` coordinate of 100 could be tweened to `x` 200 by giving a properties object of `{ x: 200 }`.
    * @method Phaser.Tween#to
    * @param {object} properties - The properties you want to tween, such as `Sprite.x` or `Sound.volume`. Given as a JavaScript object.
    * @param {number} [duration=1000] - Duration of this tween in ms.
    * @param {function} [ease=null] - Easing function. If not set it will default to Phaser.Easing.Default, which is Phaser.Easing.Linear.None by default but can be over-ridden at will.
    * @param {number} [delay=0] - Delay before this tween will start, defaults to 0 (no delay). Value given is in ms.
    * @param {number} [repeat=0] - Should the tween automatically restart once complete? If you want it to run forever set as -1. This ignores any chained tweens.
    * @param {boolean} [yoyo=false] - A tween that yoyos will reverse itself and play backwards automatically. A yoyo'd tween doesn't fire the Tween.onComplete event, so listen for Tween.onLoop instead.
    * @return {Phaser.TweenData} This Tween object.
    to: function (properties, duration, ease, delay, repeat, yoyo) {

        this.vEnd = properties;
        this.duration = duration;
        this.easingFunction = ease;
        this.delay = delay;
        this.repeatCounter = repeat;
        this.yoyo = yoyo;

        this.isFrom = false;

        return this;


    * Sets this tween to be a `from` tween on the properties given. A `from` tween sets the target to the destination value and tweens to its current value.
    * For example a Sprite with an `x` coordinate of 100 tweened from `x` 500 would be set to `x` 500 and then tweened to `x` 100 by giving a properties object of `{ x: 500 }`.
    * @method Phaser.Tween#from
    * @param {object} properties - The properties you want to tween, such as `Sprite.x` or `Sound.volume`. Given as a JavaScript object.
    * @param {number} [duration=1000] - Duration of this tween in ms.
    * @param {function} [ease=null] - Easing function. If not set it will default to Phaser.Easing.Default, which is Phaser.Easing.Linear.None by default but can be over-ridden at will.
    * @param {number} [delay=0] - Delay before this tween will start, defaults to 0 (no delay). Value given is in ms.
    * @param {number} [repeat=0] - Should the tween automatically restart once complete? If you want it to run forever set as -1. This ignores any chained tweens.
    * @param {boolean} [yoyo=false] - A tween that yoyos will reverse itself and play backwards automatically. A yoyo'd tween doesn't fire the Tween.onComplete event, so listen for Tween.onLoop instead.
    * @return {Phaser.TweenData} This Tween object.
    from: function (properties, duration, ease, delay, repeat, yoyo) {

        this.vEnd = properties;
        this.duration = duration;
        this.easingFunction = ease;
        this.delay = delay;
        this.repeatCounter = repeat;
        this.yoyo = yoyo;

        this.isFrom = true;

        return this;


    * Starts the Tween running.
    * @method Phaser.TweenData#start
    * @return {Phaser.TweenData} This Tween object.
    start: function () {

        this.startTime = + this.delay;

        if (this.parent.reverse)
            this.dt = this.duration;
            this.dt = 0;

        if (this.delay > 0)
            this.isRunning = false;
            this.isRunning = true;

        if (this.isFrom)
            //  Reverse them all and instant set them
            for (var property in this.vStartCache)
                this.vStart[property] = this.vEndCache[property];
                this.vEnd[property] = this.vStartCache[property];
      [property] = this.vStart[property];

        this.value = 0;
        this.yoyoCounter = 0;

        return this;


    * Loads the values from the target object into this Tween.
    * @private
    * @method Phaser.TweenData#loadValues
    * @return {Phaser.TweenData} This Tween object.
    loadValues: function () {

        for (var property in
            //  Load the property from the parent object
            this.vStart[property] =[property];

            //  Check if an Array was provided as property value (NEEDS TESTING)
            if (Array.isArray(this.vEnd[property]))
                if (this.vEnd[property].length === 0)

                //  Create a local copy of the Array with the start value at the front
                this.vEnd[property] = [[property]].concat(this.vEnd[property]);

            if (typeof this.vEnd[property] !== 'undefined')
                if (typeof this.vEnd[property] === 'string')
                    //  Parses relative end values with start as base (e.g.: +10, -3)
                    this.vEnd[property] = this.vStart[property] + parseFloat(this.vEnd[property], 10);

      [property] = this.vEnd[property];
                //  Null tween
                this.vEnd[property] = this.vStart[property];

            this.vStartCache[property] = this.vStart[property];
            this.vEndCache[property] = this.vEnd[property];

        return this;


    * Updates this Tween. This is called automatically by Phaser.Tween.
    * @protected
    * @method Phaser.TweenData#update
    * @return {number} The current status of this Tween. One of the Phaser.TweenData constants: PENDING, RUNNING, LOOPED or COMPLETE.
    update: function () {

        if (!this.isRunning)
            if ( >= this.startTime)
                this.isRunning = true;
                return Phaser.TweenData.PENDING;

        if (this.parent.reverse)
            this.dt -= * this.parent.timeScale;
            this.dt = Math.max(this.dt, 0);
            this.dt += * this.parent.timeScale;
            this.dt = Math.min(this.dt, this.duration);

        this.percent = this.dt / this.duration;

        this.value = this.easingFunction(this.percent);

        for (var property in this.vEnd)
            var start = this.vStart[property];
            var end = this.vEnd[property];

            if (Array.isArray(end))
      [property] = this.interpolationFunction(end, this.value);
      [property] = start + ((end - start) * this.value);

        if ((!this.parent.reverse && this.percent === 1) || (this.parent.reverse && this.percent === 0))
            return this.repeat();
        return Phaser.TweenData.RUNNING;


    * This will generate an array populated with the tweened object values from start to end.
    * It works by running the tween simulation at the given frame rate based on the values set-up in and Tween.from.
    * Just one play through of the tween data is returned, including yoyo if set.
    * @method Phaser.TweenData#generateData
    * @param {number} [frameRate=60] - The speed in frames per second that the data should be generated at. The higher the value, the larger the array it creates.
    * @return {array} An array of tweened values.
    generateData: function (frameRate) {

        if (this.parent.reverse)
            this.dt = this.duration;
            this.dt = 0;

        var data = [];
        var complete = false;
        var fps = (1 / frameRate) * 1000;

            if (this.parent.reverse)
                this.dt -= fps;
                this.dt = Math.max(this.dt, 0);
                this.dt += fps;
                this.dt = Math.min(this.dt, this.duration);

            this.percent = this.dt / this.duration;

            this.value = this.easingFunction(this.percent);

            var blob = {};

            for (var property in this.vEnd)
                var start = this.vStart[property];
                var end = this.vEnd[property];

                if (Array.isArray(end))
                    blob[property] = this.interpolationFunction(end, this.value);
                    blob[property] = start + ((end - start) * this.value);


            if ((!this.parent.reverse && this.percent === 1) || (this.parent.reverse && this.percent === 0))
                complete = true;

        } while (!complete);

        if (this.yoyo)
            var reversed = data.slice();
            data = data.concat(reversed);

        return data;


    * Checks if this Tween is meant to repeat or yoyo and handles doing so.
    * @private
    * @method Phaser.TweenData#repeat
    * @return {number} Either Phaser.TweenData.LOOPED or Phaser.TweenData.COMPLETE.
    repeat: function () {

        //  If not a yoyo and repeatCounter = 0 then we're done
        if (this.yoyo)
            //  We're already in reverse mode, which means the yoyo has finished and there's no repeats, so end
            if (this.inReverse && this.repeatCounter === 0)
                return Phaser.TweenData.COMPLETE;

            this.inReverse = !this.inReverse;
            if (this.repeatCounter === 0)
                return Phaser.TweenData.COMPLETE;

        if (this.inReverse)
            //  If inReverse we're going from vEnd to vStartCache
            for (var property in this.vStartCache)
                this.vStart[property] = this.vEndCache[property];
                this.vEnd[property] = this.vStartCache[property];
            //  If not inReverse we're just repopulating the cache again
            for (var property in this.vStartCache)
                this.vStart[property] = this.vStartCache[property];
                this.vEnd[property] = this.vEndCache[property];

            //  -1 means repeat forever, otherwise decrement the repeatCounter
            //  We only decrement this counter if the tween isn't doing a yoyo, as that doesn't count towards the repeat total
            if (this.repeatCounter > 0)

        this.startTime = + this.delay;

        if (this.parent.reverse)
            this.dt = this.duration;
            this.dt = 0;

        return Phaser.TweenData.LOOPED;



Phaser.TweenData.prototype.constructor = Phaser.TweenData;
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