Phaser. FlexLayer

new FlexLayer(manager, position, bounds, scale)

WARNING: This is an EXPERIMENTAL class. The API will change significantly in the coming versions and is incomplete. Please try to avoid using in production games with a long time to build. This is also why the documentation is incomplete.

A responsive grid layer.

Name Type Description
manager Phaser.FlexGrid

The FlexGrid that owns this FlexLayer.

position Phaser.Point

A reference to the Point object used for positioning.

bounds Phaser.Rectangle

A reference to the Rectangle used for the layer bounds.

scale Phaser.Point

A reference to the Point object used for layer scaling.

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 22



alive :boolean

The alive property is useful for Groups that are children of other Groups and need to be included/excluded in checks like forEachAlive.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • true
Source - core/Group.js, line 93

alpha :number

The alpha value of the group container.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2484

angle :number

The angle of rotation of the group container, in degrees.

This adjusts the group itself by modifying its local rotation transform.

This has no impact on the rotation/angle properties of the children, but it will update their worldTransform and on-screen orientation and position.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2416

bottomLeft :Phaser.Point

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 76

bottomMiddle :Phaser.Point

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 81

bottomRight :Phaser.Point

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 86

bounds :Phaser.Rectangle

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 51

cacheAsBitmap :Boolean

Set if this display object is cached as a bitmap. This basically takes a snap shot of the display object as it is at that moment. It can provide a performance benefit for complex static displayObjects. To remove simply set this property to 'null'

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 355

cameraOffset :Phaser.Point

If this object is fixedToCamera then this stores the x/y position offset relative to the top-left of the camera view. If the parent of this Group is also fixedToCamera then the offset here is in addition to that and should typically be disabled.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 272

<readonly> children :Array.<DisplayObject>

[read-only] The array of children of this container.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 17

classType :object

The type of objects that will be created when using create or createMultiple.

Any object may be used but it should extend either Sprite or Image and accept the same constructor arguments: when a new object is created it is passed the following parameters to its constructor: (game, x, y, key, frame).

Inherited From:
Default Value:
Source - core/Group.js, line 130

cursor :DisplayObject

The current display object that the group cursor is pointing to, if any. (Can be set manually.)

The cursor is a way to iterate through the children in a Group using next and previous.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 138

<readonly> cursorIndex :integer

The current index of the Group cursor. Advance it with

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 255

enableBody :boolean

If true all Sprites created by, or added to this group, will have a physics body enabled on them.

If there are children already in the Group at the time you set this property, they are not changed.

The default body type is controlled with physicsBodyType.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 208

enableBodyDebug :boolean

If true when a physics body is created (via enableBody) it will create a physics debug object as well.

This only works for P2 bodies.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 217

exists :boolean

If exists is true the group is updated, otherwise it is skipped.

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • true
Source - core/Group.js, line 100

filterArea :Rectangle

The area the filter is applied to like the hitArea this is used as more of an optimisation rather than figuring out the dimensions of the displayObject each frame you can set this rectangle

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 164

filters :Array.<Filter>

Sets the filters for the displayObject. IMPORTANT: This is a webGL only feature and will be ignored by the Canvas renderer.

To remove filters simply set this property to 'null'.

You cannot have a filter and a multiply blend mode active at the same time. Setting a filter will reset this objects blend mode to NORMAL.

  • Array.<Filter>
Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 307

fixedToCamera :boolean

A Group that is fixed to the camera uses its x/y coordinates as offsets from the top left of the camera. These are stored in Group.cameraOffset.

Note that the cameraOffset values are in addition to any parent in the display list. So if this Group was in a Group that has x: 200, then this will be added to the cameraOffset.x

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 265

<internal> game :Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running Game.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - core/Group.js, line 38

grid :Phaser.FlexGrid

A reference to the FlexGrid that owns this layer.

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 34

hash :array

The hash array is an array belonging to this Group into which you can add any of its children via Group.addToHash and Group.removeFromHash.

Only children of this Group can be added to and removed from the hash.

This hash is used automatically by Phaser Arcade Physics in order to perform non z-index based destructive sorting. However if you don't use Arcade Physics, or this isn't a physics enabled Group, then you can use the hash to perform your own sorting and filtering of Group children without touching their z-index (and therefore display draw order)

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 285

height :Number

The height of the displayObjectContainer, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 72

hitArea :Rectangle|Circle|Ellipse|Polygon

This is the defined area that will pick up mouse / touch events. It is null by default. Setting it is a neat way of optimising the hitTest function that the interactionManager will use (as it will not need to hit test all the children)

  • Rectangle | Circle | Ellipse | Polygon
Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 62

ignoreChildInput :Boolean

If ignoreChildInput is false it will allow this objects children to be considered as valid for Input events.

If this property is true then the children will not be considered as valid for Input events.

Note that this property isn't recursive: only immediate children are influenced, it doesn't scan further down.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 26

ignoreDestroy :boolean

A group with ignoreDestroy set to true ignores all calls to its destroy method.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 107

inputEnableChildren :boolean

A Group with inputEnableChildren set to true will automatically call inputEnabled = true on any children added to, or created by, this Group.

If there are children already in the Group at the time you set this property, they are not changed.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 149

<readonly> length :integer

Total number of children in this group, regardless of exists/alive status.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2399


Name Type Description
scale Phaser.ScaleManager

A reference to the ScaleManager.

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 29

mask :PIXI.Graphics

Sets a mask for the displayObject. A mask is an object that limits the visibility of an object to the shape of the mask applied to it. In PIXI a regular mask must be a PIXI.Graphics object. This allows for much faster masking in canvas as it utilises shape clipping. To remove a mask, set this property to null.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 282

name :string

A name for this group. Not used internally but useful for debugging.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 49

onChildInputDown :Phaser.Signal

This Signal is dispatched whenever a child of this Group emits an onInputDown signal as a result of having been interacted with by a Pointer. You can bind functions to this Signal instead of to every child Sprite.

This Signal is sent 2 arguments: A reference to the Sprite that triggered the signal, and a reference to the Pointer that caused it.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 161

onChildInputOut :Phaser.Signal

This Signal is dispatched whenever a child of this Group emits an onInputOut signal as a result of having been interacted with by a Pointer. You can bind functions to this Signal instead of to every child Sprite.

This Signal is sent 2 arguments: A reference to the Sprite that triggered the signal, and a reference to the Pointer that caused it.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 198

onChildInputOver :Phaser.Signal

This Signal is dispatched whenever a child of this Group emits an onInputOver signal as a result of having been interacted with by a Pointer. You can bind functions to this Signal instead of to every child Sprite.

This Signal is sent 2 arguments: A reference to the Sprite that triggered the signal, and a reference to the Pointer that caused it.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 186

onChildInputUp :Phaser.Signal

This Signal is dispatched whenever a child of this Group emits an onInputUp signal as a result of having been interacted with by a Pointer. You can bind functions to this Signal instead of to every child Sprite.

This Signal is sent 3 arguments: A reference to the Sprite that triggered the signal, a reference to the Pointer that caused it, and a boolean value isOver that tells you if the Pointer is still over the Sprite or not.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 174

onDestroy :Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when the group is destroyed.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 249

<readonly> parent :PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer

[read-only] The display object container that contains this display object.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 79

pendingDestroy :boolean

A Group is that has pendingDestroy set to true is flagged to have its destroy method called on the next logic update. You can set it directly to flag the Group to be destroyed on its next update.

This is extremely useful if you wish to destroy a Group from within one of its own callbacks or a callback of one of its children.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 119

persist :boolean

Should the FlexLayer remain through a State swap?

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 41

physicsBodyType :integer

If enableBody is true this is the type of physics body that is created on new Sprites.

The valid values are Phaser.Physics.ARCADE, Phaser.Physics.P2JS, Phaser.Physics.NINJA, etc.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 225

physicsSortDirection :integer

If this Group contains Arcade Physics Sprites you can set a custom sort direction via this property.

It should be set to one of the Phaser.Physics.Arcade sort direction constants:

Phaser.Physics.Arcade.SORT_NONE Phaser.Physics.Arcade.LEFT_RIGHT Phaser.Physics.Arcade.RIGHT_LEFT Phaser.Physics.Arcade.TOP_BOTTOM Phaser.Physics.Arcade.BOTTOM_TOP

If set to null the Group will use whatever Phaser.Physics.Arcade.sortDirection is set to. This is the default behavior.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 243

<readonly> physicsType :number

The const physics body type of this object.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 86

pivot :Point

The pivot point of the displayObject that it rotates around

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 30

position :Phaser.Point

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 46

renderable :Boolean

Can this object be rendered

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 71

rotation :number

The angle of rotation of the group container, in radians.

This will adjust the group container itself by modifying its rotation. This will have no impact on the rotation value of its children, but it will update their worldTransform and on-screen position.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2468

scale :Phaser.Point

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 56

<readonly> stage :Stage

[read-only] The stage the display object is connected to, or undefined if it is not connected to the stage.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 88

topLeft :Phaser.Point

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 61

topMiddle :Phaser.Point

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 66

topRight :Phaser.Point

Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 71

<readonly> total :integer

Total number of existing children in the group.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2382

<internal> type :integer

Internal Phaser Type value.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - core/Group.js, line 80

visible :boolean

The visible state of the group. Non-visible Groups and all of their children are not rendered.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2477

width :Number

The width of the displayObjectContainer, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 43

<readonly> worldAlpha :Number

[read-only] The multiplied alpha of the displayObject

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 97

<readonly> worldPosition :Point

The position of the Display Object based on the world transform. This value is updated at the end of updateTransform and takes all parent transforms into account.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 116

<readonly> worldRotation :Number

The rotation of the Display Object, in radians, based on the world transform. This value is updated at the end of updateTransform and takes all parent transforms into account.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 136

<readonly> worldScale :Point

The scale of the Display Object based on the world transform. This value is updated at the end of updateTransform and takes all parent transforms into account.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 126

worldVisible :Boolean

[read-only] Indicates if the sprite is globally visible.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 258

x :number

The x coordinate of the group container.

You can adjust the group container itself by modifying its coordinates. This will have no impact on the x/y coordinates of its children, but it will update their worldTransform and on-screen position.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2450

y :number

The y coordinate of the group container.

You can adjust the group container itself by modifying its coordinates. This will have no impact on the x/y coordinates of its children, but it will update their worldTransform and on-screen position.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2459

<readonly> z :integer

The z-depth value of this object within its parent container/Group - the World is a Group as well. This value must be unique for each child in a Group.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 57


add(child, silent, index) → {DisplayObject}

Adds an existing object as the top child in this group.

The child is automatically added to the top of the group, and is displayed above every previous child.

Or if the optional index is specified, the child is added at the location specified by the index value, this allows you to control child ordering.

If the child was already in this Group, it is simply returned, and nothing else happens to it.

If Group.enableBody is set, then a physics body will be created on the object, so long as one does not already exist.

If Group.inputEnableChildren is set, then an Input Handler will be created on the object, so long as one does not already exist.

Use addAt to control where a child is added. Use create to create and add a new child.

Name Type Argument Default Description
child DisplayObject

The display object to add as a child.

silent boolean <optional>

If true the child will not dispatch the onAddedToGroup event.

index integer <optional>

The index within the group to insert the child to. Where 0 is the bottom of the Group.


The child that was added to the group.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 334

addAll(property, amount, checkAlive, checkVisible)

Adds the amount to the given property on all children in this group.

Group.addAll('x', 10) will add 10 to the child.x value for each child.

Name Type Description
property string

The property to increment, for example 'body.velocity.x' or 'angle'.

amount number

The amount to increment the property by. If child.x = 10 then addAll('x', 40) would make child.x = 50.

checkAlive boolean

If true the property will only be changed if the child is alive.

checkVisible boolean

If true the property will only be changed if the child is visible.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1209

addAt(child, index, silent) → {DisplayObject}

Adds an existing object to this group.

The child is added to the group at the location specified by the index value, this allows you to control child ordering.

If Group.enableBody is set, then a physics body will be created on the object, so long as one does not already exist.

If Group.inputEnableChildren is set, then an Input Handler will be created on the object, so long as one does not already exist.

Name Type Argument Default Description
child DisplayObject

The display object to add as a child.

index integer <optional>

The index within the group to insert the child to.

silent boolean <optional>

If true the child will not dispatch the onAddedToGroup event.


The child that was added to the group.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 411

addChild(child) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Adds a child to the container.

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject to add to the container


The child that was added.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 102

addChildAt(child, index) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Adds a child to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The child to add

index Number

The index to place the child in


The child that was added.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 114

addMultiple(children, silent) → {Array.<DisplayObject>|Phaser.Group}

Adds an array of existing Display Objects to this Group.

The Display Objects are automatically added to the top of this Group, and will render on-top of everything already in this Group.

As well as an array you can also pass another Group as the first argument. In this case all of the children from that Group will be removed from it and added into this Group.

If Group.enableBody is set, then a physics body will be created on the objects, so long as one does not already exist.

If Group.inputEnableChildren is set, then an Input Handler will be created on the objects, so long as one does not already exist.

Name Type Argument Default Description
children Array.<DisplayObject> | Phaser.Group

An array of display objects or a Phaser.Group. If a Group is given then all children will be moved from it.

silent boolean <optional>

If true the children will not dispatch the onAddedToGroup event.


The array of children or Group of children that were added to this Group.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 482

addToHash(child) → {boolean}

Adds a child of this Group into the hash array. This call will return false if the child is not a child of this Group, or is already in the hash.

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The display object to add to this Groups hash. Must be a member of this Group already and not present in the hash.

boolean -

True if the child was successfully added to the hash, otherwise false.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 432

<internal> ascendingSortHandler(a, b)

An internal helper function for the sort process.

Name Type Description
a object

The first object being sorted.

b object

The second object being sorted.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - core/Group.js, line 1748

bringToTop(child) → {any}

Brings the given child to the top of this group so it renders above all other children.

Name Type Description
child any

The child to bring to the top of this group.

any -

The child that was moved.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 730

callAll(method, context, args)

Calls a function, specified by name, on all on children.

The function is called for all children regardless if they are dead or alive (see callAllExists for different options). After the method parameter and context you can add as many extra parameters as you like, which will all be passed to the child.

Name Type Argument Default Description
method string

Name of the function on the child to call. Deep property lookup is supported.

context string <optional>

A string containing the context under which the method will be executed. Set to null to default to the child.

args any <repeatable>

Additional parameters that will be passed to the method.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1364

callAllExists(callback, existsValue, parameter)

Calls a function, specified by name, on all children in the group who exist (or do not exist).

After the existsValue parameter you can add as many parameters as you like, which will all be passed to the child callback.

Name Type Argument Description
callback string

Name of the function on the children to call.

existsValue boolean

Only children with exists=existsValue will be called.

parameter any <repeatable>

Additional parameters that will be passed to the callback.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1277

<internal> callbackFromArray(child, callback, length)

Returns a reference to a function that exists on a child of the group based on the given callback array.

Name Type Description
child object

The object to inspect.

callback array

The array of function names.

length integer

The size of the array (pre-calculated in callAll).

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - core/Group.js, line 1311

checkAll(key, value, checkAlive, checkVisible, force)

Quickly check that the same property across all children of this group is equal to the given value.

This call doesn't descend down children, so if you have a Group inside of this group, the property will be checked on the group but not its children.

Name Type Argument Default Description
key string

The property, as a string, to be set. For example: 'body.velocity.x'

value any

The value that will be checked.

checkAlive boolean <optional>

If set then only children with alive=true will be checked. This includes any Groups that are children.

checkVisible boolean <optional>

If set then only children with visible=true will be checked. This includes any Groups that are children.

force boolean <optional>

If force is true then the property will be checked on the child regardless if it already exists or not. If true and the property doesn't exist, false will be returned.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1176

checkProperty(child, key, value, force) → {boolean}

Checks a property for the given value on the child.

Name Type Argument Default Description
child any

The child to check the property value on.

key array

An array of strings that make up the property that will be set.

value any

The value that will be checked.

force boolean <optional>

If force is true then the property will be checked on the child regardless if it already exists or not. If true and the property doesn't exist, false will be returned.

boolean -

True if the property was was equal to value, false if not.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1040

countDead() → {integer}

Get the number of dead children in this group.

integer -

The number of children flagged as dead.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2131

countLiving() → {integer}

Get the number of living children in this group.

integer -

The number of children flagged as alive.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2119

create(x, y, key, frame, exists, index) → {DisplayObject}

Creates a new Phaser.Sprite object and adds it to the top of this group.

Use classType to change the type of object created.

The child is automatically added to the top of the group, and is displayed above every previous child.

Or if the optional index is specified, the child is added at the location specified by the index value, this allows you to control child ordering.

If Group.enableBody is set, then a physics body will be created on the object, so long as one does not already exist.

If Group.inputEnableChildren is set, then an Input Handler will be created on the object, so long as one does not already exist.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number

The x coordinate to display the newly created Sprite at. The value is in relation to the group.x point.

y number

The y coordinate to display the newly created Sprite at. The value is in relation to the group.y point.

key string | Phaser.RenderTexture | Phaser.BitmapData | Phaser.Video | PIXI.Texture <optional>

This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache Image entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData, Video or PIXI.Texture.

frame string | number <optional>

If this Sprite is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index.

exists boolean <optional>

The default exists state of the Sprite.

index integer <optional>

The index within the group to insert the child to. Where 0 is the bottom of the Group.


The child that was created: will be a Phaser.Sprite unless #classType has been changed.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 537

createMultiple(quantity, key, frame, exists) → {array}

Creates multiple Phaser.Sprite objects and adds them to the top of this Group.

Use classType to change the type of object created.

This method is useful if you need to quickly generate a pool of identical sprites, such as bullets.

By default the Sprites will have their exists property set to false, and they will be positioned at 0x0, relative to the Group.x / y values.

If Group.enableBody is set, then a physics body will be created on the objects, so long as one does not already exist.

If Group.inputEnableChildren is set, then an Input Handler will be created on the objects, so long as one does not already exist.

Name Type Argument Default Description
quantity integer

The number of Sprites to create.

key string

The Game.cache key of the image that this Sprite will use.

frame integer | string <optional>

If the Sprite image contains multiple frames you can specify which one to use here.

exists boolean <optional>

The default exists state of the Sprite.

array -

An array containing all of the Sprites that were created.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 574

customSort(sortHandler, context)

Sort the children in the group according to custom sort function.

The sortHandler is provided the two parameters: the two children involved in the comparison (a and b). It should return -1 if a > b, 1 if a < b or 0 if a === b.

Name Type Argument Description
sortHandler function

The custom sort function.

context object <optional>

The context in which the sortHandler is called.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1724



Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 101

<internal> descendingSortHandler(a, b)

An internal helper function for the sort process.

Name Type Description
a object

The first object being sorted.

b object

The second object being sorted.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - core/Group.js, line 1780

destroy(destroyChildren, soft)

Destroys this group.

Removes all children, then removes this group from its parent and nulls references.

Name Type Argument Default Description
destroyChildren boolean <optional>

If true destroy will be invoked on each removed child.

soft boolean <optional>

A 'soft destroy' (set to true) doesn't remove this group from its parent or null the game reference. Set to false and it does.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2345

divideAll(property, amount, checkAlive, checkVisible)

Divides the given property by the amount on all children in this group.

Group.divideAll('x', 2) will half the child.x value for each child.

Name Type Description
property string

The property to divide, for example 'body.velocity.x' or 'angle'.

amount number

The amount to divide the property by. If child.x = 100 then divideAll('x', 2) would make child.x = 50.

checkAlive boolean

If true the property will only be changed if the child is alive.

checkVisible boolean

If true the property will only be changed if the child is visible.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1260

filter(predicate, checkExists) → {Phaser.ArraySet}

Find children matching a certain predicate.

For example:

var healthyList = Group.filter(function(child, index, children) {
    return > 10 ? true : false;
}, true);

Note: Currently this will skip any children which are Groups themselves.

Name Type Argument Default Description
predicate function

The function that each child will be evaluated against. Each child of the group will be passed to it as its first parameter, the index as the second, and the entire child array as the third

checkExists boolean <optional>

If true, only existing can be selected; otherwise all children can be selected and will be passed to the predicate.


Returns an array list containing all the children that the predicate returned true for

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1506

forEach(callback, callbackContext, checkExists, args)

Call a function on each child in this group.

Additional arguments for the callback can be specified after the checkExists parameter. For example,

Group.forEach(awardBonusGold, this, true, 100, 500)

would invoke awardBonusGold function with the parameters (child, 100, 500).

Note: This check will skip any children which are Groups themselves.

Name Type Argument Default Description
callback function

The function that will be called for each applicable child. The child will be passed as the first argument.

callbackContext object

The context in which the function should be called (usually 'this').

checkExists boolean <optional>

If set only children matching for which exists is true will be passed to the callback, otherwise all children will be passed.

args any <optional>

Additional arguments to pass to the callback function, after the child item.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1546

forEachAlive(callback, callbackContext, args)

Call a function on each alive child in this group.

See forEach for details.

Name Type Argument Default Description
callback function

The function that will be called for each applicable child. The child will be passed as the first argument.

callbackContext object

The context in which the function should be called (usually 'this').

args any <optional>

Additional arguments to pass to the callback function, after the child item.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1628

forEachDead(callback, callbackContext, args)

Call a function on each dead child in this group.

See forEach for details.

Name Type Argument Default Description
callback function

The function that will be called for each applicable child. The child will be passed as the first argument.

callbackContext object

The context in which the function should be called (usually 'this').

args any <optional>

Additional arguments to pass to the callback function, after the child item.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1656

forEachExists(callback, callbackContext, args)

Call a function on each existing child in this group.

See forEach for details.

Name Type Argument Default Description
callback function

The function that will be called for each applicable child. The child will be passed as the first argument.

callbackContext object

The context in which the function should be called (usually 'this').

args any <optional>

Additional arguments to pass to the callback function, after the child item.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1600

generateTexture(resolution, scaleMode, renderer) → {PIXI.RenderTexture}

Useful function that returns a texture of the displayObject object that can then be used to create sprites This can be quite useful if your displayObject is static / complicated and needs to be reused multiple times.

Name Type Description
resolution Number

The resolution of the texture being generated

scaleMode Number

See {{#crossLink "PIXI/scaleModes:property"}}PIXI.scaleModes{{/crossLink}} for possible values

renderer PIXI.CanvasRenderer | PIXI.WebGLRenderer

The renderer used to generate the texture.


a texture of the graphics object

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 542

getAt(index) → {DisplayObject|integer}

Returns the child found at the given index within this group.

Name Type Description
index integer

The index to return the child from.

DisplayObject | integer -

The child that was found at the given index, or -1 for an invalid index.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 517

getBottom() → {any}

Returns the child at the bottom of this group.

The bottom child the child being displayed (rendered) below every other child.

any -

The child at the bottom of the Group.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2028

getBounds() → {Rectangle}

Retrieves the bounds of the displayObjectContainer as a rectangle. The bounds calculation takes all visible children into consideration.

Rectangle -

The rectangular bounding area

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 318

getByName(name) → {any}

Searches the Group for the first instance of a child with the name property matching the given argument. Should more than one child have the same name only the first instance is returned.

Name Type Description
name string

The name to search for.

any -

The first child with a matching name, or null if none were found.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 865

getChildAt(index) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Returns the child at the specified index

Name Type Description
index Number

The index to get the child from


The child at the given index, if any.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 205

getChildIndex(child) → {Number}

Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject instance to identify

Number -

The index position of the child display object to identify

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 170

getClosestTo(object) → {any}

Get the closest child to given Object.

This can be a Sprite, Group, Image or any object with public x and y properties.

'close' is determined by the distance from the objects x and y properties compared to the childs x and y properties.

Name Type Description
object any

The object used to determine the distance. This can be a Sprite, Group, Image or any object with public x and y properties.

any -

The child closest to given object, or null if no child was found.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2045

getFirstAlive(createIfNull, x, y, key, frame) → {DisplayObject}

Get the first child that is alive (child.alive === true).

This is handy for choosing a squad leader, etc.

You can use the optional argument createIfNull to create a new Game Object if no alive ones were found in this Group.

It works by calling Group.create passing it the parameters given to this method, and returning the new child.

If a child was found , createIfNull is false and you provided the additional arguments then the child will be reset and/or have a new texture loaded on it. This is handled by Group.resetChild.

Name Type Argument Default Description
createIfNull boolean <optional>

If true and no alive children are found a new one is created.

x number <optional>

The x coordinate to reset the child to. The value is in relation to the group.x point.

y number <optional>

The y coordinate to reset the child to. The value is in relation to the group.y point.

key string | Phaser.RenderTexture | Phaser.BitmapData | Phaser.Video | PIXI.Texture <optional>

This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache Image entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData, Video or PIXI.Texture.

frame string | number <optional>

If this Sprite is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index.


The alive dead child, or null if none found and createIfNull was false.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1912

getFirstDead(createIfNull, x, y, key, frame) → {DisplayObject}

Get the first child that is dead (child.alive === false).

This is handy for checking if everything has been wiped out and adding to the pool as needed.

You can use the optional argument createIfNull to create a new Game Object if no dead ones were found in this Group.

It works by calling Group.create passing it the parameters given to this method, and returning the new child.

If a child was found , createIfNull is false and you provided the additional arguments then the child will be reset and/or have a new texture loaded on it. This is handled by Group.resetChild.

Name Type Argument Default Description
createIfNull boolean <optional>

If true and no dead children are found a new one is created.

x number <optional>

The x coordinate to reset the child to. The value is in relation to the group.x point.

y number <optional>

The y coordinate to reset the child to. The value is in relation to the group.y point.

key string | Phaser.RenderTexture | Phaser.BitmapData | Phaser.Video | PIXI.Texture <optional>

This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache Image entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData, Video or PIXI.Texture.

frame string | number <optional>

If this Sprite is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index.


The first dead child, or null if none found and createIfNull was false.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1942

getFirstExists(exists, createIfNull, x, y, key, frame) → {DisplayObject}

Get the first display object that exists, or doesn't exist.

You can use the optional argument createIfNull to create a new Game Object if none matching your exists argument were found in this Group.

It works by calling Group.create passing it the parameters given to this method, and returning the new child.

If a child was found , createIfNull is false and you provided the additional arguments then the child will be reset and/or have a new texture loaded on it. This is handled by Group.resetChild.

Name Type Argument Default Description
exists boolean <optional>

If true, find the first existing child; otherwise find the first non-existing child.

createIfNull boolean <optional>

If true and no alive children are found a new one is created.

x number <optional>

The x coordinate to reset the child to. The value is in relation to the group.x point.

y number <optional>

The y coordinate to reset the child to. The value is in relation to the group.y point.

key string | Phaser.RenderTexture | Phaser.BitmapData | Phaser.Video | PIXI.Texture <optional>

This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache Image entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData, Video or PIXI.Texture.

frame string | number <optional>

If this Sprite is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index.


The first child, or null if none found and createIfNull was false.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1878

getFurthestFrom(object) → {any}

Get the child furthest away from the given Object.

This can be a Sprite, Group, Image or any object with public x and y properties.

'furthest away' is determined by the distance from the objects x and y properties compared to the childs x and y properties.

Name Type Description
object any

The object used to determine the distance. This can be a Sprite, Group, Image or any object with public x and y properties.

any -

The child furthest from the given object, or null if no child was found.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2082

getIndex(child) → {integer}

Get the index position of the given child in this group, which should match the child's z property.

Name Type Description
child any

The child to get the index for.

integer -

The index of the child or -1 if it's not a member of this group.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 852

getLocalBounds() → {Rectangle}

Retrieves the non-global local bounds of the displayObjectContainer as a rectangle. The calculation takes all visible children into consideration.

Rectangle -

The rectangular bounding area

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 381

getRandom(startIndex, length) → {any}

Returns a random child from the group.

Name Type Argument Default Description
startIndex integer <optional>

Offset from the front of the front of the group (lowest child).

length integer <optional>
(to top)

Restriction on the number of values you want to randomly select from.

any -

A random child of this Group.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2143

getTop() → {any}

Return the child at the top of this group.

The top child is the child displayed (rendered) above every other child.

any -

The child at the top of the Group.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2011

hasProperty(child, key) → {boolean}

Checks if the child has the given property.

Will scan up to 4 levels deep only.

Name Type Description
child any

The child to check for the existence of the property on.

key Array.<string>

An array of strings that make up the property.

boolean -

True if the child has the property, otherwise false.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 927

iterate(key, value, returnType, callback, callbackContext, args) → {any}

Iterates over the children of the group performing one of several actions for matched children.

A child is considered a match when it has a property, named key, whose value is equal to value according to a strict equality comparison.

The result depends on the returnType:

  • RETURN_TOTAL: The callback, if any, is applied to all matching children. The number of matched children is returned.
  • RETURN_NONE: The callback, if any, is applied to all matching children. No value is returned.
  • RETURN_CHILD: The callback, if any, is applied to the first matching child and the first matched child is returned. If there is no matching child then null is returned.

If args is specified it must be an array. The matched child will be assigned to the first element and the entire array will be applied to the callback function.

Name Type Argument Default Description
key string

The child property to check, i.e. 'exists', 'alive', 'health'

value any

A child matches if child[key] === value is true.

returnType integer

How to iterate the children and what to return.

callback function <optional>

Optional function that will be called on each matching child. The matched child is supplied as the first argument.

callbackContext object <optional>

The context in which the function should be called (usually 'this').

args Array.<any> <optional>

The arguments supplied to to the callback; the first array index (argument) will be replaced with the matched child.

any -

Returns either an integer (for RETURN_TOTAL), the first matched child (for RETURN_CHILD), or null.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1805

moveAll(group, silent) → {Phaser.Group}

Moves all children from this Group to the Group given.

Name Type Argument Default Description
group Phaser.Group

The new Group to which the children will be moved to.

silent boolean <optional>

If true the children will not dispatch the onAddedToGroup event for the new Group.


The Group to which all the children were moved.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2213

moveDown(child) → {any}

Moves the given child down one place in this group unless it's already at the bottom.

Name Type Description
child any

The child to move down in the group.

any -

The child that was moved.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 792

moveUp(child) → {any}

Moves the given child up one place in this group unless it's already at the top.

Name Type Description
child any

The child to move up in the group.

any -

The child that was moved.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 768

multiplyAll(property, amount, checkAlive, checkVisible)

Multiplies the given property by the amount on all children in this group.

Group.multiplyAll('x', 2) will x2 the child.x value for each child.

Name Type Description
property string

The property to multiply, for example 'body.velocity.x' or 'angle'.

amount number

The amount to multiply the property by. If child.x = 10 then multiplyAll('x', 2) would make child.x = 20.

checkAlive boolean

If true the property will only be changed if the child is alive.

checkVisible boolean

If true the property will only be changed if the child is visible.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1243

next() → {any}

Advances the group cursor to the next (higher) object in the group.

If the cursor is at the end of the group (top child) it is moved the start of the group (bottom child).

any -

The child the cursor now points to.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 656

<internal> postUpdate()

The core postUpdate - as called by World.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - core/Group.js, line 1482

<internal> preUpdate()

The core preUpdate - as called by World.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - core/Group.js, line 1437

previous() → {any}

Moves the group cursor to the previous (lower) child in the group.

If the cursor is at the start of the group (bottom child) it is moved to the end (top child).

any -

The child the cursor now points to.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 685

remove(child, destroy, silent) → {boolean}

Removes the given child from this group.

This will dispatch an onRemovedFromGroup event from the child (if it has one), and optionally destroy the child.

If the group cursor was referring to the removed child it is updated to refer to the next child.

Name Type Argument Default Description
child any

The child to remove.

destroy boolean <optional>

If true destroy will be invoked on the removed child.

silent boolean <optional>

If true the the child will not dispatch the onRemovedFromGroup event.

boolean -

true if the child was removed from this group, otherwise false.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2165

removeAll(destroy, silent, destroyTexture)

Removes all children from this Group, but does not remove the group from its parent.

The children can be optionally destroyed as they are removed.

You can also optionally also destroy the BaseTexture the Child is using. Be careful if you've more than one Game Object sharing the same BaseTexture.

Name Type Argument Default Description
destroy boolean <optional>

If true destroy will be invoked on each removed child.

silent boolean <optional>

If true the children will not dispatch their onRemovedFromGroup events.

destroyTexture boolean <optional>

If true, and if the destroy argument is also true, the BaseTexture belonging to the Child is also destroyed. Note that if another Game Object is sharing the same BaseTexture it will invalidate it.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2242

removeBetween(startIndex, endIndex, destroy, silent)

Removes all children from this group whose index falls beteen the given startIndex and endIndex values.

Name Type Argument Default Description
startIndex integer

The index to start removing children from.

endIndex integer <optional>

The index to stop removing children at. Must be higher than startIndex. If undefined this method will remove all children between startIndex and the end of the group.

destroy boolean <optional>

If true destroy will be invoked on each removed child.

silent boolean <optional>

If true the children will not dispatch their onRemovedFromGroup events.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 2290

removeChild(child) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Removes a child from the container.

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject to remove


The child that was removed.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 222

removeChildAt(index) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Removes a child from the specified index position.

Name Type Description
index Number

The index to get the child from


The child that was removed.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 237

removeChildren(beginIndex, endIndex)

Removes all children from this container that are within the begin and end indexes.

Name Type Description
beginIndex Number

The beginning position. Default value is 0.

endIndex Number

The ending position. Default value is size of the container.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 255

removeFromHash(child) → {boolean}

Removes a child of this Group from the hash array. This call will return false if the child is not in the hash.

Name Type Description
child DisplayObject

The display object to remove from this Groups hash. Must be a member of this Group and in the hash.

boolean -

True if the child was successfully removed from the hash, otherwise false.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 457


Removes the current stage reference from the container and all of its children.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 426

replace(oldChild, newChild) → {any}

Replaces a child of this Group with the given newChild. The newChild cannot be a member of this Group.

If Group.enableBody is set, then a physics body will be created on the object, so long as one does not already exist.

If Group.inputEnableChildren is set, then an Input Handler will be created on the object, so long as one does not already exist.

Name Type Description
oldChild any

The child in this group that will be replaced.

newChild any

The child to be inserted into this group.

any -

Returns the oldChild that was replaced within this group.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 888

resetChild(child, x, y, key, frame) → {DisplayObject}

Takes a child and if the x and y arguments are given it calls child.reset(x, y) on it.

If the key and optionally the frame arguments are given, it calls child.loadTexture(key, frame) on it.

The two operations are separate. For example if you just wish to load a new texture then pass null as the x and y values.

Name Type Argument Description
child DisplayObject

The child to reset and/or load the texture on.

x number <optional>

The x coordinate to reset the child to. The value is in relation to the group.x point.

y number <optional>

The y coordinate to reset the child to. The value is in relation to the group.y point.

key string | Phaser.RenderTexture | Phaser.BitmapData | Phaser.Video | PIXI.Texture <optional>

This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache Image entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture, BitmapData, Video or PIXI.Texture.

frame string | number <optional>

If this Sprite is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index.


The child that was reset: usually a Phaser.Sprite.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1972

resetCursor(index) → {any}

Sets the group cursor to the first child in the group.

If the optional index parameter is given it sets the cursor to the object at that index instead.

Name Type Argument Default Description
index integer <optional>

Set the cursor to point to a specific index.

any -

The child the cursor now points to.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 629



Source - core/FlexLayer.js, line 93


Reverses all children in this group.

This operation applies only to immediate children and does not propagate to subgroups.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 838

sendToBack(child) → {any}

Sends the given child to the bottom of this group so it renders below all other children.

Name Type Description
child any

The child to send to the bottom of this group.

any -

The child that was moved.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 749

set(child, key, value, checkAlive, checkVisible, operation, force) → {boolean}

Quickly set a property on a single child of this group to a new value.

The operation parameter controls how the new value is assigned to the property, from simple replacement to addition and multiplication.

Name Type Argument Default Description
child Phaser.Sprite

The child to set the property on.

key string

The property, as a string, to be set. For example: 'body.velocity.x'

value any

The value that will be set.

checkAlive boolean <optional>

If set then the child will only be updated if alive=true.

checkVisible boolean <optional>

If set then the child will only be updated if visible=true.

operation integer <optional>

Controls how the value is assigned. A value of 0 replaces the value with the new one. A value of 1 adds it, 2 subtracts it, 3 multiplies it and 4 divides it.

force boolean <optional>

If force is true then the property will be set on the child regardless if it already exists or not. If false and the property doesn't exist, nothing will be set.

boolean -

True if the property was set, false if not.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1069

setAll(key, value, checkAlive, checkVisible, operation, force)

Quickly set the same property across all children of this group to a new value.

This call doesn't descend down children, so if you have a Group inside of this group, the property will be set on the group but not its children. If you need that ability please see Group.setAllChildren.

The operation parameter controls how the new value is assigned to the property, from simple replacement to addition and multiplication.

Name Type Argument Default Description
key string

The property, as a string, to be set. For example: 'body.velocity.x'

value any

The value that will be set.

checkAlive boolean <optional>

If set then only children with alive=true will be updated. This includes any Groups that are children.

checkVisible boolean <optional>

If set then only children with visible=true will be updated. This includes any Groups that are children.

operation integer <optional>

Controls how the value is assigned. A value of 0 replaces the value with the new one. A value of 1 adds it, 2 subtracts it, 3 multiplies it and 4 divides it.

force boolean <optional>

If force is true then the property will be set on the child regardless if it already exists or not. If false and the property doesn't exist, nothing will be set.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1100

setAllChildren(key, value, checkAlive, checkVisible, operation, force)

Quickly set the same property across all children of this group, and any child Groups, to a new value.

If this group contains other Groups then the same property is set across their children as well, iterating down until it reaches the bottom. Unlike with setAll the property is NOT set on child Groups itself.

The operation parameter controls how the new value is assigned to the property, from simple replacement to addition and multiplication.

Name Type Argument Default Description
key string

The property, as a string, to be set. For example: 'body.velocity.x'

value any

The value that will be set.

checkAlive boolean <optional>

If set then only children with alive=true will be updated. This includes any Groups that are children.

checkVisible boolean <optional>

If set then only children with visible=true will be updated. This includes any Groups that are children.

operation integer <optional>

Controls how the value is assigned. A value of 0 replaces the value with the new one. A value of 1 adds it, 2 subtracts it, 3 multiplies it and 4 divides it.

force boolean <optional>

If force is true then the property will be set on the child regardless if it already exists or not. If false and the property doesn't exist, nothing will be set.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1135

setChildIndex(child, index)

Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The child DisplayObject instance for which you want to change the index number

index Number

The resulting index number for the child display object

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 187

setProperty(child, key, value, operation, force) → {boolean}

Sets a property to the given value on the child. The operation parameter controls how the value is set.

The operations are:

  • 0: set the existing value to the given value; if force is true a new property will be created if needed
  • 1: will add the given value to the value already present.
  • 2: will subtract the given value from the value already present.
  • 3: will multiply the value already present by the given value.
  • 4: will divide the value already present by the given value.
Name Type Argument Default Description
child any

The child to set the property value on.

key array

An array of strings that make up the property that will be set.

value any

The value that will be set.

operation integer <optional>

Controls how the value is assigned. A value of 0 replaces the value with the new one. A value of 1 adds it, 2 subtracts it, 3 multiplies it and 4 divides it.

force boolean <optional>

If force is true then the property will be set on the child regardless if it already exists or not. If false and the property doesn't exist, nothing will be set.

boolean -

True if the property was set, false if not.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 962


Sets the containers Stage reference. This is the Stage that this object, and all of its children, is connected to.

Name Type Description
stage Stage

the stage that the container will have as its current stage reference

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 410

sort(key, order)

Sort the children in the group according to a particular key and ordering.

Call this function to sort the group according to a particular key value and order.

For example to depth sort Sprites for Zelda-style game you might call group.sort('y', Phaser.Group.SORT_ASCENDING) at the bottom of your State.update().

Internally this uses a standard JavaScript Array sort, so everything that applies there also applies here, including alphabetical sorting, mixing strings and numbers, and Unicode sorting. See MDN for more details.

Name Type Argument Default Description
key string <optional>

The name of the property to sort on. Defaults to the objects z-depth value.

order integer <optional>

Order ascending (SORT_ASCENDING) or descending (SORT_DESCENDING).

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1684

subAll(property, amount, checkAlive, checkVisible)

Subtracts the amount from the given property on all children in this group.

Group.subAll('x', 10) will minus 10 from the child.x value for each child.

Name Type Description
property string

The property to decrement, for example 'body.velocity.x' or 'angle'.

amount number

The amount to subtract from the property. If child.x = 50 then subAll('x', 40) would make child.x = 10.

checkAlive boolean

If true the property will only be changed if the child is alive.

checkVisible boolean

If true the property will only be changed if the child is visible.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 1226

swap(child1, child2)

Swaps the position of two children in this group.

Both children must be in this group, a child cannot be swapped with itself, and unparented children cannot be swapped.

Name Type Description
child1 any

The first child to swap.

child2 any

The second child to swap.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 714

swapChildren(child, child2)

Swaps the position of 2 Display Objects within this container.

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject


child2 PIXI.DisplayObject


Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 145

toGlobal(position) → {Point}

Calculates the global position of the display object

Name Type Description
position Point

The world origin to calculate from

Point -

A point object representing the position of this object

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 576

toLocal(position, from) → {Point}

Calculates the local position of the display object relative to another point

Name Type Argument Description
position Point

The world origin to calculate from

from PIXI.DisplayObject <optional>

The DisplayObject to calculate the global position from

Point -

A point object representing the position of this object

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 590

<internal> update()

The core update - as called by World.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - core/Group.js, line 1465


Generates and updates the cached sprite for this object.

Inherited From:
Source - pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 566

<internal> updateZ()

Internal method that re-applies all of the children's Z values.

This must be called whenever children ordering is altered so that their z indices are correctly updated.

Inherited From:
  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source - core/Group.js, line 610

xy(index, x, y)

Positions the child found at the given index within this group to the given x and y coordinates.

Name Type Description
index integer

The index of the child in the group to set the position of.

x number

The new x position of the child.

y number

The new y position of the child.

Inherited From:
Source - core/Group.js, line 816
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