Cache.checkCanvasKey(key) - Check if a Canvas key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkTextureKey(key) - Check if a Texture key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkSoundKey(key) - Check if a Sound key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkTextKey(key) - Check if a Text key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkPhysicsKey(key) - Check if a Physics key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkTilemapKey(key) - Check if a Tilemap key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkBinaryKey(key) - Check if a Binary key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkBitmapDataKey(key) - Check if a BitmapData key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkBitmapFontKey(key) - Check if a BitmapFont key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Cache.checkJSONKey(key) - Check if a JSON key exists in the cache (thanks to @delta11 for the proposal)
Timer.clearPendingEvents will purge any events marked for deletion, this is run automatically at the start of the update loop.
The main Timer loop could incorrectly remove TimeEvent if a new one was added specifically during an event callback (thanks @garyyeap, fix#710)
We've had a number of people in the channel ask for the ability to know when a file has started loading and to get the file names of said files.
Added the OnFileStart signal to do just that.
Remove "navigator.isCocoonJS" here as CocoonJS has neither window.DOMParser nor will a createElement('div') work under Accelerated Canvas/WebGL mode. (Under WebView mode, there will probably be a DOMParser object. Most have it.)
Loader.setPreloadSprite() will now set sprite.visible = true once the crop has been applied. Should help avoid issues (#430) on super-slow connections.
InputHandler.pixelPerfectOver - performs a pixel perfect check to see if any pointer is over the current object (warning: very expensive!)
InputHandler.pixelPerfectClick - performs a pixel perfect check but only when the pointer touches/clicks on the current object.
Previously using a Pixel Perfect check didn't work if the Sprite was rotated or had a non-zero anchor point, now works under all conditions + atlas frames.
Tweens - Example showing how to use the tween events, onStart, onLoop and onComplete.
Lots of documentation fixes in the Tween class.
Tweens fire an onLoop event if they are set to repeat. onComplete is now only fired for the final repeat (or never if the repeat is infinite)
Tween.onStart is now called when the tween starts AFTER the delay value, if given (thanks stevenbouma)