Added TimerEvent.pendingDelete and checks in Timer.update, so that removing an event in a callback no longer throws an exception (thanks georgiee)
Fixed TypeScript defs on lines 1741-1748 (thanks wombatbuddy)
Added SAT.js to TypeScript definition. Now compiles properly.
Added missing Line.js to the Grunt file.
Tilemap#paste diffX and diffY equations changed, fixed issue #393 (thanks brejep)
Added missing return value in Body.hitLeft and hitRight, fixes issue #398 (thanks ram64).
Fixed easing tween example case. Issue #379 (thanks wesleywerner)
Removed SAT.js UMD wrapped, fixes issue #361 (thanks luizbills)
Removed inContact check from Body.separate.
Fixed Tilemap docs (wrongly pointed to Tileset methods)
Added TimerEvent.pendingDelete and checks in Timer.update, so that removing an event in a callback no longer throws an exception (thanks georgiee)
Fixed TypeScript defs on lines 1741-1748 (thanks wombatbuddy)
Added SAT.js to TypeScript definition. Now compiles properly.
Added missing Line.js to the Grunt file.
Tilemap#paste diffX and diffY equations changed, fixed issue #393 (thanks brejep)
Added missing return value in Body.hitLeft and hitRight, fixes issue #398 (thanks ram64).
Fixed easing tween example case. Issue #379 (thanks wesleywerner)
Removed SAT.js UMD wrapped, fixes issue #361 (thanks luizbills)
Debug.renderPhysicsBody(body, color) is extremely useful for debugging the new physics bodies. Will draw the outline + points in the color given.
Debug.renderBodyInfo(sprite, x, y, color) will display lots of Sprite body data.
Phaser.CANVAS_CLEAR_RECT is a boolean. If 'true' (the default) it will context.clearRect() every frame. If false this is skipped (useful if you know you don't need it)
Collision now works between Sprites positioned via sprite.x/y, sprite.body.x/y or sprite.body.velocity.
If you are tweening a sprite and still want physics collision, set `sprite.body.moves = false` otherwise it will fight against the tween motion.
PLEASE DO NOT upgrade to this release if you need your game working and it uses any of the physics functions, as they're nearly all broken here.
Just pushing up so I can share it with someone.
The World level quadtree is no longer created, they are now built and ripped down each time you collide a Group, this helps collision accuracy.
Bodies are no longer added to a world quadtree, so have had all of their quadtree properties removed such as skipQuadtree, quadTreeIndex, etc.
QuadTree.populate - you can pass it a Group and it'll automatically insert all of the children ready for inspection.
Removed ArcadePhysics binding to the QuadTree, so it can now be used independantly of the physics system.
Canvas.getOffset now runs a strict/quirks check and uses document.documentElement when calculating scrollTop and scrollLeft to avoid Chrome console warnings.
The Time class now has three new methods: addEvent, repeatEvent and loopEvent. See the new Timer examples to show how to use them.