ArcadePhysics.setBoundsToWorld implemented. Body.setCircle, setRectangle and setPolygon all working. Tidying up Body class. Need to add tile collision special case handler next.

This commit is contained in:
photonstorm 2014-01-28 05:01:17 +00:00
parent 90c09374af
commit 9deb5514a2
6 changed files with 464 additions and 164 deletions

View file

@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ Significant API changes:
* Body.rebound is a boolean that controls if a body will exchange velocity on collision. Set to false to allow it to be 'pushed' (see new examples).
* Removed Body.deltaAbsX and deltaAbsY as they are no longer used internally.
* Body.screenX and screenY moved to getters, no longer calculated every frame.
* ArcadePhysics now has setBounds and setBoundsToWorld, and you can specify which walls are created or not (left, right, up, down)
New features:

View file

@ -16,20 +16,56 @@ function create() {
game.stage.backgroundColor = '#2384e7';
arrowStart = game.add.sprite(100, 100, 'arrows', 0);
// game.physics.setBoundsToWorld(true, true, false, false);
arrowEnd = game.add.sprite(400, 100, 'arrows', 1);
// arrowStart = game.add.sprite(100, 100, 'arrows', 0);
// arrowEnd = game.add.sprite(400, 100, 'arrows', 1);
sprite = game.add.sprite(100, 164, 'phaser');
// sprite = game.add.sprite(100, 164, 'phaser');
sprite = game.add.sprite(300, 364, 'phaser');
sprite.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
sprite.inputEnabled = true;
sprite.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
sprite.body.bounce.setTo(1, 1);
// sprite.body.allowRotation = true;
// sprite.body.polygon.translate(100, 0);
sprite.body.setPolygon([new SAT.Vector(0,0), new SAT.Vector(60, 0), new SAT.Vector(100, 40), new SAT.Vector(60, 80), new SAT.Vector(0, 80)], -50, -40);
// sprite.body.setCircle(50);
// sprite.body.offset.setTo(50, 50);
// console.log(sprite.body.x, sprite.body.y, sprite.body.shape.radius);, this);
// sprite.body.polygons.rotate(0.4);
// sprite.rotation = 0.4;
// console.log(sprite.body.polygons);
function move() {
sprite.body.velocity.x = 200;
sprite.body.velocity.y = -200;
// sprite.body.angularVelocity = 2;
// sprite.rotation = 0.4;
// console.log(sprite.body.polygon.points);
// to: function (properties, duration, ease, autoStart, delay, repeat, yoyo) {
game.add.tween(sprite).to( { angle: 359 }, 4000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, 1000, false);
// sprite.scale.setTo(2, 2);
if (sprite.x === 100)
@ -53,13 +89,13 @@ function render() {
// game.debug.renderText('Click sprite to tween', 32, 32);
game.debug.renderText('x: ' + arrowStart.x, arrowStart.x, arrowStart.y - 4);
game.debug.renderText('x: ' + arrowEnd.x, arrowEnd.x, arrowEnd.y - 4);
// game.debug.renderText('x: ' + arrowStart.x, arrowStart.x, arrowStart.y - 4);
// game.debug.renderText('x: ' + arrowEnd.x, arrowEnd.x, arrowEnd.y - 4);
game.debug.renderText('sprite.x: ' + sprite.x + ' deltaX: ' + sprite.deltaX, 32, 32);
game.debug.renderText('sprite.y: ' + sprite.y + ' deltaY: ' + sprite.deltaY, 32, 48);

View file

@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.updateBounds = function() {
// Update our physics bounds
if (this.body)
this.body.updateBounds(,, this._cache.scaleX, this._cache.scaleY);
this.body.updateScale(this._cache.scaleX, this._cache.scaleY);

View file

@ -29,6 +29,31 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade = function (game) {
this.gravity = new Phaser.Point();
* @property {SAT.Box} worldLeft - The left hand side of the physics bounds.
this.worldLeft = null;
* @property {SAT.Box} worldRight - The right hand side of the physics bounds.
this.worldRight = null;
* @property {SAT.Box} worldTop - The top side of the physics bounds.
this.worldTop = null;
* @property {SAT.Box} worldBottom - The bottom of the physics bounds.
this.worldBottom = null;
* @property {array<SAT.Polygon>} worldPolys - An array of the polygon data from the physics bounds.
this.worldPolys = [ null, null, null, null ];
* @property {Phaser.QuadTree} quadTree - The world QuadTree.
@ -110,6 +135,9 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade = function (game) {
this._response = new SAT.Response();
// Set the bounds to the world as default
this.setBoundsToWorld(true, true, true, true);
@ -132,6 +160,141 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.POLYGON = 2;
Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
* Checks the given Physics.Body against the Physics Bounds, if any are set and separates them, setting the blocked flags on the Body as it does so.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#checkBounds
* @param {Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body} The Body object to be checked.
checkBounds: function (body) {
if (!body.collideWorldBounds || (!this.worldLeft && !this.worldRight && !this.worldTop && !this.worldBottom))
var test = SAT.testPolygonPolygon;
var part = body.polygon;
if (body.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE)
test = SAT.testPolygonCircle;
part = body.shape;
if (this.worldLeft && test(this.worldPolys[0], part, this._response))
body.blocked.left = true;
else if (this.worldRight && test(this.worldPolys[1], part, this._response))
body.blocked.right = true;
if (this.worldTop && test(this.worldPolys[2], part, this._response))
body.blocked.up = true;
else if (this.worldBottom && test(this.worldPolys[3], part, this._response))
body.blocked.down = true;
* Sets the bounds of the Physics world to match the Game.World.
* You can optionally set which 'walls' to create: left, right, top or bottom.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#setBoundsToWorld
* @param {boolean} [left=true] - If true will create the left bounds wall.
* @param {boolean} [right=true] - If true will create the right bounds wall.
* @param {boolean} [top=true] - If true will create the top bounds wall.
* @param {boolean} [bottom=true] - If true will create the bottom bounds wall.
setBoundsToWorld: function (left, right, top, bottom) {
this.setBounds(,,,, left, right, top, bottom);
* Sets the bounds of the Physics world to match the given world pixel dimensions.
* You can optionally set which 'walls' to create: left, right, top or bottom.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#setBounds
* @param {number} x - The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounds.
* @param {number} y - The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounds.
* @param {number} width - The width of the bounds.
* @param {number} height - The height of the bounds.
* @param {boolean} [left=true] - If true will create the left bounds wall.
* @param {boolean} [right=true] - If true will create the right bounds wall.
* @param {boolean} [top=true] - If true will create the top bounds wall.
* @param {boolean} [bottom=true] - If true will create the bottom bounds wall.
setBounds: function (x, y, width, height, left, right, top, bottom) {
if (typeof left === 'undefined') { left = true; }
if (typeof right === 'undefined') { right = true; }
if (typeof top === 'undefined') { top = true; }
if (typeof bottom === 'undefined') { bottom = true; }
var thickness = 100;
if (left)
this.worldLeft = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(x - thickness, y), thickness, height);
this.worldPolys[0] = this.worldLeft.toPolygon();
this.worldLeft = null;
this.worldPolys[0] = null;
if (right)
this.worldRight = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(x + width, y), thickness, height);
this.worldPolys[1] = this.worldRight.toPolygon();
this.worldRight = null;
this.worldPolys[1] = null;
if (top)
this.worldTop = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(x, y - thickness), width, thickness);
this.worldPolys[2] = this.worldTop.toPolygon();
this.worldTop = null;
this.worldPolys[2] = null;
if (bottom)
this.worldBottom = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(x, y + height), width, thickness);
this.worldPolys[3] = this.worldBottom.toPolygon();
this.worldBottom = null;
this.worldPolys[3] = null;
* Called automatically by a Physics body, it updates all motion related values on the Body.
@ -629,7 +792,8 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
separate: function (body1, body2, processCallback, callbackContext, overlapOnly) {
if (body1 === body2 || Phaser.Rectangle.intersects(body1, body2) === false)
// if (body1 === body2 || Phaser.Rectangle.intersects(body1, body2) === false)
if (body1 === body2)
return false;

View file

@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
* @property {number} x - The x position of the physics body.
* @readonly
this.x = sprite.x;
// this.x = sprite.x;
* @property {number} y - The y position of the physics body.
* @readonly
this.y = sprite.y;
// this.y = sprite.y;
* @property {number} preX - The previous x position of the physics body.
@ -64,38 +64,38 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
* @property {number} sourceWidth - The un-scaled original size.
* @readonly
this.sourceWidth = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW;
// this.sourceWidth = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW;
* @property {number} sourceHeight - The un-scaled original size.
* @readonly
this.sourceHeight = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH;
// this.sourceHeight = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH;
* @property {number} width - The calculated width of the physics body.
this.width = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW;
// this.width = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW;
* @property .numInternal ID cache
this.height = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH;
// this.height = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH;
* @property {number} halfWidth - The calculated width / 2 of the physics body.
this.halfWidth = Math.floor(sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW / 2);
// this.halfWidth = Math.floor(sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW / 2);
* @property {number} halfHeight - The calculated height / 2 of the physics body.
this.halfHeight = Math.floor(sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH / 2);
// this.halfHeight = Math.floor(sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH / 2);
* @property {Phaser.Point} center - The center coordinate of the Physics Body.
*/ = new Phaser.Point(this.x + this.halfWidth, this.y + this.halfHeight);
// = new Phaser.Point(this.x + this.halfWidth, this.y + this.halfHeight);
* @property {Phaser.Point} velocity - The velocity of the Body.
@ -169,6 +169,12 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
this.mass = 1;
* @property {number} friction - The amount of friction this body experiences during motion.
* @default
this.friction = 0.1;
* Set the checkCollision properties to control which directions collision is processed for this Body.
* For example checkCollision.up = false means it won't collide when the collision happened while moving up.
@ -202,25 +208,25 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
this.immovable = false;
* @property {boolean} moves - Set to true to allow the Physics system to move this Body, or false to move it manually.
* @property {boolean} moves - Set to true to allow the Physics system (such as velocity) to move this Body, or false to move it manually.
* @default
this.moves = true;
* @property {number} rotation - The amount the parent Sprite is rotated. Note: You cannot rotate an AABB.
* @property {number} rotation - The amount the parent Sprite is rotated.
* @default
this.rotation = 0;
* @property {boolean} allowRotation - Allow angular rotation? This will cause the Sprite to be rotated via angularVelocity, etc. Note that the AABB remains un-rotated.
* @property {boolean} allowRotation - Allow angular rotation? This will cause the Sprite to be rotated via angularVelocity, etc.
* @default
this.allowRotation = true;
* @property {boolean} allowGravity - Allow this Body to be influenced by the global Gravity value? Note: It will always be influenced by the local gravity value.
* @property {boolean} allowGravity - Allow this Body to be influenced by the global Gravity value? Note: It will always be influenced by the local gravity if set.
* @default
this.allowGravity = true;
@ -249,12 +255,6 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
this.collideCallbackContext = null;
* @property {number} friction - The amount of friction this body experiences during motion.
* @default
this.friction = 0.1;
* A Body can be set to collide against the World bounds automatically and rebound back into the World if this is set to true. Otherwise it will leave the World.
* @property {boolean} collideWorldBounds - Should the Body collide with the World bounds?
@ -276,13 +276,12 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
* @property {SAT.Box|SAT.Circle|SAT.Polygon} shape - The SAT Collision shape.
this.shape = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(this.x, this.y), this.width, this.height);
this.shape = null;
* @property {SAT.Polygon} polygons - The SAT Polygons, as derived from the Shape.
* @private
* @property {SAT.Polygon} polygon - The SAT Polygons, as derived from the Shape.
this.polygons = this.shape.toPolygon();
this.polygon = null;
* @property {Phaser.Point} _temp - Internal cache var.
@ -320,49 +319,105 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
this._distances = [0, 0, 0, 0];
// Set-up the default shape
this.setRectangle(sprite.width, sprite.height, -sprite._cache.halfWidth, -sprite._cache.halfHeight);
Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
setCircle: function (radius) {
* Sets this Body to use a circle of the given radius for all collision.
* The Circle will be centered on the center of the Sprite by default, but can be adjusted via the Body.offset property and the setCircle x/y parameters.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#setCircle
* @param {number} radius - The radius of this circle (in pixels)
* @param {number} [offsetX=0] - The x amount the circle will be offset from the Sprites center.
* @param {number} [offsetY=0] - The y amount the circle will be offset from the Sprites center.
setCircle: function (radius, offsetX, offsetY) {
if (typeof offsetX === 'undefined') { offsetX = 0; }
if (typeof offsetY === 'undefined') { offsetY = 0; }
this.shape = new SAT.Circle(new SAT.Vector(this.x, this.y), radius);
this.polygons = null;
this.type = Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE;
this.shape = new SAT.Circle(new SAT.Vector(,, radius);
this.polygon = null;
this.offset.setTo(offsetX, offsetY);
setBox: function () {
* Sets this Body to use a rectangle for all collision.
* If you don't specify any parameters it will be sized to match the parent Sprites current width and height (including scale factor) and centered on the sprite.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#setRectangle
* @param {number} [width] - The width of the rectangle. If not specified it will default to the width of the parent Sprite.
* @param {number} [height] - The height of the rectangle. If not specified it will default to the height of the parent Sprite.
* @param {number} [translateX] - The x amount the rectangle will be translated from the Sprites center.
* @param {number} [translateY] - The y amount the rectangle will be translated from the Sprites center.
setRectangle: function (width, height, translateX, translateY) {
if (typeof width === 'undefined') { width = this.sprite.width; }
if (typeof height === 'undefined') { height = this.sprite.height; }
if (typeof translateX === 'undefined') { translateX = -this.sprite._cache.halfWidth; }
if (typeof translateY === 'undefined') { translateY = -this.sprite._cache.halfHeight; }
this.shape = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(this.x, this.y), this.width, this.height);
this.polygons = this.shape.toPolygon();
this.type = Phaser.Physics.Arcade.RECT;
this.shape = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(,, width, height);
this.polygon = this.shape.toPolygon();
this.polygon.translate(translateX, translateY);
this.offset.setTo(0, 0);
* Sets this Body to use a convex polygon for all collision. The points are specified in a counter-clockwise direction and must create a convex polygon.
* It will be centered on the parent Sprite.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#setPolygon
* @param {array<SAT.Vector>} points - An array of vectors representing the points in the polygon, in counter-clockwise order.
* @param {number} [translateX=0] - The x amount the rectangle will be translated by from the Sprites center.
* @param {number} [translateY=0] - The y amount the rectangle will be translated by from the Sprites center.
setPolygon: function (points, translateX, translateY) {
if (typeof translateX === 'undefined') { translateX = 0; }
if (typeof translateY === 'undefined') { translateY = 0; }
this.type = Phaser.Physics.Arcade.POLYGON;
this.shape = null;
this.polygon = new SAT.Polygon(new SAT.Vector(,, points);
this.polygon.translate(translateX, translateY);
this.offset.setTo(0, 0);
* Internal method.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#updateBounds
* @protected
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#updateScale
* @private
updateBounds: function (centerX, centerY, scaleX, scaleY) {
updateScale: function (scaleX, scaleY) {
if (scaleX != this._sx || scaleY != this._sy)
this.width = this.sourceWidth * scaleX;
this.height = this.sourceHeight * scaleY;
this.halfWidth = Math.floor(this.width / 2);
this.halfHeight = Math.floor(this.height / 2);
if (this.polygons)
if (this.polygon)
this.polygons.scale(scaleX / this._sx, scaleY / this._sy);
this.polygon.scale(scaleX / this._sx, scaleY / this._sy);
this.shape.r *= Math.max(scaleX, scaleY);
this._sx = scaleX;
this._sy = scaleY; + this.halfWidth, this.y + this.halfHeight);
@ -377,11 +432,20 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
this.preX = this.x;
this.preY = this.y;
this.preRotation = this.rotation;
this.x = ( - (this.sprite.anchor.x * this.width)) + this.offset.x;
this.y = ( - (this.sprite.anchor.y * this.height)) + this.offset.y;
this.rotation = this.sprite.angle;
this.x = + this.offset.x;
this.y = + this.offset.y;
if (this.allowRotation)
this.preRotation = this.rotation;
this.rotation = this.sprite.rotation;
if (this.type !== Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE && this.deltaZ() !== 0)
this.blocked.up = false;
this.blocked.down = false;
@ -399,73 +463,11 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
if (this.moves)
if (this.collideWorldBounds)
* Internal method used to check the Body against the World Bounds.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#checkWorldBounds
* @protected
checkWorldBounds: function () {
if (this.x <=
this.blocked.left = true;
else if (this.right >=
this.blocked.right = true;
if (this.y <=
this.blocked.up = true;
else if (this.bottom >=
this.blocked.down = true;
* Internal method used to adjust the position of the Body against the World Bounds.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#adjustWorldBounds
* @protected
adjustWorldBounds: function () {
if (this.x <
this.x += - this.x;
else if (this.right >
this.x -= this.right -;
if (this.y <
this.y += - this.y;
else if (this.bottom >
this.y -= this.bottom -;
@ -506,7 +508,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
if (x)
if (rebound)
if (rebound && (this.blocked.left || this.blocked.right))
this.velocity.x *= -this.bounce.x;
@ -521,7 +523,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
if (y)
if (rebound)
if (rebound && (this.blocked.up || this.blocked.down))
this.velocity.y *= -this.bounce.y;
@ -740,7 +742,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
if (this.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.RECT && body.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.RECT)
return SAT.testPolygonPolygon(this.polygons, body.polygons, response);
return SAT.testPolygonPolygon(this.polygon, body.polygon, response);
else if (this.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE && body.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE)
@ -748,11 +750,11 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
else if (this.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.RECT && body.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE)
return SAT.testPolygonCircle(this.polygons, body.shape, response);
return SAT.testPolygonCircle(this.polygon, body.shape, response);
else if (this.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE && body.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.RECT)
return SAT.testCirclePolygon(this.shape, body.polygons, response);
return SAT.testCirclePolygon(this.shape, body.polygon, response);
@ -1032,10 +1034,10 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
this.shape.pos.x = this.x;
this.shape.pos.y = this.y;
if (this.polygons)
if (this.polygon)
this.polygons.pos.x = this.x;
this.polygons.pos.y = this.y;
this.polygon.pos.x = this.x;
this.polygon.pos.y = this.y;
@ -1097,24 +1099,11 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
if (this.moves)
if (this.bounce.x !== 0 && (this.blocked.left || this.blocked.right))
this.reboundCheck(true, false, true);
if (this.bounce.y !== 0 && (this.blocked.up || this.blocked.down))
this.reboundCheck(false, true, true);
this.reboundCheck(true, true, true);
if (this.collideWorldBounds)
if (this.deltaX() < 0)
@ -1134,14 +1123,14 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
this.facing = Phaser.DOWN;
this.sprite.x = this.sprite.worldTransform[2] = this.x - (this.preX - this.sprite.x);
this.sprite.y = this.sprite.worldTransform[5] = this.y - (this.preY - this.sprite.y); + this.halfWidth, this.y + this.halfHeight);
this.sprite.x = this.x + (this.sprite.x - - this.offset.x;
this.sprite.y = this.y + (this.sprite.y - - this.offset.y;
if (this.allowRotation)
this.sprite.angle += this.deltaZ();
// this.sprite.rotation = this.rotation;
// this.sprite.angle += this.deltaZ();
// this.sprite.angle = this.angle;
@ -1155,13 +1144,12 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#setSize
* @param {number} width - The width of the Body.
* @param {number} height - The height of the Body.
* @param {number} offsetX - The X offset of the Body from the Sprite position.
* @param {number} offsetY - The Y offset of the Body from the Sprite position.
* @param {number} [offsetX=0] - The X offset of the Body from the Sprite position.
* @param {number} [offsetY=0] - The Y offset of the Body from the Sprite position.
setSize: function (width, height, offsetX, offsetY) {
offsetX = offsetX || this.offset.x;
offsetY = offsetY || this.offset.y;
if (typeof offsetX === 'undefined') { offsetX = 0; }
if (typeof offsetY === 'undefined') { offsetY = 0; }
this.sourceWidth = width;
this.sourceHeight = height;
@ -1182,6 +1170,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
* Resets all Body values (velocity, acceleration, rotation, etc)
@ -1206,10 +1195,10 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
this.shape.pos.x = this.x;
this.shape.pos.y = this.y;
if (this.polygons)
if (this.polygon)
this.polygons.pos.x = this.x;
this.polygons.pos.y = this.y;
this.polygon.pos.x = this.x;
this.polygon.pos.y = this.y;
} + this.halfWidth, this.y + this.halfHeight);
@ -1322,36 +1311,87 @@ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "right", {
* @name Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body#screenX
* @property {number} screenX - The x position of the physics body translated to screen space.
* @name Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body#x
* @property {number} x
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "screenX", {
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "x", {
* The x position of the physics body translated to screen space.
* @method screenX
* @method x
* @return {number}
get: function () {
return (this.sprite.worldTransform[2] - (this.sprite.anchor.x * this.width)) + this.offset.x;
if (this.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE)
return this.shape.pos.x;
return this.polygon.pos.x;
* @method x
* @param {number} value
set: function (value) {
if (this.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE)
this.shape.pos.x = value;
this.polygon.pos.x = value;
* @name Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body#screenY
* @property {number} screenY - The y position of the physics body translated to screen space.
* @name Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body#y
* @property {number} y
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "screenY", {
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "y", {
* The y position of the physics body translated to screen space.
* @method screenY
* @method y
* @return {number}
get: function () {
return (this.sprite.worldTransform[5] - (this.sprite.anchor.y * this.height)) + this.offset.y;
if (this.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE)
return this.shape.pos.y;
return this.polygon.pos.y;
* @method y
* @param {number} value
set: function (value) {
if (this.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE)
this.shape.pos.y = value;
this.polygon.pos.y = value;

View file

@ -900,6 +900,65 @@ Phaser.Utils.Debug.prototype = {
* @method Phaser.Utils.Debug#renderPhysicsBody
* @param {array} body
* @param {string} [color='rgb(255,255,255)'] - The color the polygon is stroked in.
renderPhysicsBody: function (body, color, context) {
if (this.context === null && context === null)
color = color || 'rgb(255,255,255)';
var x = body.x;
var y = body.y;
if (body.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE)
this.start(0, 0, color);
this.context.strokeStyle = color;
this.context.arc(x, y, body.shape.r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
var points = body.polygon.points;
this.start(0, 0, color);
this.context.moveTo(x + points[0].x, y + points[0].y);
for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++)
this.context.lineTo(x + points[i].x, y + points[i].y);
this.context.strokeStyle = color;
this.context.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';
this.context.fillRect(x + points[0].x - 2, y + points[0].y - 2, 5, 5);
for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++)
this.context.fillRect(x + points[i].x - 2, y + points[i].y - 2, 5, 5);
* @method Phaser.Utils.Debug#renderPolygon