Color.HSVColorWheel will return an array with 360 color objects for each segment of an HSV color wheel, you can optionally set the saturation and value amounts.
Color.HSLColorWheel will return an array with 360 color objects for each segment of an HSL color wheel, you can optionally set the saturation and lightness amounts.
Point.cross - get the cross product of two Point objects.
Point.cross - get the cross product of two Point objects.
Point.perp - make the Point perpendicular (90 degrees rotation)
Point.rperp - make the Point perpendicular (-90 degrees rotation)
Point.normalRightHand - Right-hand normalize (make unit length) a Point.
Point.angle - Returns the angle between this Point object and another object with public x and y properties.
Point.angleSq - Returns the angle squared between this Point object and another object with public x and y properties.
Point.getMagnitudeSq - Calculates the length squared of the Point object.
Point.project - Project two Points onto another Point.
Point.projectUnit - Project two Points onto a Point of unit length.
Point.multiplyAdd - Adds two 2D Points together and multiplies the result by the given scalar.
Point.negative - Creates a negative Point.
Point.cross - get the cross product of two Point objects.
Point.cross - get the cross product of two Point objects.
Point.perp - make the Point perpendicular (90 degrees rotation)
Point.rperp - make the Point perpendicular (-90 degrees rotation)
Input and Pointer now use the new ArrayList instead of a LinkedList, which resolve list item removable during callback issues.
Input.reset no longer resets every interactive item it knows of, because they are removed during the destroy phase and can now persist between States if needed.
Game checks if window.console exists before using it (should fix IE9 issues when dev tools are closed), however it is still used deeper in Pixi.
Body.loadData flagged as deprecated.
InputHandler._setHandCursor private var wasn't properly set, meaning the hand cursor could sometimes remain (during destroy sequence for example)
All Game Objects have a new property: destroyPhase (boolean) which is true if the object is in the process of being destroyed, otherwise false.
The PIXI.AbstractFilter is now included in the Phaser Pixi build by default, allowing for easier use of external Pixi Filters.
Keyboard.reset has a new `hard` parameter which controls the severity of the reset. A soft reset doesn't remove any callbacks or event listeners.
Key.reset has a new `hard` parameter which controls the severity of the reset. A soft reset doesn't remove any callbacks or event listeners.
Timer.clearPendingEvents will purge any events marked for deletion, this is run automatically at the start of the update loop.
The main Timer loop could incorrectly remove TimeEvent if a new one was added specifically during an event callback (thanks @garyyeap, fix#710)