mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 15:38:31 +00:00
Updated intersects code, tilemap collision is running again. Still finding gravity pushing sprites through tiles.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 270 additions and 278 deletions
@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ function collisionHandler (obj1, obj2) {
function render() {
// game.debug.renderBodyInfo(sprite1, 16, 16);
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function create() {
layer = map.createLayer('Tile Layer 1');
// layer.debug = true;
layer.debug = true;
game.physics.gravity.y = 150;
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function create() {
balls.setAll('body.minBounceVelocity', 0.9);
balls.setAll('body.friction', 0.5);
sprite2 = game.add.sprite(300, 250, 'gameboy', 2);
sprite2 = game.add.sprite(340, 250, 'gameboy', 2);
sprite2.name = 'green';
sprite2.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
// sprite2.body.bounce.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
@ -67,8 +67,11 @@ function create() {
function launch() {
sprite.body.velocity.x = -200;
sprite.body.velocity.y = -200;
// sprite.body.velocity.x = -200;
// sprite.body.velocity.y = -200;
sprite2.body.velocity.x = -200;
sprite2.body.velocity.y = -200;
@ -91,7 +94,14 @@ function update() {
function render() {
game.debug.renderText(game.time.fps + ' (min: ' + game.time.fpsMin + ' max: ' + game.time.fpsMax + ') ' + game.time.physicsElapsed, 32, 32);
game.debug.renderBodyInfo(sprite2, 32, 32);
// game.debug.renderPhysicsBody(sprite2.body);
// game.debug.renderText(sprite2.body.left, 32, 30);
// game.debug.renderText(sprite2.body.right, 32, 50);
// game.debug.renderText(sprite2.body.top, 32, 70);
// game.debug.renderText(sprite2.body.bottom, 32, 90);
// if (sprite)
// {
@ -653,13 +653,6 @@ Phaser.Rectangle.intersects = function (a, b) {
return !(a.right < b.x || a.bottom < b.y || a.x > b.right || a.y > b.bottom);
// return (a.x < b.right && b.x < a.right && a.y < b.bottom && b.y < a.bottom);
// return (a.x <= b.right && b.x <= a.right && a.y <= b.bottom && b.y <= a.bottom);
// return (a.left <= b.right && b.left <= a.right && a.top <= b.bottom && b.top <= a.bottom);
// return !(a.x > b.right + tolerance || a.right < b.x - tolerance || a.y > b.bottom + tolerance || a.bottom < b.y - tolerance);
@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
collideSpriteVsTilemapLayer: function (sprite, tilemapLayer, collideCallback, processCallback, callbackContext) {
this._mapData = tilemapLayer.getTiles(sprite.body.x, sprite.body.y, sprite.body.width, sprite.body.height, true);
this._mapData = tilemapLayer.getTiles(sprite.body.left, sprite.body.top, sprite.body.width, sprite.body.height, true);
if (this._mapData.length === 0)
@ -715,7 +715,6 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
if (this._mapData.length > 1)
// console.log(' multi sep ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
this.separateTiles(sprite.body, this._mapData);
@ -792,8 +791,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
separate: function (body1, body2, processCallback, callbackContext, overlapOnly) {
// if (body1 === body2 || Phaser.Rectangle.intersects(body1, body2) === false)
if (body1 === body2)
if (body1 === body2 || this.intersects(body1, body2) === false)
return false;
@ -822,6 +820,25 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
* Performs a rect intersection test against the two objects.
* Objects must expose properties: width, height, left, right, top, bottom.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#intersects
* @param {object} a - The first object to test.
* @param {object} b - The second object to test.
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if the objects intersect, otherwise false.
intersects: function (a, b) {
if (a.width <= 0 || a.height <= 0 || b.width <= 0 || b.height <= 0)
return false;
return !(a.right < b.left || a.bottom < b.top || a.left > b.right || a.top > b.bottom);
* The core separation function to separate a physics body and an array of tiles.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#separateTiles
@ -848,7 +865,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
tile = tiles[i];
if (Phaser.Rectangle.intersects(body, tile))
if (this.intersects(body, tile))
// They overlap. Any custom callbacks?
if (tile.tile.callback || tile.layer.callbacks[tile.tile.index])
@ -869,7 +886,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
if (body.deltaX() < 0 && body.checkCollision.left && tile.tile.faceRight)
localOverlapX = body.x - tile.right;
localOverlapX = body.left - tile.right;
if (localOverlapX >= body.deltaX())
@ -895,7 +912,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
if (body.deltaY() < 0 && body.checkCollision.up && tile.tile.faceBottom)
// UP
localOverlapY = body.y - tile.bottom;
localOverlapY = body.top - tile.bottom;
// Distance check
if (localOverlapY >= body.deltaY())
@ -944,7 +961,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
separateTile: function (body, tile) {
// Can't separate two immovable objects (tiles are always immovable)
if (body.immovable || Phaser.Rectangle.intersects(body, tile) === false)
if (body.immovable || this.intersects(body, tile) === false)
return false;
@ -973,7 +990,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
if (body.deltaX() < 0 && body.checkCollision.left && tile.tile.faceRight)
body.overlapX = body.x - tile.right;
body.overlapX = body.left - tile.right;
if (body.overlapX >= body.deltaX())
@ -1000,7 +1017,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
if (body.deltaY() < 0 && body.checkCollision.up && tile.tile.faceBottom)
// UP
body.overlapY = body.y - tile.bottom;
body.overlapY = body.top - tile.bottom;
// Distance check
if (body.overlapY >= body.deltaY())
@ -1037,42 +1054,17 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.prototype = {
processTileSeparation: function (body) {
// Swap for a hit tile?
if (body.touching.none)
return false;
if (body.touching.left || body.touching.right)
body.x -= body.overlapX;
body.preX -= body.overlapX;
body.x += body.overlapX;
body.y += body.overlapY;
if (body.bounce.x === 0)
body.velocity.x = 0;
body.velocity.x = -body.velocity.x * body.bounce.x;
body.reboundCheck(true, false);
if (body.touching.up || body.touching.down)
body.y -= body.overlapY;
body.preY -= body.overlapY;
if (body.bounce.y === 0)
body.velocity.y = 0;
body.velocity.y = -body.velocity.y * body.bounce.y;
body.reboundCheck(false, true);
body.setBlockFlag(body.blocked.left, body.blocked.right, body.blocked.up, body.blocked.down, body.overlapX, body.overlapY);
body.reboundCheck(true, true, true);
return true;
@ -30,18 +30,6 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
this.offset = new Phaser.Point();
* @property {number} x - The x position of the physics body.
* @readonly
// this.x = sprite.x;
* @property {number} y - The y position of the physics body.
* @readonly
// this.y = sprite.y;
* @property {number} preX - The previous x position of the physics body.
* @readonly
@ -60,43 +48,6 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
this.preRotation = sprite.angle;
* @property {number} sourceWidth - The un-scaled original size.
* @readonly
// this.sourceWidth = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW;
* @property {number} sourceHeight - The un-scaled original size.
* @readonly
// this.sourceHeight = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH;
* @property {number} width - The calculated width of the physics body.
// this.width = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW;
* @property .numInternal ID cache
// this.height = sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH;
* @property {number} halfWidth - The calculated width / 2 of the physics body.
// this.halfWidth = Math.floor(sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeW / 2);
* @property {number} halfHeight - The calculated height / 2 of the physics body.
// this.halfHeight = Math.floor(sprite.currentFrame.sourceSizeH / 2);
* @property {Phaser.Point} center - The center coordinate of the Physics Body.
// this.center = new Phaser.Point(this.x + this.halfWidth, this.y + this.halfHeight);
* @property {Phaser.Point} velocity - The velocity of the Body.
@ -113,7 +64,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
this.speed = 0;
* @property {number} angle - The angle of the Body in radians.
* @property {number} angle - The angle of the Body based on its velocity in radians.
this.angle = 0;
@ -283,6 +234,42 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
this.polygon = null;
* @property {number} left - The left-most point of this Body.
* @readonly
this.left = 0;
* @property {number} right - The right-most point of this Body.
* @readonly
this.right = 0;
* @property {number} top - The top-most point of this Body.
* @readonly
this.top = 0;
* @property {number} bottom - The bottom-most point of this Body.
* @readonly
this.bottom = 0;
* @property {number} width - The current width of the Body, taking into account the point rotation.
* @readonly
this.width = 0;
* @property {number} height - The current height of the Body, taking into account the point rotation.
* @readonly
this.height = 0;
* @property {Phaser.Point} _temp - Internal cache var.
* @private
@ -319,6 +306,11 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (sprite) {
this._distances = [0, 0, 0, 0];
this.blockFlags = [0, 0, 0, 0];
this.overlapX = 0;
this.overlapY = 0;
// Set-up the default shape
this.setRectangle(sprite.width, sprite.height, -sprite._cache.halfWidth, -sprite._cache.halfHeight);
@ -447,10 +439,28 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
this.blocked.up = false;
this.blocked.down = false;
this.blocked.left = false;
this.blocked.right = false;
if (this.blocked.left && this.blockFlags[0] !== this.left)
this.blocked.left = false;
if (this.blocked.right && this.blockFlags[1] !== this.right)
this.blocked.right = false;
if (this.blocked.up && this.blockFlags[2] !== this.top)
this.blocked.up = false;
if (this.blocked.down && this.blockFlags[3] !== this.bottom)
console.log('reset down block flag', this.blockFlags[3], this.bottom);
this.blocked.down = false;
this.touching.none = true;
this.touching.up = false;
@ -470,6 +480,100 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
setBlockFlag: function (left, right, up, down, x, y) {
if (left)
this.blockFlags[0] = this.left + x;
console.log('left flag set to', this.blockFlags[0]);
else if (right)
this.blockFlags[1] = this.right + y;
console.log('right flag set to', this.blockFlags[1]);
if (up)
this.blockFlags[2] = this.top + y;
// this.blockFlags[2] = this.top;
console.log('up flag set to', this.blockFlags[2]);
else if (down)
this.blockFlags[3] = this.bottom + y;
// this.blockFlags[3] = this.bottom;
console.log('down flag set to', this.blockFlags[3]);
* Internal method that updates the left, right, top, bottom, width and height properties.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#updateBounds
* @protected
updateBounds: function () {
if (this.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE)
this.left = this.shape.pos.x - this.shape.r;
this.right = this.shape.pos.x + this.shape.r;
this.top = this.shape.pos.y - this.shape.r;
this.bottom = this.shape.pos.y + this.shape.r;
this.left = this.polygon.pos.x - this.polygon.points[0].x;
this.right = this.polygon.pos.x + this.polygon.points[0].x;
this.top = this.polygon.pos.y - this.polygon.points[0].y;
this.bottom = this.polygon.pos.y + this.polygon.points[0].y;
var temp;
for (var i = 1, len = this.polygon.points.length; i < len; i++)
// Left
temp = this.polygon.pos.x - this.polygon.points[i].x;
if (temp < this.left)
this.left = temp;
// Right
temp = this.polygon.pos.x + this.polygon.points[i].x;
if (temp > this.right)
this.right = temp;
// Top
temp = this.polygon.pos.y - this.polygon.points[i].y;
if (temp < this.top)
this.top = temp;
// Bottom
temp = this.polygon.pos.y + this.polygon.points[i].y;
if (temp > this.bottom)
this.bottom = temp;
this.width = this.right - this.left;
this.height = this.bottom - this.top;
* Internal method.
@ -523,7 +627,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
if (y)
if (rebound && (this.blocked.up || this.blocked.down))
if (rebound && this.bounce.y && (this.blocked.up || this.blocked.down))
this.velocity.y *= -this.bounce.y;
@ -776,6 +880,8 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
return this.customSeparateCallback.call(this.customSeparateContext, this, response);
console.log(this.sprite.name, 'collided with', body.sprite.name, response);
this._distances[0] = body.right - this.x; // Distance of B to face on left side of A
this._distances[1] = this.right - body.x; // Distance of B to face on right side of A
this._distances[2] = body.bottom - this.y; // Distance of B to face on bottom side of A
@ -810,20 +916,8 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
if (this.collideWorldBounds)
// this.checkWorldBounds();
if (body.collideWorldBounds)
// body.checkWorldBounds();
return true;
@ -1024,26 +1118,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
* Internal method that syncs the Body coordinates with the SAT shape and polygon positions.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#syncPosition
* @protected
syncPosition: function () {
this.shape.pos.x = this.x;
this.shape.pos.y = this.y;
if (this.polygon)
this.polygon.pos.x = this.x;
this.polygon.pos.y = this.y;
* Internal method.
* Internal method. Integrates velocity, global gravity and the delta timer.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#integrateVelocity
* @protected
@ -1067,6 +1142,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
this.y += this._dy;
this.velocity.y += this._temp.y;
// console.log('y added', this._dy);
if (this.velocity.x > this.maxVelocity.x)
@ -1137,43 +1213,8 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
* You can modify the size of the physics Body to be any dimension you need.
* So it could be smaller or larger than the parent Sprite. You can also control the x and y offset, which
* is the position of the Body relative to the top-left of the Sprite.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#setSize
* @param {number} width - The width of the Body.
* @param {number} height - The height of the Body.
* @param {number} [offsetX=0] - The X offset of the Body from the Sprite position.
* @param {number} [offsetY=0] - The Y offset of the Body from the Sprite position.
setSize: function (width, height, offsetX, offsetY) {
if (typeof offsetX === 'undefined') { offsetX = 0; }
if (typeof offsetY === 'undefined') { offsetY = 0; }
this.sourceWidth = width;
this.sourceHeight = height;
this.width = this.sourceWidth * this._sx;
this.height = this.sourceHeight * this._sy;
this.halfWidth = Math.floor(this.width / 2);
this.halfHeight = Math.floor(this.height / 2);
this.offset.setTo(offsetX, offsetY);
this.center.setTo(this.x + this.halfWidth, this.y + this.halfHeight);
if (this.type === Phaser.Physics.Arcade.RECT)
* Resets all Body values (velocity, acceleration, rotation, etc)
* Resets the Body motion values: velocity, acceleration, angularVelocity and angularAcceleration.
* Also resets the forces to defaults: gravity, bounce, minVelocity,maxVelocity, angularDrag, maxAngular, mass, friction and checkCollision.
* @method Phaser.Physics.Arcade#reset
@ -1181,27 +1222,17 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
this.velocity.setTo(0, 0);
this.acceleration.setTo(0, 0);
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.angularAcceleration = 0;
this.preX = (this.sprite.world.x - (this.sprite.anchor.x * this.width)) + this.offset.x;
this.preY = (this.sprite.world.y - (this.sprite.anchor.y * this.height)) + this.offset.y;
this.preRotation = this.sprite.angle;
this.x = this.preX;
this.y = this.preY;
this.rotation = this.preRotation;
this.shape.pos.x = this.x;
this.shape.pos.y = this.y;
if (this.polygon)
this.polygon.pos.x = this.x;
this.polygon.pos.y = this.y;
this.center.setTo(this.x + this.halfWidth, this.y + this.halfHeight);
this.gravity.setTo(0, 0);
this.bounce.setTo(0, 0);
this.minVelocity.setTo(5, 5);
this.maxVelocity.setTo(1000, 1000);
this.angularDrag = 0;
this.maxAngular = 1000;
this.mass = 1;
this.friction = 0.1;
this.checkCollision = { none: false, any: true, up: true, down: true, left: true, right: true };
@ -1239,79 +1270,6 @@ Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = {
Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body;
* @name Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body#bottom
* @property {number} bottom - The bottom value of this Body (same as Body.y + Body.height)
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "bottom", {
* The sum of the y and height properties. Changing the bottom property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and width properties, but does change the height property.
* @method bottom
* @return {number}
get: function () {
return this.y + this.height;
* The sum of the y and height properties. Changing the bottom property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and width properties, but does change the height property.
* @method bottom
* @param {number} value
set: function (value) {
if (value <= this.y)
this.height = 0;
this.height = (this.y - value);
* @name Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body#right
* @property {number} right - The right value of this Body (same as Body.x + Body.width)
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "right", {
* The sum of the x and width properties. Changing the right property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and height properties.
* However it does affect the width property.
* @method right
* @return {number}
get: function () {
return this.x + this.width;
* The sum of the x and width properties. Changing the right property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and height properties.
* However it does affect the width property.
* @method right
* @param {number} value
set: function (value) {
if (value <= this.x)
this.width = 0;
this.width = this.x + value;
* @name Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body#x
* @property {number} x
@ -1395,3 +1353,18 @@ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "y", {
* @name Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body#movingLeft
* @property {number} movingLeft
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "movingLeft", {
* @method movingLeft
* @return {boolean}
get: function () {
@ -236,14 +236,14 @@ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Tile.prototype, "canCollide", {
* @name Phaser.Tile#bottom
* @property {number} bottom - The sum of the y and height properties.
* @name Phaser.Tile#left
* @property {number} left - The x value.
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Tile.prototype, "bottom", {
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Tile.prototype, "left", {
get: function () {
return this.y + this.height;
return this.x;
@ -260,3 +260,29 @@ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Tile.prototype, "right", {
* @name Phaser.Tile#top
* @property {number} top - The y value.
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Tile.prototype, "top", {
get: function () {
return this.y;
* @name Phaser.Tile#bottom
* @property {number} bottom - The sum of the y and height properties.
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Tile.prototype, "bottom", {
get: function () {
return this.y + this.height;
Add table
Reference in a new issue