Fix #6860 BitmapText not wrapping lines in some cases

This commit is contained in:
Zeke Chan 2024-09-03 15:52:10 +08:00
parent d4ef67bae0
commit 780def8cf9

View file

@ -99,108 +99,76 @@ var GetBitmapTextSize = function (src, round, updateOrigin, out)
var currentLine = 0;
var currentLineWidth = 0;
var i;
var i, j;
var words = [];
var characters = [];
var current = null;
// Measure the width of the text
var measureTextWidth = function (text, fontData)
var width = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++)
var charCode = text.charCodeAt(i);
var glyph = fontData.chars[charCode];
if (glyph) {
width += glyph.xAdvance;
return width * sx;
// Scan for breach of maxWidth and insert carriage-returns
if (maxWidth > 0)
for (i = 0; i < textLength; i++)
// Split the text into lines
var lines = text.split('\n');
var wrappedLines = [];
// Loop through each line
for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
charCode = text.charCodeAt(i);
var line = lines[i];
var word = '';
var wrappedLine = '';
var lineToCheck = '';
var lineWithWord = '';
if (charCode === 10)
// Loop through each character in a line
for (j = 0; j < line.length; j++)
if (current !== null)
charCode = line.charCodeAt(j);
word += line[j];
// White space or end of line?
if (charCode === wordWrapCharCode || j === line.length - 1)
word: current.word,
i: current.i,
x: current.x * sx,
y: current.y * sy,
w: current.w * sx,
h: current.h * sy,
cr: true
lineWithWord = lineToCheck + word;
var textWidth = measureTextWidth(lineWithWord, src.fontData);
current = null;
if (textWidth <= maxWidth)
lineToCheck = lineWithWord;
// If the current word is too long to fit on a line, wrap it
wrappedLine += (wrappedLine ? '\n' : '') + lineToCheck;
lineToCheck = word;
xAdvance = 0;
yAdvance += lineHeight + lineSpacing;
lastGlyph = null;
glyph = chars[charCode];
if (!glyph)
if (lastGlyph !== null)
var glyphKerningOffset = glyph.kerning[lastCharCode];
if (charCode === wordWrapCharCode)
if (current !== null)
word: current.word,
i: current.i,
x: current.x * sx,
y: current.y * sy,
w: current.w * sx,
h: current.h * sy,
cr: false
current = null;
word = '';
if (current === null)
// We're starting a new word, recording the starting index, etc
current = { word: '', i: i, x: xAdvance, y: yAdvance, w: 0, h: lineHeight, cr: false };
current.word = current.word.concat(text[i]);
current.w += glyph.xOffset + glyph.xAdvance + ((glyphKerningOffset !== undefined) ? glyphKerningOffset : 0);
xAdvance += glyph.xAdvance + letterSpacing;
lastGlyph = glyph;
lastCharCode = charCode;
wrappedLine += (wrappedLine ? '\n' : '') + lineToCheck;
// Last word
if (current !== null)
word: current.word,
i: current.i,
x: current.x * sx,
y: current.y * sy,
w: current.w * sx,
h: current.h * sy,
cr: false
// Reset for the next loop
xAdvance = 0;
yAdvance = 0;
lastGlyph = null;
lastCharCode = 0;
text = wrappedLines.join('\n');
// Loop through the words array and see if we've got any > maxWidth
var prev;