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synced 2025-02-16 22:18:29 +00:00
PixiPatch and other 1.0.7 features
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 413 additions and 26 deletions
@ -42,9 +42,19 @@ Version 1.0.7 (in progress in the dev branch)
* Updated ArcadePhysics.separateX/Y to use new body system - much better results now.
* QuadTree bug found in 1.0.5 now fixed. The QuadTree is updated properly now using worldTransform values.
* Fixed the Bounce.In and Bounce.InOut tweens (thanks XekeDeath)
* Renamed Phaser.Text.text to Phaser.Text.content to avoid conflict and overwrite from Pixi local var.
* Renamed Phaser.Text.style to Phaser.Text.font to avoid conflict and overwrite from Pixi local var.
* Phaser.Button now sets useHandCursor to true by default.
* Fixed an issue in Animation.update where if the game was paused it would get an insane delta timer throwing a uuid error.
* Added PixiPatch.js to patch in a few essential features until Pixi is updated.
* Fixed issue in Animation.play where the given frameRate and loop values wouldn't overwrite those set on construction.
* Added Animation.paused - can be set to true/false.
* New: Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames - really useful when creating animation data from texture atlases using file names, not indexes.
* TODO: addMarker hh:mm:ss:ms
* TODO: Direction constants
* TODO: Camera will adjust core DO. Means scrollFactor will need to be dropped sadly, but there are other ways to emulate its effect.
Version 1.0.6 (September 24th 2013)
examples/input/follow mouse.php
Normal file
examples/input/follow mouse.php
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
$title = "Follow Mouse";
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });
function preload() {
game.load.image('ball', 'assets/sprites/shinyball.png');
var sprite;
function create() {
sprite = game.add.sprite(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, 'ball');
function update() {
// only move when you click
if (game.input.mousePointer.isDown)
// 400 is the speed it will move towards the mouse
game.physics.moveTowardsMouse(sprite, 400);
// if it's overlapping the mouse, don't move any more
if (Phaser.Rectangle.contains(sprite.body, game.input.x, game.input.y))
sprite.body.velocity.setTo(0, 0);
sprite.body.velocity.setTo(0, 0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
* We're replacing a couple of Pixi's methods here to fix or add some vital functionality:
* 1) Added support for Trimmed sprite sheets
* 2) Skip display objects with an alpha of zero
* Hopefully we can remove this once Pixi has been updated to support these things.
PIXI.CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderDisplayObject = function(displayObject)
// no loger recurrsive!
var transform;
var context = this.context;
context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
// one the display object hits this. we can break the loop
var testObject = displayObject.last._iNext;
displayObject = displayObject.first;
transform = displayObject.worldTransform;
displayObject = displayObject.last._iNext;
if(!displayObject.renderable || displayObject.alpha == 0)
displayObject = displayObject._iNext;
if(displayObject instanceof PIXI.Sprite)
var frame = displayObject.texture.frame;
context.globalAlpha = displayObject.worldAlpha;
if (displayObject.texture.trimmed)
context.setTransform(transform[0], transform[3], transform[1], transform[4], transform[2] + displayObject.texture.trim.x, transform[5] + displayObject.texture.trim.y);
context.setTransform(transform[0], transform[3], transform[1], transform[4], transform[2], transform[5]);
(displayObject.anchor.x) * -frame.width,
(displayObject.anchor.y) * -frame.height,
else if(displayObject instanceof PIXI.Strip)
context.setTransform(transform[0], transform[3], transform[1], transform[4], transform[2], transform[5])
else if(displayObject instanceof PIXI.TilingSprite)
context.setTransform(transform[0], transform[3], transform[1], transform[4], transform[2], transform[5])
else if(displayObject instanceof PIXI.CustomRenderable)
else if(displayObject instanceof PIXI.Graphics)
context.setTransform(transform[0], transform[3], transform[1], transform[4], transform[2], transform[5])
PIXI.CanvasGraphics.renderGraphics(displayObject, context);
else if(displayObject instanceof PIXI.FilterBlock)
var cacheAlpha = displayObject.mask.alpha;
var maskTransform = displayObject.mask.worldTransform;
context.setTransform(maskTransform[0], maskTransform[3], maskTransform[1], maskTransform[4], maskTransform[2], maskTransform[5])
displayObject.mask.worldAlpha = 0.5;
context.worldAlpha = 0;
PIXI.CanvasGraphics.renderGraphicsMask(displayObject.mask, context);
displayObject.mask.worldAlpha = cacheAlpha;
// count++
displayObject = displayObject._iNext;
while(displayObject != testObject)
PIXI.WebGLBatch.prototype.update = function()
var gl = this.gl;
var worldTransform, width, height, aX, aY, w0, w1, h0, h1, index, index2, index3
var a, b, c, d, tx, ty;
var indexRun = 0;
var displayObject = this.head;
if(displayObject.vcount === PIXI.visibleCount)
width = displayObject.texture.frame.width;
height = displayObject.texture.frame.height;
// TODO trim??
aX = displayObject.anchor.x;// - displayObject.texture.trim.x
aY = displayObject.anchor.y; //- displayObject.texture.trim.y
w0 = width * (1-aX);
w1 = width * -aX;
h0 = height * (1-aY);
h1 = height * -aY;
index = indexRun * 8;
worldTransform = displayObject.worldTransform;
a = worldTransform[0];
b = worldTransform[3];
c = worldTransform[1];
d = worldTransform[4];
tx = worldTransform[2];
ty = worldTransform[5];
if (displayObject.texture.trimmed)
tx += displayObject.texture.trim.x;
ty += displayObject.texture.trim.y;
this.verticies[index + 0 ] = a * w1 + c * h1 + tx;
this.verticies[index + 1 ] = d * h1 + b * w1 + ty;
this.verticies[index + 2 ] = a * w0 + c * h1 + tx;
this.verticies[index + 3 ] = d * h1 + b * w0 + ty;
this.verticies[index + 4 ] = a * w0 + c * h0 + tx;
this.verticies[index + 5 ] = d * h0 + b * w0 + ty;
this.verticies[index + 6] = a * w1 + c * h0 + tx;
this.verticies[index + 7] = d * h0 + b * w1 + ty;
if(displayObject.updateFrame || displayObject.texture.updateFrame)
this.dirtyUVS = true;
var texture = displayObject.texture;
var frame = texture.frame;
var tw = texture.baseTexture.width;
var th = texture.baseTexture.height;
this.uvs[index + 0] = frame.x / tw;
this.uvs[index +1] = frame.y / th;
this.uvs[index +2] = (frame.x + frame.width) / tw;
this.uvs[index +3] = frame.y / th;
this.uvs[index +4] = (frame.x + frame.width) / tw;
this.uvs[index +5] = (frame.y + frame.height) / th;
this.uvs[index +6] = frame.x / tw;
this.uvs[index +7] = (frame.y + frame.height) / th;
displayObject.updateFrame = false;
// TODO this probably could do with some optimisation....
if(displayObject.cacheAlpha != displayObject.worldAlpha)
displayObject.cacheAlpha = displayObject.worldAlpha;
var colorIndex = indexRun * 4;
this.colors[colorIndex] = this.colors[colorIndex + 1] = this.colors[colorIndex + 2] = this.colors[colorIndex + 3] = displayObject.worldAlpha;
this.dirtyColors = true;
index = indexRun * 8;
this.verticies[index + 0 ] = 0;
this.verticies[index + 1 ] = 0;
this.verticies[index + 2 ] = 0;
this.verticies[index + 3 ] = 0;
this.verticies[index + 4 ] = 0;
this.verticies[index + 5 ] = 0;
this.verticies[index + 6] = 0;
this.verticies[index + 7] = 0;
displayObject = displayObject.__next;
@ -72,6 +72,19 @@ Phaser.Animation = function (game, parent, name, frameData, frames, delay, loope
this.isPlaying = false;
* @property {boolean} isPaused - The paused state of the Animation.
* @default
this.isPaused = false;
* @property {boolean} _pauseStartTime - The time the animation paused.
* @private
* @default
this._pauseStartTime = 0;
* @property {number} _frameIndex
* @private
@ -101,18 +114,15 @@ Phaser.Animation.prototype = {
play: function (frameRate, loop) {
frameRate = frameRate || null;
loop = loop || null;
if (frameRate !== null)
if (typeof frameRate === 'number')
// If they set a new frame rate then use it, otherwise use the one set on creation
this.delay = 1000 / frameRate;
// this.delay = frameRate;
if (loop !== null)
if (typeof loop === 'boolean')
// If they set a new loop value then use it, otherwise use the default set on creation
// If they set a new loop value then use it, otherwise use the one set on creation
this.looped = loop;
@ -182,6 +192,11 @@ Phaser.Animation.prototype = {
update: function () {
if (this.isPaused)
return false;
if (this.isPlaying == true && this.game.time.now >= this._timeNextFrame)
this._frameSkip = 1;
@ -210,7 +225,12 @@ Phaser.Animation.prototype = {
this._frameIndex = this._frameIndex - this._frames.length;
this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]);
if (this.currentFrame)
this._parent.events.onAnimationLoop.dispatch(this._parent, this);
@ -266,6 +286,38 @@ Phaser.Animation.prototype = {
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Animation.prototype, "paused", {
get: function () {
return this.isPaused;
set: function (value) {
this.isPaused = value;
if (value)
// Paused
this._pauseStartTime = this.game.time.now;
// Un-paused
if (this.isPlaying)
this._timeNextFrame = this.game.time.now + this.delay;
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Animation.prototype, "frameTotal", {
@ -316,3 +368,37 @@ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Animation.prototype, "frame", {
* Really handy function for when you are creating arrays of animation data but it's using frame names and not numbers.
* For example imagine you've got 30 frames named: 'explosion_0001-large' to 'explosion_0030-large'
* You could use this function to generate those by doing: Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('explosion_', 1, 30, '-large', 4);
* The zeroPad value dictates how many zeroes to add in front of the numbers (if any)
Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames = function (prefix, min, max, suffix, zeroPad) {
if (typeof suffix == 'undefined') { suffix = ''; }
var output = [];
var frame = '';
for (var i = min; i <= max; i++)
if (typeof zeroPad == 'number')
// str, len, pad, dir
frame = Phaser.Utils.pad(i.toString(), zeroPad, '0', 1);
frame = i.toString();
frame = prefix + frame + suffix;
return output;
@ -146,9 +146,11 @@ Phaser.Animation.Parser = {
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].realSize = frames[i].spriteSourceSize;
// PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].realSize = frames[i].sourceSize;
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trim.x = 0;
// We had to hack Pixi to get this to work :(
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trimmed = true;
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trim.x = frames[i].spriteSourceSize.x;
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trim.y = frames[i].spriteSourceSize.y;
@ -216,9 +218,11 @@ Phaser.Animation.Parser = {
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].realSize = frames[key].spriteSourceSize;
// PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].realSize = frames[key].sourceSize;
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trim.x = 0;
// We had to hack Pixi to get this to work :(
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trimmed = true;
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trim.x = frames[key].spriteSourceSize.x;
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trim.y = frames[key].spriteSourceSize.y;
@ -275,7 +279,8 @@ Phaser.Animation.Parser = {
// Trimmed?
if (frame.frameX.nodeValue != '-0' || frame.frameY.nodeValue != '-0') {
if (frame.frameX.nodeValue != '-0' || frame.frameY.nodeValue != '-0')
@ -293,7 +298,10 @@ Phaser.Animation.Parser = {
h: frame.frameHeight.nodeValue
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trim.x = 0;
// We had to hack Pixi to get this to work :(
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trimmed = true;
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trim.x = Math.abs(frame.frameX.nodeValue);
PIXI.TextureCache[uuid].trim.y = Math.abs(frame.frameY.nodeValue);
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Phaser.Button = function (game, x, y, key, callback, callbackContext, overFrame,
this.onInputUp.add(callback, callbackContext);
this.input.start(0, false, true);
this.input.start(0, true);
// Redirect the input events to here so we can handle animation updates, etc
this.events.onInputOver.add(this.onInputOverHandler, this);
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.preUpdate = function() {
// Frame updated?
if (this.currentFrame.uuid != this._cache.frameID)
if (this.currentFrame && this.currentFrame.uuid != this._cache.frameID)
this._cache.frameWidth = this.texture.frame.width;
this._cache.frameHeight = this.texture.frame.height;
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ Phaser.Sprite.prototype.preUpdate = function() {
this._cache.dirty = true;
if (this._cache.dirty)
if (this._cache.dirty && this.currentFrame)
this._cache.width = Math.floor(this.currentFrame.sourceSizeW * this._cache.scaleX);
this._cache.height = Math.floor(this.currentFrame.sourceSizeH * this._cache.scaleY);
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Text.prototype, 'angle', {
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Text.prototype, 'text', {
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Text.prototype, 'content', {
get: function() {
return this._text;
@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Text.prototype, 'text', {
if (value !== this._text)
this._text = value;
this.dirty = true;
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Text.prototype, 'style', {
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Text.prototype, 'font', {
get: function() {
return this._style;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Text.prototype, 'style', {
if (value !== this._style)
this._style = value;
this.dirty = true;
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Phaser.Sound.prototype = {
if (typeof loop == 'undefined') { loop = false; }
if (typeof forceRestart == 'undefined') { forceRestart = false; }
console.log(this.name + ' play ' + marker + ' position ' + position + ' volume ' + volume + ' loop ' + loop);
// console.log(this.name + ' play ' + marker + ' position ' + position + ' volume ' + volume + ' loop ' + loop);
if (this.isPlaying == true && forceRestart == false && this.override == false)
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
Phaser.Utils = {
* Javascript string pad
* http://www.webtoolkit.info/
* Javascript string pad
* http://www.webtoolkit.info/
* pad = the string to pad it out with (defaults to a space)
* dir = 1 (left), 2 (right), 3 (both)
* @method pad
Add table
Reference in a new issue