2016-10-07 02:09:12 +01:00
Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.GameObjects.TileSprite = {
2016-10-09 22:27:58 +01:00
2016-10-07 02:09:12 +01:00
render: function (renderer, src)
2016-10-07 02:31:35 +01:00
if (src.visible === false || src.alpha === 0 || src.renderable === false)
2016-10-07 02:09:12 +01:00
if (src._mask)
if (src._filters)
if (!src._mask)
// Don't need to do this again if we've already flushed for a mask
if (src.refreshTexture)
src.generateTilingTexture(true, renderer);
if (src.tilingTexture)
if (src.tilingTexture.needsUpdate)
src.tilingTexture.baseTexture.textureIndex = src.texture.baseTexture.textureIndex;
src.tilingTexture.needsUpdate = false;
2016-10-07 02:31:35 +01:00
Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.GameObjects.TileSprite.batchRender(renderer, src);
2016-10-07 02:09:12 +01:00
// Render children!
for (i = 0; i < src.children.length; i++)
var child = src.children[i];
child.render(renderer, child);
var restartBatch = false;
if (src._filters)
restartBatch = true;
if (src._mask)
if (!restartBatch)
if (restartBatch)
batchRender: function (renderer, src)
var gl = renderer.gl;
var batch = renderer.spriteBatch;
var texture = src.tilingTexture;
var baseTexture = texture.baseTexture;
var textureIndex = src.texture.baseTexture.textureIndex;
if (renderer.textureArray[textureIndex] !== baseTexture)
gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + textureIndex);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, baseTexture._glTextures);
renderer.textureArray[textureIndex] = baseTexture;
// Check texture
if (batch.currentBatchSize >= batch.size)
batch.currentBaseTexture = texture.baseTexture;
// Set the textures UVs temporarily
if (!src._uvs)
src._uvs = new PIXI.TextureUvs();
var uvs = src._uvs;
var w = texture.baseTexture.width;
var h = texture.baseTexture.height;
src.tilePosition.x %= w * src.tileScaleOffset.x;
src.tilePosition.y %= h * src.tileScaleOffset.y;
var offsetX = src.tilePosition.x / (w * src.tileScaleOffset.x);
var offsetY = src.tilePosition.y / (h * src.tileScaleOffset.y);
var scaleX = (src.width / w) / (src.tileScale.x * src.tileScaleOffset.x);
var scaleY = (src.height / h) / (src.tileScale.y * src.tileScaleOffset.y);
uvs.x0 = 0 - offsetX;
uvs.y0 = 0 - offsetY;
uvs.x1 = (1 * scaleX) - offsetX;
uvs.y1 = 0 - offsetY;
uvs.x2 = (1 * scaleX) - offsetX;
uvs.y2 = (1 * scaleY) - offsetY;
uvs.x3 = 0 - offsetX;
uvs.y3 = (1 * scaleY) - offsetY;
// Get the srcs current alpha and tint and combine them into a single color
var tint = src.tint;
var color = (tint >> 16) + (tint & 0xff00) + ((tint & 0xff) << 16) + (src.worldAlpha * 255 << 24);
var positions = batch.positions;
var colors = batch.colors;
var width = src.width;
var height = src.height;
var aX = src.anchor.x;
var aY = src.anchor.y;
var w0 = width * (1 - aX);
var w1 = width * -aX;
var h0 = height * (1 - aY);
var h1 = height * -aY;
var i = batch.currentBatchSize * batch.vertexSize;
var resolution = texture.baseTexture.resolution;
var wt = src.worldTransform;
var a = wt.a / resolution;
var b = wt.b / resolution;
var c = wt.c / resolution;
var d = wt.d / resolution;
var tx = wt.tx;
var ty = wt.ty;
// xy
positions[i++] = a * w1 + c * h1 + tx;
positions[i++] = d * h1 + b * w1 + ty;
// uv
positions[i++] = uvs.x0;
positions[i++] = uvs.y0;
// color
colors[i++] = color;
// texture index
positions[i++] = textureIndex;
// xy
positions[i++] = (a * w0 + c * h1 + tx);
positions[i++] = d * h1 + b * w0 + ty;
// uv
positions[i++] = uvs.x1;
positions[i++] = uvs.y1;
// color
colors[i++] = color;
// texture index
positions[i++] = textureIndex;
// xy
positions[i++] = a * w0 + c * h0 + tx;
positions[i++] = d * h0 + b * w0 + ty;
// uv
positions[i++] = uvs.x2;
positions[i++] = uvs.y2;
// color
colors[i++] = color;
// texture index
positions[i++] = textureIndex;
// xy
positions[i++] = a * w1 + c * h0 + tx;
positions[i++] = d * h0 + b * w1 + ty;
// uv
positions[i++] = uvs.x3;
positions[i++] = uvs.y3;
// color
colors[i++] = color;
// texture index
positions[i++] = textureIndex;
// increment the batchsize
batch.sprites[batch.currentBatchSize++] = src;