2017-11-24 14:22:55 +00:00
var Formats = require('../../Formats');
var Tileset = require('../../Tileset');
var Tile = require('../../Tile');
var Extend = require('../../../../utils/object/Extend');
var MapData = require('../../mapdata/MapData');
var LayerData = require('../../mapdata/LayerData');
var ImageCollection = require('../../ImageCollection');
var GetFastValue = require('../../../../utils/object/GetFastValue');
var ParseGID = require('./ParseGID');
var Base64Decode = require('./Base64Decode');
var ParseObject = require('./ParseObject');
var ParseJSONTiled = function (key, json, insertNull)
if (json.orientation !== 'orthogonal')
console.warn('Only orthogonal map types are supported in this version of Phaser');
return null;
// Map data will consist of: layers, objects, images, tilesets, sizes
var mapData = new MapData({
width: json.width,
height: json.height,
name: key,
tileWidth: json.tilewidth,
tileHeight: json.tileheight,
orientation: json.orientation,
format: Formats.TILEMAP_TILED_JSON,
version: json.version,
properties: json.properties
var tileLayers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < json.layers.length; i++)
if (json.layers[i].type !== 'tilelayer')
var curl = json.layers[i];
// Base64 decode data if necessary. NOTE: uncompressed base64 only.
if (curl.compression)
console.warn('TilemapParser.parseTiledJSON - Layer compression is unsupported, skipping layer \'' + curl.name + '\'');
else if (curl.encoding && curl.encoding === 'base64')
curl.data = Base64Decode(curl.data);
var layerData = new LayerData({
name: curl.name,
2017-11-24 14:59:36 +00:00
x: GetFastValue(curl, 'offsetx', 0) + curl.x,
y: GetFastValue(curl, 'offsety', 0) + curl.y,
2017-11-24 14:22:55 +00:00
width: curl.width,
height: curl.height,
tileWidth: json.tilewidth,
tileHeight: json.tileheight,
alpha: curl.opacity,
visible: curl.visible,
properties: GetFastValue(curl, 'properties', {})
var x = 0;
var row = [];
var output = [];
var gid;
// Loop through the data field in the JSON.
// This is an array containing the tile indexes, one after the other. -1 = no tile,
// everything else = the tile index (starting at 1 for Tiled, 0 for CSV) If the map
// contains multiple tilesets then the indexes are relative to that which the set starts
// from. Need to set which tileset in the cache = which tileset in the JSON, if you do this
// manually it means you can use the same map data but a new tileset.
for (var t = 0, len = curl.data.length; t < len; t++)
var gidInfo = ParseGID(curl.data[t]);
// index, x, y, width, height
if (gidInfo.gid > 0)
var tile = new Tile(layerData, gidInfo.gid, x, output.length, json.tilewidth, json.tileheight);
tile.rotation = gidInfo.rotation;
tile.flipped = gidInfo.flipped;
tile.flippedHorizontal = gidInfo.flippedHorizontal;
tile.flippedVertical = gidInfo.flippedVertical;
tile.flippedAntiDiagonal = gidInfo.flippedAntiDiagonal;
var blankTile = insertNull
? null
: new Tile(layerData, -1, x, output.length, json.tilewidth, json.tileheight);
if (x === curl.width)
x = 0;
row = [];
layerData.data = output;
mapData.layers = tileLayers;
var images = [];
for (var i = 0; i < json.layers.length; i++)
if (json.layers[i].type !== 'imagelayer')
var curi = json.layers[i];
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2017-11-24 14:22:55 +00:00
name: curi.name,
image: curi.image,
2017-11-24 14:59:36 +00:00
x: GetFastValue(curi, 'offsetx', 0) + curi.x,
y: GetFastValue(curi, 'offsety', 0) + curi.y,
2017-11-24 14:22:55 +00:00
alpha: curi.opacity,
visible: curi.visible,
2017-11-24 14:59:36 +00:00
properties: GetFastValue(curi.properties, {})
2017-11-24 14:22:55 +00:00
mapData.images = images;
// Tilesets & Image Collections
var tilesets = [];
var imageCollections = [];
var lastSet = null;
for (var i = 0; i < json.tilesets.length; i++)
// name, firstgid, width, height, margin, spacing, properties
var set = json.tilesets[i];
if (set.image)
var newSet = new Tileset(set.name, set.firstgid, set.tilewidth, set.tileheight, set.margin, set.spacing, set.properties);
// Properties stored per-tile in object with string indices starting at "0"
if (set.tileproperties)
newSet.tileProperties = set.tileproperties;
// Object & terrain shapes stored per-tile in object with string indices starting at "0"
if (set.tiles)
newSet.tileData = set.tiles;
// Parse the objects into Phaser format to match handling of other Tiled objects
for (var stringID in newSet.tileData)
var objectGroup = newSet.tileData[stringID].objectgroup;
if (objectGroup && objectGroup.objects)
objectGroup.objects = objectGroup.objects.map(ParseObject);
// For a normal sliced tileset the row/count/size information is computed when updated.
// This is done (again) after the image is set.
newSet.updateTileData(set.imagewidth, set.imageheight);
var newCollection = new ImageCollection(set.name, set.firstgid, set.tilewidth, set.tileheight, set.margin, set.spacing, set.properties);
for (var stringID in set.tiles)
var image = set.tiles[stringID].image;
var gid = set.firstgid + parseInt(stringID, 10);
newCollection.addImage(gid, image);
// We've got a new Tileset, so set the lastgid into the previous one
if (lastSet)
lastSet.lastgid = set.firstgid - 1;
lastSet = set;
mapData.tilesets = tilesets;
mapData.imageCollections = imageCollections;
// Objects & Collision Data (polylines, etc)
var objects = {};
var collision = {};
for (var i = 0; i < json.layers.length; i++)
if (json.layers[i].type !== 'objectgroup')
var curo = json.layers[i];
var layerName = curo.name;
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var offsetX = GetFastValue(curo, 'offsetx', 0);
var offsetY = GetFastValue(curo, 'offsety', 0);
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objects[layerName] = [];
collision[layerName] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < curo.objects.length; j++)
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var parsedObject = ParseObject(curo.objects[j], offsetX, offsetY);
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// Matching v2 where only polylines were added to collision prop of the map
if (parsedObject.polyline) { collision[layerName].push(parsedObject); }
mapData.objects = objects;
mapData.collision = collision;
mapData.tiles = [];
// Finally lets build our super tileset index
for (var i = 0; i < mapData.tilesets.length; i++)
var set = mapData.tilesets[i];
var x = set.tileMargin;
var y = set.tileMargin;
var count = 0;
var countX = 0;
var countY = 0;
for (var t = set.firstgid; t < set.firstgid + set.total; t++)
// Can add extra properties here as needed
mapData.tiles[t] = [ x, y, i ];
x += set.tileWidth + set.tileSpacing;
if (count === set.total)
if (countX === set.columns)
x = set.tileMargin;
y += set.tileHeight + set.tileSpacing;
countX = 0;
if (countY === set.rows)
// assign tile properties
var layerData;
var tile;
var sid;
var set;
// go through each of the map data layers
for (var i = 0; i < mapData.layers.length; i++)
layerData = mapData.layers[i];
set = null;
// rows of tiles
for (var j = 0; j < layerData.data.length; j++)
row = layerData.data[j];
// individual tiles
for (var k = 0; k < row.length; k++)
tile = row[k];
if (tile === null || tile.index < 0)
// find the relevant tileset
sid = mapData.tiles[tile.index][2];
set = mapData.tilesets[sid];
// if that tile type has any properties, add them to the tile object
if (set.tileProperties && set.tileProperties[tile.index - set.firstgid])
tile.properties = Extend(tile.properties, set.tileProperties[tile.index - set.firstgid]);
return mapData;
module.exports = ParseJSONTiled;