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2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
#include "computermodel.h"
#include <QThreadPool>
#include <random>
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
ComputerModel::ComputerModel(QObject* object)
: QAbstractListModel(object) {}
void ComputerModel::initialize(ComputerManager* computerManager)
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
m_ComputerManager = computerManager;
connect(m_ComputerManager, &ComputerManager::computerStateChanged,
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
this, &ComputerModel::handleComputerStateChanged);
2018-07-05 23:12:55 -07:00
connect(m_ComputerManager, &ComputerManager::pairingCompleted,
this, &ComputerModel::handlePairingCompleted);
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
m_Computers = m_ComputerManager->getComputers();
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
QVariant ComputerModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
if (!index.isValid()) {
return QVariant();
Q_ASSERT(index.row() < m_Computers.count());
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
NvComputer* computer = m_Computers[index.row()];
QReadLocker lock(&computer->lock);
switch (role) {
case NameRole:
return computer->name;
case OnlineRole:
return computer->state == NvComputer::CS_ONLINE;
case PairedRole:
2018-07-05 20:41:17 -07:00
return computer->pairState == NvComputer::PS_PAIRED;
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
case BusyRole:
return computer->currentGameId != 0;
case WakeableRole:
return !computer->macAddress.isEmpty();
case StatusUnknownRole:
return computer->state == NvComputer::CS_UNKNOWN;
case ServerSupportedRole:
return computer->isSupportedServerVersion;
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
return QVariant();
int ComputerModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const
// We should not return a count for valid index values,
// only the parent (which will not have a "valid" index).
if (parent.isValid()) {
return 0;
2019-03-26 21:31:51 -07:00
return m_Computers.count();
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
QHash<int, QByteArray> ComputerModel::roleNames() const
QHash<int, QByteArray> names;
names[NameRole] = "name";
names[OnlineRole] = "online";
names[PairedRole] = "paired";
names[BusyRole] = "busy";
names[WakeableRole] = "wakeable";
names[StatusUnknownRole] = "statusUnknown";
names[ServerSupportedRole] = "serverSupported";
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
return names;
Session* ComputerModel::createSessionForCurrentGame(int computerIndex)
Q_ASSERT(computerIndex < m_Computers.count());
NvComputer* computer = m_Computers[computerIndex];
// We must currently be streaming a game to use this function
Q_ASSERT(computer->currentGameId != 0);
for (NvApp& app : computer->appList) {
if ( == computer->currentGameId) {
return new Session(computer, app);
// We have a current running app but it's not in our app list
return nullptr;
void ComputerModel::deleteComputer(int computerIndex)
Q_ASSERT(computerIndex < m_Computers.count());
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), computerIndex, computerIndex);
// m_Computer[computerIndex] will be deleted by this call
// Remove the now invalid item
class DeferredWakeHostTask : public QRunnable
DeferredWakeHostTask(NvComputer* computer)
: m_Computer(computer) {}
void run()
NvComputer* m_Computer;
void ComputerModel::wakeComputer(int computerIndex)
2018-07-06 00:34:16 -07:00
Q_ASSERT(computerIndex < m_Computers.count());
DeferredWakeHostTask* wakeTask = new DeferredWakeHostTask(m_Computers[computerIndex]);
2020-05-01 18:34:15 -07:00
void ComputerModel::renameComputer(int computerIndex, QString name)
Q_ASSERT(computerIndex < m_Computers.count());
m_ComputerManager->renameHost(m_Computers[computerIndex], name);
// TODO: Use QRandomGenerator when we drop Qt 5.9 support
QString ComputerModel::generatePinString()
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0, 9999);
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 engine(rd());
return QString::asprintf("%04u", dist(engine));
2018-07-06 00:34:16 -07:00
class DeferredTestConnectionTask : public QObject, public QRunnable
void run()
unsigned int portTestResult = LiTestClientConnectivity("", 443, ML_PORT_FLAG_ALL);
if (portTestResult == ML_TEST_RESULT_INCONCLUSIVE) {
emit connectionTestCompleted(-1, QString());
else {
char blockedPorts[512];
LiStringifyPortFlags(portTestResult, "\n", blockedPorts, sizeof(blockedPorts));
emit connectionTestCompleted(portTestResult, QString(blockedPorts));
void connectionTestCompleted(int result, QString blockedPorts);
void ComputerModel::testConnectionForComputer(int)
DeferredTestConnectionTask* testConnectionTask = new DeferredTestConnectionTask();
QObject::connect(testConnectionTask, &DeferredTestConnectionTask::connectionTestCompleted,
this, &ComputerModel::connectionTestCompleted);
2018-07-05 23:12:55 -07:00
void ComputerModel::pairComputer(int computerIndex, QString pin)
Q_ASSERT(computerIndex < m_Computers.count());
m_ComputerManager->pairHost(m_Computers[computerIndex], pin);
void ComputerModel::handlePairingCompleted(NvComputer*, QString error)
emit pairingCompleted(error.isEmpty() ? QVariant() : error);
2018-07-05 23:12:55 -07:00
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
void ComputerModel::handleComputerStateChanged(NvComputer* computer)
// If this is an existing computer, we can report the data changed
int index = m_Computers.indexOf(computer);
if (index >= 0) {
// Let the view know that this specific computer changed
emit dataChanged(createIndex(index, 0), createIndex(index, 0));
else {
// This is a new PC which may be inserted at an arbitrary point
// in our computer list (since it comes from CM's QMap). Reload
// the whole model state to ensure it stays consistent.
m_Computers = m_ComputerManager->getComputers();
2018-07-04 16:40:21 -07:00
#include "computermodel.moc"