2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
#include "streamingpreferences.h"
2022-05-19 19:22:01 -05:00
#include "utils.h"
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
#include <QSettings>
2021-01-30 12:14:31 -06:00
#include <QTranslator>
#include <QCoreApplication>
2021-01-30 12:53:57 -06:00
#include <QLocale>
#include <QtDebug>
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
#define SER_STREAMSETTINGS "streamsettings"
#define SER_WIDTH "width"
#define SER_HEIGHT "height"
#define SER_FPS "fps"
#define SER_BITRATE "bitrate"
#define SER_FULLSCREEN "fullscreen"
2018-08-20 22:25:19 -07:00
#define SER_VSYNC "vsync"
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
#define SER_GAMEOPTS "gameopts"
#define SER_HOSTAUDIO "hostaudio"
#define SER_MULTICONT "multicontroller"
#define SER_AUDIOCFG "audiocfg"
#define SER_VIDEOCFG "videocfg"
2018-07-08 17:33:47 -07:00
#define SER_VIDEODEC "videodec"
2018-09-03 22:17:34 -04:00
#define SER_WINDOWMODE "windowmode"
2018-09-08 14:33:34 -07:00
#define SER_UNSUPPORTEDFPS "unsupportedfps"
2018-09-09 12:33:19 -07:00
#define SER_MDNS "mdns"
2018-12-06 04:45:28 +02:00
#define SER_QUITAPPAFTER "quitAppAfter"
2020-04-25 13:00:39 -07:00
#define SER_ABSMOUSEMODE "mouseacceleration"
2020-04-30 20:55:15 -07:00
#define SER_ABSTOUCHMODE "abstouchmode"
2021-01-10 10:09:31 -06:00
#define SER_STARTWINDOWED "startwindowed"
2018-12-25 12:57:00 -08:00
#define SER_FRAMEPACING "framepacing"
2019-03-18 20:21:52 -07:00
#define SER_CONNWARNINGS "connwarnings"
2021-01-10 07:50:12 -08:00
#define SER_UIDISPLAYMODE "uidisplaymode"
2019-06-29 17:40:30 -07:00
#define SER_RICHPRESENCE "richpresence"
2019-06-29 18:24:59 -07:00
#define SER_GAMEPADMOUSE "gamepadmouse"
2019-12-07 13:27:47 -08:00
#define SER_DEFAULTVER "defaultver"
2020-01-21 19:10:10 -08:00
#define SER_PACKETSIZE "packetsize"
2020-08-08 18:29:36 -07:00
#define SER_DETECTNETBLOCKING "detectnetblocking"
2020-08-23 16:05:00 +02:00
#define SER_SWAPMOUSEBUTTONS "swapmousebuttons"
2021-01-09 17:56:23 -06:00
#define SER_MUTEONFOCUSLOSS "muteonfocusloss"
2020-12-25 15:32:11 -06:00
#define SER_BACKGROUNDGAMEPAD "backgroundgamepad"
2020-12-25 22:21:20 -06:00
#define SER_REVERSESCROLL "reversescroll"
#define SER_SWAPFACEBUTTONS "swapfacebuttons"
2021-01-12 20:05:18 -06:00
#define SER_CAPTURESYSKEYS "capturesyskeys"
2022-03-16 21:48:56 -05:00
#define SER_KEEPAWAKE "keepawake"
2021-01-30 12:14:31 -06:00
#define SER_LANGUAGE "language"
2019-12-07 13:27:47 -08:00
2022-05-19 19:22:01 -05:00
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
2018-09-30 00:06:55 +03:00
StreamingPreferences::StreamingPreferences(QObject *parent)
2021-01-30 12:14:31 -06:00
: QObject(parent),
StreamingPreferences::StreamingPreferences(QQmlEngine *qmlEngine, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent),
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
void StreamingPreferences::reload()
QSettings settings;
2019-12-07 13:27:47 -08:00
int defaultVer = settings.value(SER_DEFAULTVER, 0).toInt();
2019-06-29 14:58:27 -07:00
#ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN
recommendedFullScreenMode = WindowMode::WM_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP;
2022-05-19 19:22:01 -05:00
// Wayland doesn't support modesetting, so use fullscreen desktop mode.
if (WMUtils::isRunningWayland()) {
recommendedFullScreenMode = WindowMode::WM_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP;
else {
recommendedFullScreenMode = WindowMode::WM_FULLSCREEN;
2019-06-29 14:58:27 -07:00
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
width = settings.value(SER_WIDTH, 1280).toInt();
height = settings.value(SER_HEIGHT, 720).toInt();
fps = settings.value(SER_FPS, 60).toInt();
bitrateKbps = settings.value(SER_BITRATE, getDefaultBitrate(width, height, fps)).toInt();
2018-08-20 22:25:19 -07:00
enableVsync = settings.value(SER_VSYNC, true).toBool();
2018-07-08 17:33:47 -07:00
gameOptimizations = settings.value(SER_GAMEOPTS, true).toBool();
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
playAudioOnHost = settings.value(SER_HOSTAUDIO, false).toBool();
multiController = settings.value(SER_MULTICONT, true).toBool();
2018-09-08 14:33:34 -07:00
unsupportedFps = settings.value(SER_UNSUPPORTEDFPS, false).toBool();
2018-09-09 12:33:19 -07:00
enableMdns = settings.value(SER_MDNS, true).toBool();
2018-12-06 04:45:28 +02:00
quitAppAfter = settings.value(SER_QUITAPPAFTER, false).toBool();
2020-04-25 13:00:39 -07:00
absoluteMouseMode = settings.value(SER_ABSMOUSEMODE, false).toBool();
2020-04-30 20:55:15 -07:00
absoluteTouchMode = settings.value(SER_ABSTOUCHMODE, true).toBool();
2018-12-25 12:57:00 -08:00
framePacing = settings.value(SER_FRAMEPACING, false).toBool();
2019-03-18 20:21:52 -07:00
connectionWarnings = settings.value(SER_CONNWARNINGS, true).toBool();
2019-06-29 17:40:30 -07:00
richPresence = settings.value(SER_RICHPRESENCE, true).toBool();
2019-06-29 18:24:59 -07:00
gamepadMouse = settings.value(SER_GAMEPADMOUSE, true).toBool();
2020-08-08 18:29:36 -07:00
detectNetworkBlocking = settings.value(SER_DETECTNETBLOCKING, true).toBool();
2020-01-21 19:10:10 -08:00
packetSize = settings.value(SER_PACKETSIZE, 0).toInt();
2020-08-23 16:05:00 +02:00
swapMouseButtons = settings.value(SER_SWAPMOUSEBUTTONS, false).toBool();
2021-01-09 17:56:23 -06:00
muteOnFocusLoss = settings.value(SER_MUTEONFOCUSLOSS, false).toBool();
2020-12-25 15:32:11 -06:00
backgroundGamepad = settings.value(SER_BACKGROUNDGAMEPAD, false).toBool();
2020-12-25 22:21:20 -06:00
reverseScrollDirection = settings.value(SER_REVERSESCROLL, false).toBool();
swapFaceButtons = settings.value(SER_SWAPFACEBUTTONS, false).toBool();
2022-03-16 21:48:56 -05:00
keepAwake = settings.value(SER_KEEPAWAKE, true).toBool();
2021-02-27 16:47:38 -06:00
captureSysKeysMode = static_cast<CaptureSysKeysMode>(settings.value(SER_CAPTURESYSKEYS,
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
audioConfig = static_cast<AudioConfig>(settings.value(SER_AUDIOCFG,
2018-10-02 15:30:22 -07:00
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
videoCodecConfig = static_cast<VideoCodecConfig>(settings.value(SER_VIDEOCFG,
2018-07-08 17:33:47 -07:00
videoDecoderSelection = static_cast<VideoDecoderSelection>(settings.value(SER_VIDEODEC,
2018-09-03 22:17:34 -04:00
windowMode = static_cast<WindowMode>(settings.value(SER_WINDOWMODE,
// Try to load from the old preference value too
static_cast<int>(settings.value(SER_FULLSCREEN, true).toBool() ?
2019-06-29 14:58:27 -07:00
recommendedFullScreenMode : WindowMode::WM_WINDOWED)).toInt());
2021-01-10 07:50:12 -08:00
uiDisplayMode = static_cast<UIDisplayMode>(settings.value(SER_UIDISPLAYMODE,
2021-01-10 10:09:31 -06:00
static_cast<int>(settings.value(SER_STARTWINDOWED, true).toBool() ? UIDisplayMode::UI_WINDOWED
: UIDisplayMode::UI_MAXIMIZED)).toInt());
2021-01-30 12:14:31 -06:00
language = static_cast<Language>(settings.value(SER_LANGUAGE,
2021-01-10 07:50:12 -08:00
2019-12-07 13:27:47 -08:00
// Perform default settings updates as required based on last default version
2022-05-19 19:22:01 -05:00
if (defaultVer < 1) {
2019-12-07 13:27:47 -08:00
#ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN
// Update window mode setting on macOS from full-screen (old default) to borderless windowed (new default)
if (windowMode == WindowMode::WM_FULLSCREEN) {
windowMode = WindowMode::WM_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP;
2022-05-19 19:22:01 -05:00
if (defaultVer < 2) {
if (windowMode == WindowMode::WM_FULLSCREEN && WMUtils::isRunningWayland()) {
windowMode = WindowMode::WM_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP;
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
2021-01-30 12:14:31 -06:00
bool StreamingPreferences::retranslate()
static QTranslator* translator = nullptr;
if (m_QmlEngine != nullptr) {
// Dynamic retranslation is not supported until Qt 5.10
return false;
QTranslator* newTranslator = new QTranslator();
QString languageSuffix = getSuffixFromLanguage(language);
// Remove the old translator, even if we can't load a new one.
// Otherwise we'll be stuck with the old translated values instead
// of defaulting to English.
if (translator != nullptr) {
delete translator;
translator = nullptr;
if (newTranslator->load(QString(":/languages/qml_") + languageSuffix)) {
qInfo() << "Successfully loaded translation for " << languageSuffix;
translator = newTranslator;
else {
qInfo() << "No translation available for " << languageSuffix;
delete newTranslator;
if (m_QmlEngine != nullptr) {
// This is a dynamic retranslation from the settings page.
// We have to kick the QML engine into reloading our text.
// Unreachable below Qt 5.10 due to the check above
2021-01-30 12:53:57 -06:00
2021-01-30 12:14:31 -06:00
else {
// This is a translation from a non-QML context, which means
// it is probably app startup. There's nothing to refresh.
return true;
QString StreamingPreferences::getSuffixFromLanguage(StreamingPreferences::Language lang)
switch (lang)
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
case LANG_DE:
return "de";
2021-01-30 12:14:31 -06:00
case LANG_EN:
return "en";
case LANG_FR:
return "fr";
case LANG_ZH_CN:
return "zh_cn";
2021-03-24 20:40:22 -05:00
case LANG_NB_NO:
return "nb_NO";
2021-04-04 10:25:06 -05:00
case LANG_RU:
return "ru";
case LANG_ES:
return "es";
2021-05-13 00:24:00 -05:00
case LANG_JA:
return "ja";
case LANG_VI:
return "vi";
2021-05-22 13:44:45 -05:00
case LANG_TH:
return "th";
case LANG_KO:
return "ko";
2021-10-06 21:03:02 -05:00
case LANG_HU:
return "hu";
case LANG_NL:
return "nl";
case LANG_SV:
return "sv";
case LANG_TR:
return "tr";
case LANG_UK:
return "uk";
return "zh_Hant";
2022-02-20 14:14:34 -06:00
case LANG_PT:
return "pt";
case LANG_PT_BR:
return "pt_BR";
case LANG_EL:
return "el";
case LANG_IT:
return "it";
case LANG_HI:
return "hi";
2022-05-07 14:32:07 -05:00
case LANG_PL:
return "pl";
case LANG_CS:
return "cs";
2021-01-30 12:14:31 -06:00
return QLocale::system().name();
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
void StreamingPreferences::save()
QSettings settings;
settings.setValue(SER_WIDTH, width);
settings.setValue(SER_HEIGHT, height);
settings.setValue(SER_FPS, fps);
settings.setValue(SER_BITRATE, bitrateKbps);
2018-08-20 22:25:19 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_VSYNC, enableVsync);
2018-07-08 17:33:47 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_GAMEOPTS, gameOptimizations);
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_HOSTAUDIO, playAudioOnHost);
settings.setValue(SER_MULTICONT, multiController);
2018-09-08 14:33:34 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_UNSUPPORTEDFPS, unsupportedFps);
2018-09-09 12:33:19 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_MDNS, enableMdns);
2018-12-06 04:45:28 +02:00
settings.setValue(SER_QUITAPPAFTER, quitAppAfter);
2020-04-25 13:00:39 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_ABSMOUSEMODE, absoluteMouseMode);
2020-04-30 20:55:15 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_ABSTOUCHMODE, absoluteTouchMode);
2018-12-25 12:57:00 -08:00
settings.setValue(SER_FRAMEPACING, framePacing);
2019-03-18 20:21:52 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_CONNWARNINGS, connectionWarnings);
2019-06-29 17:40:30 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_RICHPRESENCE, richPresence);
2019-06-29 18:24:59 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_GAMEPADMOUSE, gamepadMouse);
2020-01-21 19:10:10 -08:00
settings.setValue(SER_PACKETSIZE, packetSize);
2020-08-08 18:29:36 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_DETECTNETBLOCKING, detectNetworkBlocking);
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_AUDIOCFG, static_cast<int>(audioConfig));
settings.setValue(SER_VIDEOCFG, static_cast<int>(videoCodecConfig));
2018-07-08 17:33:47 -07:00
settings.setValue(SER_VIDEODEC, static_cast<int>(videoDecoderSelection));
2018-09-03 22:17:34 -04:00
settings.setValue(SER_WINDOWMODE, static_cast<int>(windowMode));
2021-01-10 07:50:12 -08:00
settings.setValue(SER_UIDISPLAYMODE, static_cast<int>(uiDisplayMode));
2021-01-30 12:14:31 -06:00
settings.setValue(SER_LANGUAGE, static_cast<int>(language));
2019-12-07 13:27:47 -08:00
2020-08-23 16:05:00 +02:00
settings.setValue(SER_SWAPMOUSEBUTTONS, swapMouseButtons);
2021-01-09 17:56:23 -06:00
settings.setValue(SER_MUTEONFOCUSLOSS, muteOnFocusLoss);
2020-12-25 15:32:11 -06:00
settings.setValue(SER_BACKGROUNDGAMEPAD, backgroundGamepad);
2020-12-25 22:21:20 -06:00
settings.setValue(SER_REVERSESCROLL, reverseScrollDirection);
settings.setValue(SER_SWAPFACEBUTTONS, swapFaceButtons);
2021-02-27 16:47:38 -06:00
settings.setValue(SER_CAPTURESYSKEYS, captureSysKeysMode);
2022-04-24 16:49:36 -05:00
settings.setValue(SER_KEEPAWAKE, keepAwake);
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
int StreamingPreferences::getDefaultBitrate(int width, int height, int fps)
2018-08-05 14:55:26 -07:00
// This table prefers 16:10 resolutions because they are
// only slightly more pixels than the 16:9 equivalents, so
// we don't want to bump those 16:10 resolutions up to the
// next 16:9 slot.
2020-11-24 00:13:39 -06:00
if (width * height <= 640 * 360) {
return static_cast<int>(1000 * (fps / 30.0));
else if (width * height <= 854 * 480) {
return static_cast<int>(1500 * (fps / 30.0));
2018-08-05 14:55:26 -07:00
// This covers 1280x720 and 1280x800 too
2020-11-24 00:13:39 -06:00
else if (width * height <= 1366 * 768) {
2018-07-28 01:22:31 -07:00
return static_cast<int>(5000 * (fps / 30.0));
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
2018-08-05 14:55:26 -07:00
else if (width * height <= 1920 * 1200) {
2018-07-28 01:22:31 -07:00
return static_cast<int>(10000 * (fps / 30.0));
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
2018-08-05 14:55:26 -07:00
else if (width * height <= 2560 * 1600) {
2018-07-28 01:22:31 -07:00
return static_cast<int>(20000 * (fps / 30.0));
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00
2018-07-28 01:22:31 -07:00
else /* if (width * height <= 3840 * 2160) */ {
return static_cast<int>(40000 * (fps / 30.0));
2018-06-27 23:15:13 -07:00