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# Contributing
We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by our [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
## Getting Started
- Make sure you have a [GitHub account](https://github.com/join).
- [Open an issue](https://github.com/mas-cli/mas/issues/new) to simply ask a question or request a new feature.
- Search for similar issues with the
[ERROR MESSAGE](https://github.com/mas-cli/mas/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+ERROR+MESSAGE)
you are experiencing.
- If one doesn't exist, [open a new issue](https://github.com/mas-cli/mas/issues/new)
- Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce when it is a bug.
- Include the earliest version of `mas` that you know has the issue.
- Include your macOS version.
## Making Changes
- [Fork the repository](https://github.com/mas-cli/mas#fork-destination-box) on GitHub.
- Clone your fork
`git clone git@github.com:your-username/mas.git`
- Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work.
- This is usually the `main` branch.
- To quickly create a topic branch based on `main`, run
`git checkout -b awesome-feature main`
- Please avoid working [directly on the main branch](https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/223400/when-should-i-stop-committing-to-master-on-new-projects).
- Make commits of logical units.
- Run script/format before committing your changes. Fix anything that isn't automatically fixed by the linters.
- Push your topic branch to your fork and [submit a pull request](https://github.com/mas-cli/mas/compare/main...your-username:topic-branch).
Some things that will increase the chance that your pull request is accepted:
- Write tests. (Tests target is still [in progress](https://github.com/mas-cli/mas/issues/123))
- If you need help with tests, feel free to open a PR in the meantime and just ask for some help.
- Add "[WIP]" to the title of your PR to indicate that it's not ready to be merged.
- Follow our [style guide](docs/style.md).
- Write a [good commit message](http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html).
- Including [appropriate emoji](https://gitmoji.carloscuesta.me/) in the first line of commit messages is fun :wink:.
## Becoming a Contributor
Once you have had a few PRs accepted, if you are interested in joining the
team to help with the issue/PR backlog and even release new versions of this project,
[open a new issue](https://github.com/mas-cli/mas/issues/new)
titled "Add Contributor: @YourGitHubUsername", with a brief message asking to join the team.
This project was created by [@argon](https://github.com/argon), who is unable to continue contributing
to this project, but must remain an owner. By becoming a contributor, you agree to the terms in [#47](https://github.com/mas-cli/mas/issues/47).
## Branching and Releases
- This project follows [trunk-based development](https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com/), where `main` is our trunk.
- Release commits will be tagged in the format: `v1.2.3`.
- Once releases are tagged, high-level release notes are published on the
[releases](https://github.com/mas-cli/mas/releases) page.
See GitHub's post on creating [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/blog/1184-contributing-guidelines)
if you would like to set up something like this for your projects.