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<img src="" width="250" height="156" alt="Mac Dev Playbook Logo" />
# Mac Development Ansible Playbook
This playbook installs and configures most of the software I use on my Mac for web and software development. Some things in macOS are slightly difficult to automate, so I still have a few manual installation steps, but at least it's all documented here.
## Installation
1. Ensure Apple's command line tools are installed (`xcode-select --install` to launch the installer).
2. [Install Ansible](
1. Run the following command to add Python 3 to your $PATH: `export PATH="$HOME/Library/Python/3.8/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"`
2. Upgrade Pip: `sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip`
3. Install Ansible: `pip3 install ansible`
3. Clone or download this repository to your local drive.
4. Run `ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml` inside this directory to install required Ansible roles.
5. Run `ansible-playbook main.yml --ask-become-pass` inside this directory. Enter your macOS account password when prompted for the 'BECOME' password.
> Note: If some Homebrew commands fail, you might need to agree to Xcode's license or fix some other Brew issue. Run `brew doctor` to see if this is the case.
### Use with a remote Mac
You can use this playbook to manage other Macs as well; the playbook doesn't even need to be run from a Mac at all! If you want to manage a remote Mac, either another Mac on your network, or a hosted Mac like the ones from [MacStadium](, you just need to make sure you can connect to it with SSH:
1. (On the Mac you want to connect to:) Go to System Preferences > Sharing.
2. Enable 'Remote Login'.
> You can also enable remote login on the command line:
> sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on
Then edit the `inventory` file in this repository and change the line that starts with `` to:
[ip address or hostname of mac] ansible_user=[mac ssh username]
If you need to supply an SSH password (if you don't use SSH keys), make sure to pass the `--ask-pass` parameter to the `ansible-playbook` command.
### Running a specific set of tagged tasks
You can filter which part of the provisioning process to run by specifying a set of tags using `ansible-playbook`'s `--tags` flag. The tags available are `dotfiles`, `homebrew`, `mas`, `extra-packages` and `osx`.
ansible-playbook main.yml -K --tags "dotfiles,homebrew"
## Overriding Defaults
Not everyone's development environment and preferred software configuration is the same.
You can override any of the defaults configured in `default.config.yml` by creating a `config.yml` file and setting the overrides in that file. For example, you can customize the installed packages and apps with something like:
- cowsay
- git
- go
- { id: 443987910, name: "1Password" }
- { id: 498486288, name: "Quick Resizer" }
- { id: 557168941, name: "Tweetbot" }
- { id: 497799835, name: "Xcode" }
- name: hirak/prestissimo
- name: drush/drush
version: '^8.1'
- name: bundler
state: latest
- name: webpack
- name: mkdocs
configure_dock: true
- Launchpad
- TV
- name: "Sublime Text"
path: "/Applications/Sublime"
pos: 5
Any variable can be overridden in `config.yml`; see the supporting roles' documentation for a complete list of available variables.
## Included Applications / Configuration (Default)
Applications (installed with Homebrew Cask):
- [ChromeDriver](
- [Docker](
- [Dropbox](
- [Firefox](
- [Google Chrome](
- [Handbrake](
- [Homebrew](
- [LICEcap](
- [nvALT](
- [Sequel Ace]( (MySQL client)
- [Slack](
- [Sublime Text](
- [Transmit]( (S/FTP client)
Packages (installed with Homebrew):
- autoconf
- bash-completion
- doxygen
- gettext
- gifsicle
- git
- github/gh/gh
- go
- gpg
- httpie
- iperf
- libevent
- sqlite
- mcrypt
- nmap
- node
- nvm
- php
- ssh-copy-id
- cowsay
- readline
- openssl
- pv
- wget
- wrk
- zsh-history-substring-search
My [dotfiles]( are also installed into the current user's home directory, including the `.osx` dotfile for configuring many aspects of macOS for better performance and ease of use. You can disable dotfiles management by setting `configure_dotfiles: no` in your configuration.
Finally, there are a few other preferences and settings added on for various apps and services.
## Full / From-scratch setup guide
Since I've used this playbook to set up something like 20 different Macs, I decided to write up a full 100% from-scratch install for my own reference (everyone's particular install will be slightly different).
You can see my full from-scratch setup document here: [](
## Testing the Playbook
Many people have asked me if I often wipe my entire workstation and start from scratch just to test changes to the playbook. Nope! This project is [continuously tested on GitHub Actions' macOS infrastructure](
You can also run macOS itself inside a VM, for at least some of the required testing (App Store apps and some proprietary software might not install properly). I currently recommend:
- [UTM](
- [Tart](
## Ansible for DevOps
Check out [Ansible for DevOps](, which teaches you how to automate almost anything with Ansible.
## Author
This project was created by [Jeff Geerling]( (originally inspired by [MWGriffin/ansible-playbooks](