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# Leptos Starter Template
This is a template demonstrating how to integrate [TailwindCSS](https://tailwindcss.com/) with the [Leptos](https://github.com/leptos-rs/leptos) web framework and the [trunk](https://github.com/thedodd/trunk) tool.
## Getting Started
See the [Examples README](../README.md) for setup and run instructions.
## Tailwind
`Trunk.toml` is configured to build the CSS automatically.
You can install Tailwind using `npm`:
npm install -D tailwindcss
If you'd rather not use `npm`, you can install the Tailwind binary [here](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/releases).
## Setting up with VS Code and Additional Tools
If you're using VS Code, add the following to your `settings.json`
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"rust": "html",
"*.rs": "html"
"tailwindCSS.includeLanguages": {
"rust": "html",
"*.rs": "html"
"files.associations": {
"*.rs": "rust"
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": "on",
"comments": "on",
"strings": true
"css.validate": false,
Install [Tailwind CSS Intellisense](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss).
Install [VS Browser](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Phu1237.vs-browser) extension (allows you to open a browser at the right window).
Allow vscode Ports forward: 3000, 3001.
### Attribution
Many thanks to GreatGreg for putting together this guide. You can find the original, with added details, [here](https://github.com/leptos-rs/leptos/discussions/125).
## Quick Start
Run `trunk serve --open` to run this example.