
842 B

Leptos Todo App Sqlite with Axum

This example creates a basic todo app with an Axum backend that uses Leptos' server functions to call sqlx from the client and seamlessly run it on the server.

Server Side Rendering With Hydration

To run it as a server side app with hydration, first you should run

wasm-pack build --target=web --debug --no-default-features --features=hydrate

to generate the WebAssembly to hydrate the HTML that is generated on the server.

Then run the server with cargo run to serve the server side rendered HTML and the WASM bundle for hydration.

cargo run --no-default-features --features=ssr

Note that if your hydration code changes, you will have to rerun the wasm-pack command above This should be temporary, and vastly improve once cargo-leptos becomes ready for prime time!