2024-07-06 17:44:48 +02:00

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Service Integrations

To further enhance your music experience, Koel supports several 3rd-party service integrations: Last.fm, Spotify, and YouTube.


Connecting Koel to Last.fm will instruct Koel to retrieve artist and album information from Last.fm as well as support scrobbling. To enable the connection:

  1. Create a Last.fm API account. In the Callback URL field, fill in https://<your-koel-host>/api/lastfm/callback (though this is not used).
  2. Populate the two variables LASTFM_API_KEY and LASTFM_API_SECRET in .env with the credentials grabbed from step 1. This enables Koel to retrieve media information from Last.fm.
  3. To enable scrobbling, go to https://<your-koel-host>/#/profile and click the Connect button under Last.fm Integration. This connection is per-user, i.e. each user can connect their own Last.fm account.


Integration with Spotify allows Koel to fetch more metadata like album arts and artist images. To enable the integration:

  1. Register for a developer account and create an app in Spotify dashboard
  2. Populate SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET in .env with the credentials from step 1.


With YouTube integration, whenever a song is played, Koel will search YouTube for related videos and display them in the sidebar for you to watch without leaving Koel. The only thing you need to do is fill in .env with your YOUTUBE_API_KEY, which can be obtained via the following:

  1. Create a new Google Project
  2. From the project's Dashboard, click “ENABLE API” and make sure “YouTube Data API v3” is enabled
  3. From the project's Credentials, click Create credentials → API Key → Server key

:::tip Limitations YouTube integration is always disabled on mobile due to OS restrictions. Also, you interact with the videos via YouTube controls. Koel's equalizer, volume, seeker, play/pause buttons etc. doesn't have effect on the videos. :::