2024-07-06 17:44:48 +02:00

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Local Development

Koel is built with Laravel and Vue.js, and as such, it requires a PHP environment to run. There are multiple ways to set up a PHP development environment, but if you're on macOS, the easiest way is probably to use Laravel Herd. You will also need Node.js and Yarn to build the client application. For more requirements, refer to the Requirements section.

Running the Local Webserver

Start both the PHP server and the client application in one go with yarn dev, which uses start-server-and-test to manage both vite and Laravel:

yarn dev
  vite v2.9.13 dev server running at:

  > Local: http://localhost:3000/
  > Network: use `--host` to expose

  ready in 761ms.

  Laravel v9.22.1

  > APP_URL: http://localhost:8000

A development version of Koel should now be available at http://localhost:8000 with full HMR support.

Testing, Linting, Static Analysis, etc.

# PHP-related code quality tasks
# Basically, take a look at the "scripts" section in composer.json
composer test        # Run the PHP test suite
composer cs          # Run code style checker
composer cs:fix      # Run code style fixer
composer analyze     # Run PHP static analysis

yarn build # Build a production version of the client application

# Client code quality tasks
# These commands need to be run from within the submodule (resources/assets)
yarn test            # Unit testing
yarn lint            # Lint

Ask for Help

If you're stuck, the issue page on GitHub is a good place to ask for help.