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# Releasing Chef InSpec
This document describes the release process for Chef InSpec as used internally at Chef Software.
## Promote Dependency Gems
It's important that you promote dependency gems - and thus release them to rubygems.org - BEFORE the last PR that you intend to release merges into inspec/inspec. This is because during the `inspec` merge process, software artifacts, such as omnibus packages, Habitat packages, and Docker images, are created that embed the dependencies. During promotion, these artifacts are simply promoted, rather than rebuilt. If you need a later version of one of these dependencies and have no legitimate PR to merge, you may need a dummy PR.
### Key Dependencies
Any change to these gems must be promoted to rubygems.org prior to releasing Chef InSpec.
#### `train` / `train-core`
Train is the connectivity library for Chef InSpec, and is the most critical dependency of Chef InSpec.
`train-core` is a stripped-down version of `train`, with no cloud provider plugins and no gems that require compilation during installation.
You can promote `train` by running, in #inspec-notify:
/expeditor promote inspec/train:master 3.2.23
Note that the version you give to Expeditor is the plain version (not the tag, which includes a `v` prefix).
#### `train-aws`, `train-winrm`, and `train-habitat`
These gems are the transports, or connectivity drivers, that have been fully plugin-ized.
`train-aws` in particular is critical because it carries the gem dependencies for all AWS libraries required by `inspec-aws`. When the gem dependencies change, you must update `train-aws`, and so must `train` and `inspec`.
You can promote each of these gems by running in #inspec-notify:
/expeditor promote inspec/GEMNAME:master VERSION
## Merging Chef InSpec PRs
At the time of writing, a merge typically takes about 30-40 minutes of test time.
Watch the Slack channel #inspec-notify for messages about the success or failure of various steps.
Connect to the Chef VPN to fetch Expeditor logs in the event of a failure.
### Check Expeditor Labels
Most, though not all, PRs should not have any Expeditor control labels. The patchlevel (4.18.X) will be automatically incremented by the [expeditor configuration](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/44fe144732e1e0abb2594957a880c5f1821e7774/.expeditor/config.yml#L117) and the [version bump script](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/.expeditor/update_version.sh).
Here are the Expeditor control labels, and the circumstances under which they should be used:
* Expeditor: Bump Minor Version - Use when a significant new feature is being released.
* Expeditor: Skip Changelog - Should only be used for dummy PRs.
* Expeditor: Skip Version Bump - Use for non-code-change PRs, such as website or CI changes.
* Expeditor: Skip Omnibus - Use for non-code-change PRs, such as website or CI changes.
* Expeditor: Skip Habitat - Use for non-code-change PRs, such as website or CI changes.
### Click Merge
This task should be straightforward, assuming the big merge button is green.
You will see a message in #inspec-notify from Expeditor that it "performed actions for merged_inspec/inspec#1234" in this case for PR 1234. Among the messages will be links to the Omnibus and Habitat builds.
You'll see a message in #inspec-notify from Expeditor that it "performed actions for merged_inspec/inspec#1234" (for PR 1234, for example). Among the messages will be links to the Omnibus and Habitat builds.
### Watch Omnibus Build
The Omnibus build creates operating-system-specific packages for each platform on which we release Chef InSpec. Its [expeditor configuration](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/44fe144732e1e0abb2594957a880c5f1821e7774/.expeditor/config.yml#L133) drives a [Buildkite configuration](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/.expeditor/release.omnibus.yml), which lists exactly which platforms to build.
The Omnibus build is generally reliable, if somewhat slow.
When the omnibus build succeeds, omnitruck delivers the packages to various package repos in `unstable` channels for public consumption.
### Watch Chef Habitat Build
The Chef Habitat build creates Habitat .hart packages for Linux and Windows. The [Expeditor configuration](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/44fe144732e1e0abb2594957a880c5f1821e7774/.expeditor/config.yml#L138) drives a [Buildkite configuration](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/.expeditor/build.habitat.yml).
The Chef Habitat build is unreliable, usually due to network timeouts on the Windows machines. It often requires manual retries by clicking the retry button in Buildkite. You can find the link to try a manual retry from the message posted by Expeditor in #inspec-notify. If you do not retry, later steps will fail.
When the hab build succeeds, the packages will be placed on the Hab builder in the `unstable` channel for public consumption.
### Docker Image Built and Released
We also release a Docker image (see [expeditor config](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/44fe144732e1e0abb2594957a880c5f1821e7774/.expeditor/config.yml#L150)), which contains an Alpine system and Chef InSpec installed from a gem, with the ENTRYPOINT of the Docker image being `inspec` (see [Dockerfile](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/Dockerfile)). It's a simple way to ship the dependencies of `inspec`.
When it succeeds, the Docker build is labeled as `current`. Currently, there is nothing that promotes the Docker image to the `stable` label ([#4952](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/issues/4952)).
### Gems Built and Placed on Artifactory
The `inspec`, `inspec-bin`, `inspec-core`, and `inspec-core-bin` gems are all built and placed on the internal Chef Artifactory server. During promotion later, they publish to rubygems.org.
The difference between the gems is as follows:
* `inspec` is a library gem, with full heavyweight dependencies, not encumbered by commercial licensing
* `inspec-bin` contains an `inspec` executable and is encumbered by commercial licensing
* `inspec-core` is a library gem, with lightweight dependencies and no compilation required at install time, and is not encumbered by commercial licensing
* `inspec-core-bin` contains an `inspec` executable and is encumbered by commercial licensing
### Update Pending Release Notes
As you merge each pull request, update the [Pending Release Notes](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/wiki/Pending-Release-Notes). Some guidelines:
* Do not include minor or non-customer visible changes, such as CI changes or test harness changes.
* Do include bug fixes, features, and other things that impact the user.
* Your words will be edited by the Docs team, but try help them along by keeping it human oriented; this isn't the technical-oriented CHANGELOG.
* Add the PR number as a reference for the Docs team. They will typically remove them, but they may need to get more context by looking up the originating PR.
* It's preferable to add notes as things merge, lest they be forgotten; sifting through a pile of merged PRs in a rush is a chore!
### Known Expeditor issues and resolutions
Generally, expeditor issues and failures that appear unrelated to the InSpec PR should be flagged internally to `#releng-support` or `#expeditor-support`.
During promotion (see below), the build process is not currently idempotent. That means if promotion fails, __do not simply press the `retry` button__. It is likely that you will need to get support from Releng or do some elements of the promotion manually. One example of this is currently `publish_rubygems`. If that step passes and a later step fails, all steps will fail on `publish_rubygems` as it is already published. This part of documentation will be updated once there is a supported `retry`.
At the moment the best-known solution is to comment out the lines of the build that have passed (keeping an eye on their dependencies), merging that PR into master, waiting for the new build and version bump, and re-running the promotion command against the failed InSpec promotion version.
Occasionally there may be an unexplainable expeditor error. One thing to quickly check is the version of expeditor being run against the current "master" expeditor. In certain cases our expeditor will __not__ automatically update and the bugfix we require is on a future expeditor version. To fix this you need to manually restart the inspec:inspec-master agent here: https://expeditor.chef.io/dashboard/#/agents
## Promoting Chef InSpec
Promotion should only be attempted if you have a set of green artifacts in #inspec-notify.
### Notify Docs Team
Let the Docs team (@docs-team) know that a release is planned and that editing of the release notes is needed. All content should be completed at least one day before release. The Docs team will polish up the words and remove any unused sections.
Wait until they let you know the release notes are ready.
### Run promote command
The promote command is:
/expeditor promote inspec/inspec:master 4.18.100
Note that the version you give to Expeditor is the plain version (not the tag, which includes a `v` prefix).
A lot happens when you promote:
inspec/inspec:master 4.18.100 was promoted to stable by cwolfe
inspec/inspec:master performed the following actions for inspec/inspec:master (4.18.100) (logs)
• Promoted version 4.18.100 of inspec to stable.
inspec/inspec:master performed the following actions for inspec/inspec:master (4.18.100) (logs)
• Promoted version 4.18.100 of inspec to stable.
:metal: :ice_cream: inspec 4.18.100 has been promoted to the stable channel!
The artifacts can be downloaded from:
• stable channel of https://packages.chef.io
• stable channel of https://omnitruck.chef.io
• https://downloads.chef.io/inspec/stable/4.18.100
inspec/inspec:master performed the following actions for inspec 4.18.100 (stable) (logs)
• Executed .expeditor/update_dockerfile.sh
• Updated CHANGELOG.md to reflect the promotion of 4.18.100
• Published inspec-4.18.100, inspec-core-4.18.100, inspec-bin-4.18.100, and inspec-core-bin-4.18.100 to RubyGems.org
• Created GitHub release Chef InSpec v4.18.100
• Tagged chef/inspec:4.18.100 with 4, 4.18, and latest
• Promoted chef/inspec/4.18.100/20200303200836 for x86_64-windows to the stable channel on the Habitat Depot
• Promoted chef/inspec/4.18.100/20200303200418 for x86_64-linux to the stable channel on the Habitat Depot
• Promoted chef/inspec/4.18.100/20200303200623 for x86_64-linux-kernel2 to the stable channel on the Habitat Depot
• Executed .expeditor/publish-release-notes.sh
• Executed .expeditor/purge-cdn.sh
• Executed .expeditor/announce-release.sh
• Notified Slack channels of the artifact_published event
Among other things, this promotion automatically generates [release notes](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/.expeditor/publish-release-notes.sh) and [publishes them](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/.expeditor/announce-release.sh) to Discourse.
### Update chef/homebrew-chef
The release of InSpec will automatically create a PR to bump InSpec in https://github.com/chef/homebrew-chef
This should be merged - at some point this could be changed to directly committing to the repo.
## Updating InSpec Docs on docs.chef.io
See the [README](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/docs-chef-io/README.md#update-the-inspec-repository-module-in-chefchef-web-docs) for instructions on
updating the current InSpec documentation on docs.chef.io.