3 KiB
This repository collects resources for writing clean, idiomatic Rust code. You can find a sortable/searchable version of this list here.
Idiomatic coding means following the conventions of a given language. It is the most concise, convenient, and common way of accomplishing a task in that language, rather than forcing it to work in a way the author is familiar with from a different language. - Adapted from Tim Mansfield
Contributions welcome! To add missing resources, please refer to the contributing documentation.
⚙ Projects
{% for project in projects %}
- [{{ project.title }}]({{ project.url }}) — {{ project.description }} {%- endfor %}
🏋 Workshops
{% for workshop in workshops %}
- [{{ workshop.title }}]({{ workshop.url }}) — {{ workshop.description }} {%- endfor %}
📖 Books
{% for book in books %}
- [{{ book.title }}]({{ book.url }}) — {{ book.description }} {%- endfor %}
📰 Articles
{% for (year, resources) in articles %}
{{ year }}
{% for resource in resources -%}
- [{{ resource.title }}]({{ resource.url }}) — {{ resource.description }} {% endfor %} {%- endfor %}
🎤 Talks
{% for (year, resources) in talks %}
{{ year }}
{% for resource in resources -%}
- {{ resource.title }} — {{ resource.description }} [[Video]({{ resource.url }})] {% endfor %} {%- endfor %}
💬 Forum
{% for (year, resources) in forum %}
{{ year }}
{% for resource in resources -%}
- [{{ resource.title }}]({{ resource.url }}) {% endfor %} {%- endfor %}
📜 History
Coming from Python, I loved the guidelines on how idiomatic Python looks like. I was inspired by the likes of Peter Norvig, who wrote amazing articles on spellcheckers and sudoku solvers; and, of course, the Zen of Python. For Rust, there is no such thing as the Zen of Python, however, so I started collecting my own resources. The goal of this project is to create a peer-reviewed collection of articles/talks/repos, which teach idiomatic Rust style. It's a community project and you can contribute.
🔏 License
To the extent possible under law, Matthias Endler has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. Logo adapted from FreePik.com.