2022-05-01 13:25:53 +00:00

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Basic Information

Is an Internet protocol that helps identify the user of a particular TCP connection.

Default port: 113

113/tcp open  ident


Manual - Get user/Identify the service

If a machine is running the service ident and samba (445) and you are connected to samba using the port 43218. You can get which user is running the samba service by doing:

If you just press enter when you conenct to the service:

Other errors:


By default (-sC) nmap will identify every user of every running port:

22/tcp  open  ssh         OpenSSH 4.3p2 Debian 9 (protocol 2.0)
|_auth-owners: root
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   1024 88:23:98:0d:9d:8a:20:59:35:b8:14:12:14:d5:d0:44 (DSA)
|_  2048 6b:5d:04:71:76:78:56:96:56:92:a8:02:30:73:ee:fa (RSA)
113/tcp open  ident
|_auth-owners: identd
139/tcp open  netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: LOCAL)
|_auth-owners: root
445/tcp open  netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.0.24 (workgroup: LOCAL)
|_auth-owners: root


Ident-user-enum is a simple PERL script to query the ident service (113/TCP) in order to determine the owner of the process listening on each TCP port of a target system. The list of usernames gathered can be used for password guessing attacks on other network services. It can be installed with apt install ident-user-enum.

root@kali:/opt/local/recon/ ident-user-enum 22 113 139 445
ident-user-enum v1.0 ( http://pentestmonkey.net/tools/ident-user-enum )  root identd root root


  • oident



HackTricks Automatic Commands

Protocol_Name: Ident    #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one.
Port_Number:  113     #Comma separated if there is more than one.
Protocol_Description: Identification Protocol         #Protocol Abbreviation Spelled out

  Name: Notes
  Description: Notes for Ident
  Note: |
    Is an Internet protocol that helps identify the user of a particular TCP connection.


  Name: Enum Users
  Description: Enumerate Users
  Note: apt install ident-user-enum    ident-user-enum {IP} 22 23 139 445 (try all open ports)
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