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macOS Library Injection

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{% hint style="danger" %} The code of dyld is open source and can be found in https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/ and cab be downloaded a tar using a URL such as https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/dyld/dyld-852.2.tar.gz {% endhint %}


This is a colon separated list of dynamic libraries to load before the ones specified in the program. This lets you test new modules of existing dynamic shared libraries that are used in flat-namespace images by loading a temporary dynamic shared library with just the new modules. Note that this has no effect on images built a two-level namespace images using a dynamic shared library unless DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE is also used.

This is like the LD_PRELOAD on Linux.

This technique may be also used as an ASEP technique as every application installed has a plist called "Info.plist" that allows for the assigning of environmental variables using a key called LSEnvironmental.

{% hint style="info" %} Since 2012 Apple has drastically reduced the power of the DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES.

Go to the code and check src/dyld.cpp. In the function pruneEnvironmentVariables you can see that DYLD_* variables are removed.

In the function processRestricted the reason of the restriction is set. Checking that code you can see that the reasons are:

  • The binary is setuid/setgid
  • Existence of __RESTRICT/__restrict section in the macho binary.
  • The software has entitlements (hardened runtime) without com.apple.security.cs.allow-dyld-environment-variables entitlement or com.apple.security.cs.disable-library-validation.
    • Check entitlements of a binary with: codesign -dv --entitlements :- </path/to/bin>
  • If the lib is signed with a different certificate as the binary
    • If the lib & the bin are signed with the same cert, this will bypass the previous restrictions
  • Programs with the entitlements system.install.apple-software and system.install.apple-software.standar-user can install software signed by Apple without asking the user for a password (privesc)

In more updated versions you can find this logic at the second part of the function configureProcessRestrictions. However, what is executed in newer versions is the beginning checks of the function (you can remove the ifs related to iOS or simulation as those won't be used in macOS. {% endhint %}

You can check if a binary has hardenend runtime with codesign --display --verbose <bin> checking the flag runtime in CodeDirectory like: CodeDirectory v=20500 size=767 flags=0x10000(runtime) hashes=13+7 location=embedded

Find a example on how to (ab)use this and check the restrictions in:

{% content-ref url="macos-dyld-hijacking-and-dyld_insert_libraries.md" %} macos-dyld-hijacking-and-dyld_insert_libraries.md {% endcontent-ref %}

Dylib Hijacking

{% hint style="danger" %} Remember that previous restrictions also apply to perform Dylib hijacking attacks. {% endhint %}

As in Windows, in MacOS you can also hijack dylibs to make applications execute arbitrary code.
However, the way MacOS applications load libraries is more restricted than in Windows. This implies that malware developers can still use this technique for stealth, but the probably to be able to abuse this to escalate privileges is much lower.

First of all, is more common to find that MacOS binaries indicates the full path to the libraries to load. And second, MacOS never search in the folders of the $PATH for libraries.

The main part of the code related to this functionality is in ImageLoader::recursiveLoadLibraries in ImageLoader.cpp.

However, there are 2 types of dylib hijacking:

  • Missing weak linked libraries: This means that the application will try to load a library that doesn't exist configured with LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB. Then, if an attacker places a dylib where it's expected it will be loaded.
    • The fact that the link is "weak" means that the application will continue running even if the library isn't found.
    • The code related to this is in the function ImageLoaderMachO::doGetDependentLibraries of ImageLoaderMachO.cpp where lib->required is only false when LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB is true.
    • Find weak liked libraries in binaries with (you have later an example on how to create hijacking libraries):
      • otool -l </path/to/bin> | grep LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB -A 5 cmd LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB
        cmdsize 56
        name /var/tmp/lib/libUtl.1.dylib (offset 24)
        time stamp 2 Wed Jun 21 12:23:31 1969
        current version 1.0.0
        compatibility version 1.0.0
  • Configured with @rpath: Mach-O binaries can have the commands LC_RPATH and LC_LOAD_DYLIB. Base on the values of those commands, libraries are going to be loaded from different directories.
    • LC_RPATH contains the paths of some folders used to load libraries by the binary.
    • LC_LOAD_DYLIB contains the path to specific libraries to load. These paths can contain @rpath, which will be replaced by the values in LC_RPATH. If there are several paths in LC_RPATH everyone will be used to search the library to load. Example:
      • If LC_LOAD_DYLIB contains @rpath/library.dylib and LC_RPATH contains /application/app.app/Contents/Framework/v1/ and /application/app.app/Contents/Framework/v2/. Both folders are going to be used to load library.dylib. If the library doesn't exist in [...]/v1/ and attacker could place it there to hijack the load of the library in [...]/v2/ as the order of paths in LC_LOAD_DYLIB is followed.
    • Find rpath paths and libraries in binaries with: otool -l </path/to/binary> | grep -E "LC_RPATH|LC_LOAD_DYLIB" -A 5

{% hint style="info" %} @executable_path: Is the path to the directory containing the main executable file.

@loader_path: Is the path to the directory containing the Mach-O binary which contains the load command.

  • When used in an executable, @loader_path is effectively the same as @executable_path.
  • When used in a dylib, @loader_path gives the path to the dylib. {% endhint %}

The way to escalate privileges abusing this functionality would be in the rare case that an application being executed by root is looking for some library in some folder where the attacker has write permissions.

{% hint style="success" %} A nice scanner to find missing libraries in applications is Dylib Hijack Scanner or a CLI version.
A nice report with technical details about this technique can be found here. {% endhint %}


{% content-ref url="macos-dyld-hijacking-and-dyld_insert_libraries.md" %} macos-dyld-hijacking-and-dyld_insert_libraries.md {% endcontent-ref %}

Dlopen Hijacking

From man dlopen:

  • When path does not contain a slash character (i.e. it is just a leaf name), dlopen() will do searching. If $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH was set at launch, dyld will first look in that directory. Next, if the calling mach-o file or the main executable specify an LC_RPATH, then dyld will look in those directories. Next, if the process is unrestricted, dyld will search in the current working directory. Lastly, for old binaries, dyld will try some fallbacks. If $DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH was set at launch, dyld will search in those directories, otherwise, dyld will look in /usr/local/lib/ (if the process is unrestricted), and then in /usr/lib/.
    2. LC_RPATH
    3. CWD(if unrestricted)
    5. /usr/local/lib/ (if unrestricted)
    6. /usr/lib/
  • When path looks like a framework path (e.g. /stuff/foo.framework/foo), if $DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH was set at launch, dyld will first look in that directory for the framework partial path (e.g. foo.framework/foo). Next, dyld will try the supplied path as-is (using current working directory for relative paths). Lastly, for old binaries, dyld will try some fallbacks. If $DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH was set at launch, dyld will search those directories. Otherwise, it will search /Library/Frameworks (on macOS if process is unrestricted), then /System/Library/Frameworks.
    2. supplied path (using current working directory for relative paths)
    3. $DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH(if unrestricted)
    4. /Library/Frameworks (if unrestricted)
    5. /System/Library/Frameworks
  • When path contains a slash but is not a framework path (i.e. a full path or a partial path to a dylib), dlopen() first looks in (if set) in $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (with leaf part from path ). Next, dyld tries the supplied path (using current working directory for relative paths (but only for unrestricted processes)). Lastly, for older binaries, dyld will try fallbacks. If $DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH was set at launch, dyld will search in those directories, otherwise, dyld will look in /usr/local/lib/ (if the process is unrestricted), and then in /usr/lib/.
    2. supplied path (using current working directory for relative paths if unrestricted)
    4. /usr/local/lib/ (if unrestricted)
    5. /usr/lib/

Note: If the main executable is a set[ug]id binary or codesigned with entitlements, then all environment variables are ignored, and only a full path can be used.

Check paths

Lets check all the options with the following code:

#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    void* handle;

    handle = dlopen("just_name_dlopentest.dylib",1);
    if (!handle) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error loading: %s\n", dlerror());

    handle = dlopen("a/framework/rel_framework_dlopentest.dylib",1);
    if (!handle) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error loading: %s\n", dlerror());

    handle = dlopen("/a/abs/framework/abs_framework_dlopentest.dylib",1);
    if (!handle) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error loading: %s\n", dlerror());

    handle = dlopen("a/folder/rel_folder_dlopentest.dylib",1);
    if (!handle) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error loading: %s\n", dlerror());

    handle = dlopen("/a/abs/folder/abs_folder_dlopentest.dylib",1);
    if (!handle) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error loading: %s\n", dlerror());

    return 0;

If you compile and execute it you can see where each library was unsuccessfully searched for. Also, you could filter the FS logs:

sudo fs_usage | grep "dlopentest"
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